Sheff created new topic No Display.
June 23 at 3:32 pm
Hello Thank you for the use of your software.I have set it up and for some reason when I add a menu item such as "Article Form", when clicked on it says the page... -
replied to the topic Missing Quiz - cant shose quiz module .
June 21 at 4:09 pm
Did you mean you cannot create questions?Go to quiz list page and click on edit link of questions column. -
replied to the topic Missing Quiz - cant shose quiz module .
June 21 at 4:08 pm
There must be some descrepancy with db table structure. Did you installed it for the first time or you have upgraded the component from previous version? -
System Administrator replied to the topic Missing Quiz - cant shose quiz module .
June 21 at 1:19 pm
If i press 'edit question' I cannot chose anything. It says : 'Unknown column 'params' in 'field list'' whats wrong ? -
System Administrator created new topic Missing Quiz - cant shose quiz module .
June 21 at 1:11 pm
See next content -
System Administrator replied to the topic Missing Quiz - cant shose quiz module .
June 21 at 12:03 pm
And if i shose something else, and hit ie Save and close, i got the Control panel. And that happend whotever i shuse.. regards. -
System Administrator created new topic Missing Quiz - cant shose quiz module .
June 21 at 11:56 am
Hi Just bought Quiz. Bu after instalaltion, and setting Catergory, and want to make my first Quix, i cannot shose a quiz.. i can chose ewery thin els, but not... -
maverick replied to the topic Using an answer from a previous question in the title of a future question.
June 15 at 5:15 pm
Where can I see the issue? -
replied to the topic Actions not working from frontend.
June 14 at 4:12 pm
Can you please send me your website and admin user details to check the issues? Please use contact us form to send details. -
umamir created new topic Actions not working from frontend.
June 14 at 10:02 am
Hi, There are a few issues I am having. 1. The *publish/unpublish button is not working from the frontend 2. The actions button is not happening... -
patgaytx replied to the topic Using an answer from a previous question in the title of a future question.
June 13 at 11:08 pm
It is on a future page. It still doesn't work. -
maverick replied to the topic Using an answer from a previous question in the title of a future question.
June 13 at 10:25 pm
The future question must be in the future pages, not on the same page. -
patgaytx created new topic Using an answer from a previous question in the title of a future question.
June 13 at 12:07 pm
In the latest release, you can use the answer from a previous question in the title of a future question. The information I have says to use the code {QID:1} in the... -
maverick replied to the topic How to display category ?.
June 12 at 5:14 am
You can hide toolbar menus by editing the layout file components/com_gpstools/layouts/default/toolbar.php -
fastback replied to the topic How to display category ?.
June 11 at 7:52 pm
Is there a solution to hide that : I try... -
silberfuchs replied to the topic Show username not real name.
June 11 at 9:44 am
Hi Maverick, also here many thanks for your great support! There seems to be a further small bug now. Please have a look at the screenshot to the user avatar. This... -
maverick replied to the topic How to display category ?.
June 10 at 5:30 pm
Follow the below steps. 1. Go to Components -> GPS Tools 2. Click on options button on toolbar 3. Click on permission settings tab 4.... -
maverick replied to the topic Access only for selected users.
June 10 at 5:28 pm
No. Unless you give view permission, users cannot see the tracks. If you want all registered users to see tracks, give view permissions to registered user group. -
fastback created new topic How to display category ?.
June 10 at 1:26 pm
Good morning, I want to display tracks like a list. I select category, i crete a categorie "sorties moto", i create a tracks but nothing appears. You can see here :...