silberfuchs replied to the topic Access only for selected users.
June 10 at 1:02 pm
Hi Maverick, thanks for your feedback. Does it mean that I have go copy e.g. the group of the registered users an name it e. g. "bikers". Afterwards I have to grant... -
maverick replied to the topic Access only for selected users.
June 10 at 7:49 am
You can use "View" permission setting at category level to restrict users. -
maverick replied to the topic Undefined string - translate.
June 10 at 7:47 am
What is the version of the component you are using? -
maverick replied to the topic Show username not real name.
June 10 at 7:43 am
As discussed in the mail, this is a bug in the component. It will be fixed with next release. -
silberfuchs created new topic Access only for selected users.
June 10 at 6:48 am
Hi Maverick, is there a way to grant access to slected tracks or one or more categories only to some users or a special user group? Is this currently possible - or... -
przem188 created new topic Undefined string - translate.
June 10 at 5:57 am
Hi. I need translate string undefined into community polls plugin in article. I use Polish native laquage. If pools set of, then... -
maverick replied to the topic CJForum questions.
June 9 at 6:40 pm
These features were not planned. I need to research on how we can integrate them specially custom fields. I am not sure about what is the filter module you are... -
Andreas created new topic CJForum questions.
June 9 at 11:54 am
Hi, Do you plan to integrate joomla custom fields? And filter module? Is it possible to add a function as Kunena Discuss? -
cirp replied to the topic Multichoice Result ?.
June 8 at 1:50 pm
Thanks Maverick, I posted my request through the corejoomla web site contact form. -
maverick replied to the topic Multichoice Result ?.
June 7 at 8:27 pm
My bad. I added this information. Please send me an email using contact us form and I can provide you the patched file to you. -
cirp replied to the topic Multichoice Result ?.
June 7 at 7:53 pm
Maverick, sorry to insist but on the page that you indicated : -
maverick replied to the topic Show username not real name.
June 7 at 7:02 pm
Not sure if it is missing. Can you send me your website details so that I can check it? -
maverick replied to the topic Multichoice Result ?.
June 7 at 7:01 pm
All these are configured in options. go to components -> community polls -> click on options button on toolbar. If you want it only displayed to admins in... -
silberfuchs replied to the topic Show username not real name.
June 7 at 3:54 pm
Hi, just checked my installed plugins for CB But I cannot find such a plugin. -
cirp replied to the topic Multichoice Result ?.
June 7 at 8:22 am
Hello Maverick, I may miss something but I don't see this information displayed anywhare in my case : may be some kind of option that I should activate ? Note... -
maverick replied to the topic Show username not real name.
June 6 at 6:38 pm
Can you please disable "Content - Community Builder Author" plugin? -
maverick replied to the topic Starting a Topic.
June 6 at 6:36 pm
As replied to your email: The toolbar is not shown where the create topic button will be... -
silberfuchs replied to the topic Show username not real name.
June 6 at 6:24 pm
Hi Maverick, thanks for your patience - I just installed the new version but it seems not to work. Now the link to the profile is "gone" but the author...