maverick replied to the topic Community Answer module disturb whole page design after login.
July 5 at 5:20 pm
Can you post some screenshots to show what are the differences? I can't understand by looking into the page what is wrong. -
goldlasso created new topic Community Answer module disturb whole page design after login.
July 5 at 5:55 am
Hi, When i login to website, automatically gets added and disturb whole page design. You can check... -
Comfone replied to the topic Adding a coment box to the star rating / Eliminate the "raty-cancel" button before the stars.
July 3 at 7:04 am
Thanks! All good! -
maverick replied to the topic Import from Joomla Quiz Deluxe.
June 30 at 5:16 am
I did not get any response from OP. I have no idea what the JoomlaQuiz component doing so couldn't write the importer. -
indira replied to the topic Hide field "alias" in Questions.
June 29 at 11:02 pm
Maverick....after changing the page does not load and error: Call to a member function authorise() on null -
ginjg replied to the topic Import from Joomla Quiz Deluxe.
June 29 at 8:50 pm
Were you able to create an importer from JoomlaQuiz Deluxe? I'm in the same situation as the OP. I want to change components because I need to include... -
gsk99 replied to the topic add invite column under "My Surveys".
June 29 at 6:56 pm
Excellent. Thanks maverick. -
maverick replied to the topic add invite column under "My Surveys".
June 29 at 6:40 pm
Done. Added in my code. Will be available in next release. -
maverick replied to the topic Hide field "alias" in Questions.
June 29 at 6:31 pm
You can override the form layout or edit it. edit components/com_communityanswers/views/form/tmpl/edit.php find below code at line 75 <?php if... -
maverick replied to the topic Adding a coment box to the star rating / Eliminate the "raty-cancel" button before the stars.
June 29 at 6:26 pm
1. As of now this is not possible. However I will add this as my to-do feature list for future versions. 2. Edit media/com_communitysurveys/js/cj.surveys.min.js and... -
gsk99 created new topic add invite column under "My Surveys".
June 29 at 2:02 pm
The main surveys page has a link for inviting users to the survey. It would be very useful if the My Surveys table also had an invite column. -
indira created new topic Hide field "alias" in Questions.
June 29 at 10:06 am
Hello! Is there a possibility in the component "Questions" to hide the field "Alias" from the users? I want the field "Alias" was only visible for super users. -
Comfone created new topic Adding a coment box to the star rating / Eliminate the "raty-cancel" button before the stars.
June 29 at 9:28 am
Hi, Great component! Got 2 questions: How to add a coment feature to the star rating? Right now we are using a multi-rating question and at the... -
replied to the topic Modules?.
June 29 at 6:04 am
Because your articles do not have any menu item on their own and need to fall back to home page menu.Create Category type menu item for each top level category and...