maverick replied to the topic finish suervey button.
July 13 at 6:43 pm
Continue button will be shown if you have more than 1 page. Make sure you have no empty pages left while creating questions. Regarding the country name: Are you behind... -
maverick replied to the topic Question Type File-Upload.
July 13 at 6:41 pm
1. Can you send me your website details to check the issue? 2. Please enter file types in lower case. -
grafixpress replied to the topic Content Plugin: Map is not shown in Joomla articles.
July 13 at 4:08 pm
Hello Maverick, see here -
replied to the topic Content Plugin: Map is not shown in Joomla articles.
July 13 at 3:57 pm
Where can I see the issue? -
grafixpress created new topic Content Plugin: Map is not shown in Joomla articles.
July 13 at 12:21 pm
The content plugin shows no map in articles, and elevation etc. is displayed wrong.It seems the content plugin is not working properly In Tracks all is displayed... -
mrit1305 created new topic finish suervey button.
July 13 at 11:16 am
hallo! I'm working on a site to provide a single survey for a university research. I;ve created a survey with 5 questions in one page and at the end of them there... - replied to the topic Question Type File-Upload.
July 13 at 6:19 am
1. I use latest versions: Joomla version 3.7.3 and Community Survey version 4.4.0. 2. Thanks. It works so far, but:> I allowed PNG and JPG -
maverick replied to the topic How to get community survey response.
July 13 at 6:13 am
You can view the response details by going to the Reports page of your survey. Go to Reports of your survey -> Click on View All Responses link ->... -
mycadena created new topic How to get community survey response.
July 13 at 5:14 am
Hi, Can you please let me know how can I get response of Survey input after completing the survey on another page. Is there any code, library or method... -
replied to the topic Errors After Upgrade.
July 13 at 5:13 am
Can you send me your website and admin details using contact us form so that I can check the issue? -
helpdesk replied to the topic Errors After Upgrade.
July 13 at 2:03 am
Thanks for the quick response! I checked Extensions -> Plugins and found five that are activated. I then checked Components -> Community Surveys and changed the default... -
maverick replied to the topic Question Type File-Upload.
July 12 at 8:16 pm
1. what is the version of the component you are using? 2. Go to Components -> Community Surveys -> Click on Options button on toolbar -> Shared Options tab... - created new topic Question Type File-Upload.
July 12 at 2:29 pm
Hi, I now used the question type "FILE UPLOAD" for the first time.Uploda works and files are stored correctly on the server in folder... - replied to the topic SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data.
July 12 at 6:52 am
Oh!!!!! Sorry... you are so right. Cause of it´s a dev, I used a password protection for the site. So for me the image was always available... I´m... -
replied to the topic Errors After Upgrade.
July 12 at 5:42 am
Make sure at least one Joomla editor is enabled. Go to Extensions -> Plugins and filter editor plugins. Check at least one is enabled.Go to Components ->... -
helpdesk created new topic Errors After Upgrade.
July 12 at 5:17 am
I just updated our CoreJoomla Surveys instance from version 3.6 to version 4.4. Afterwards, I migrated the survey database tables and everything seemed fine. However, when I... -
maverick replied to the topic advanced filter.
July 11 at 7:10 pm
Please have some answers first and you can apply filters. -
maverick replied to the topic SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data.
July 11 at 7:08 pm
Yes, you are correct. However, the image urls on your server are not publicly accessible. See below url: -
mrit1305 created new topic advanced filter.
July 11 at 4:04 pm
hallo! I' m trying to configure the first survey ( there are noanswers yet) and I tried to set some advanced filter on the back end based on selected answers and there... - replied to the topic SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data.
July 11 at 6:10 am
Sorry, I donßt know what you mean. And how to fix the URL? The pics are uploaded by Joomla and picked within asurvey by communitysurvey. I think the file...