JamesMSmith created new topic Starting a Topic.
June 6 at 6:16 pm
How do I allow users to start a topic? I am the Super Admin and can't even post. The site is -
maverick replied to the topic Multichoice Result ?.
June 6 at 5:33 pm
When you view the poll, you can see something like below text after Poll description. 367 vote(s) registered by 3 voter(s). Last vote 4 days... -
cirp created new topic Multichoice Result ?.
June 6 at 4:17 pm
Hello, I just started a multiple choice election and I miss something in the result : the number of people that have voted. As far as I can see it, the result... -
silberfuchs replied to the topic Show username not real name.
June 6 at 7:17 am
Hi Maverick, what do I have to do? Is there anything I have to change in the settings? -
maverick replied to the topic Social Buttons missing complete path.
June 5 at 12:43 pm
1. It's something which I cannot control. 2. Agree, will be changed in next CjLib component update. 3. Its updated on this site and is working. Did you cleared... -
bilal.abdeen replied to the topic Social Buttons missing complete path.
June 5 at 1:16 am
1. You are right. However, I think this is misleading. I suggest that the complete path is shared. 2. I think the Facebook icon should be called (Share), rather... -
maverick replied to the topic Show username not real name.
June 4 at 1:04 pm
CB content plugin changing the names to its own. Hence you see the difference. -
silberfuchs replied to the topic Show username not real name.
June 4 at 9:42 am
maverick wrote:Can I see the page where the name is shown?Yes, of... -
maverick replied to the topic Social Buttons missing complete path.
June 4 at 9:18 am
The link shown will be website name. But if you click on it, it will take you to the right page. Try it. -
bilal.abdeen created new topic Social Buttons missing complete path.
June 3 at 10:38 pm
There are 6 social buttons at the bottom of each question. The 1st two (email & Twitter) share the complete path of the question, e.g. -
maverick replied to the topic view=surveys&recent=true on URL.
June 3 at 10:24 pm
Create menu item for categories list or surveys list menu item and it will be used to show recent surveys. However you cannot avoid recent=true parameter as it is used for... -
KenM created new topic view=surveys&recent=true on URL.
June 3 at 6:05 pm
I noticed that at some point "?view=surveys&recent=true" was appended to the URL of the menu item for the survey, which caused two entries in the content area of the page... -
maverick replied to the topic Show username not real name.
June 3 at 2:49 pm
Can I see the page where the name is shown? -
silberfuchs replied to the topic Show username not real name.
June 3 at 10:13 am
Hi Maverick, I am using latest version of GPS Tools and latest Version of Community Builder. -
replied to the topic Re-order pages?.
June 3 at 8:40 am
I think it is same as page ordering. It is easy to do page reodering than other. I will add this feature in next release. -
ywncyber replied to the topic Small change to poll appearance?.
June 3 at 7:17 am
OK, I basically know nothing so should probably leave it. If you are not too busy today do you think you could tell me what I should replace the existing line 217... -
KenM replied to the topic Re-order pages?.
June 3 at 12:45 am
Maverick, thanks for the quick response. I hope that adding page reordering is something that will be considered. I should also have asked (as it would solve... -
replied to the topic Re-order pages?.
June 2 at 10:12 pm
Page reordering is not pissible but you can move questions to mimic page reordering. -
KenM created new topic Re-order pages?.
June 2 at 9:54 pm
Is it possible, in Community Surveys, to re-order the pages? I want to move the page currently in fourth position to appear as the second page of questions...