independentCog created new topic Categories still showing with view permissions off.
May 26 at 1:48 am
I would like the categories that certain user groups dont have view permissions on to not show at all. Is this possible? -
independentCog created new topic Permanently Delete posts.
May 26 at 12:37 am
Is it currently possible for users to permanently delete their own topics instead of them going into Joomla trash? Currently, users are unable to create a topic of the... -
maverick replied to the topic Display Unread Topics/Replies.
May 24 at 5:18 pm
The layout used in both recent topics page and category view page is same. So in both the pages the new posts text is shown. Can you please point me to an example where this... -
maverick replied to the topic Update for CJ Forum?.
May 24 at 5:17 pm
Hi Joe, - also display number of replies in forum category view (e.g.: 4 Topics... -
rfmjoe replied to the topic Display Unread Topics/Replies.
May 24 at 9:34 am
maverick wrote:Thanks for the feedback, appreciate it. By default the topics list will show the unread topics/replies on... -
rfmjoe created new topic Update for CJ Forum?.
May 24 at 9:31 am
Hello there, Iam using CJForum on and i am very pleased with the forum. it is easy to manage and much more lightweight than other forum components for... -
maverick replied to the topic "Please wait" not disappears and untranslated string.
May 24 at 5:02 am
Change it to like below code CjSurveyApi.form_submitted = false; $.unblockUI(); -
notfu replied to the topic "Please wait" not disappears and untranslated string.
May 24 at 4:06 am
maverick wrote:1. This looks to be a bug. Try below code fix. Edit media/com_communitysurveys/js/cj.surveys.min.js and... -
maverick replied to the topic community polls : multiple votes ?.
May 23 at 5:28 pm
1. Go to Components -> Community Polls -> Click on Options button on toolbar -> Shared Options tab -> Select the required Vote Restriction Method options e.g.... -
cirp created new topic community polls : multiple votes ?.
May 23 at 1:54 pm
Hi there, we just got community pools : it sounds OK (fonctionaly speaking) to perform what we need to do. However, after testing, I have 2 issues : 1/... -
maverick replied to the topic More dropdown display issues.
May 21 at 7:44 pm
Chosen plugin which styles listbox elements is not formatting the element properly when it is hidden. The solution is to apply the plugin only when the question is visible. A... -
maverick replied to the topic More dropdown display issues.
May 21 at 5:40 am
Where can I see the issue? -
yorai85 said thank you to Maverick M for his/her reply to the topic "my response" layout VS "quiz reulst" layout.
May 20 at 10:09 pm
1. You should see the file score.php in the same folder. You can add anything in this file and it will be shown along with your score report. If you want to show any text at... -
mcintyro created new topic More dropdown display issues.
May 20 at 8:22 pm
I have an issue where the dropdown field does not display correctly - I understand this may be a css issue or something but I cannot track it down. I have changed to the... -
maverick replied to the topic "my response" layout VS "quiz reulst" layout.
May 20 at 6:51 am
1. You should see the file score.php in the same folder. You can add anything in this file and it will be shown along with your score report. If you want to show any text at... -
madjari liked a reply to the topic [BUG] Conditions for conditional questions are not copied.
May 20 at 5:31 am
yorai85 replied to the topic "my response" layout VS "quiz reulst" layout.
May 19 at 8:22 pm
hi maverick, did you have a chance to look at my last comment? i want to insert some text above to quiz-report that's shown after completing the quiz - which file... -
maverick replied to the topic [BUG] Conditions for conditional questions are not copied.
May 19 at 6:36 pm
Yes, I am working on it. It is complex code change however will implement in the future versions. -
madjari replied to the topic [BUG] Conditions for conditional questions are not copied.
May 19 at 12:56 pm
Hi maverick, would it be possible to add this feature in the future? The questions are transferred as well and keep their relationships. So the copy process would need...