maverick replied to the topic Additional Mapping Layer Request.
April 3 at 3:49 am
Sorry for the delay. I am working on it, but please expect at least 4-6 weeks before the first version available for test. -
maverick replied to the topic Override menu text color.
April 3 at 3:48 am
Change my earlier code to below one and it works on all dropdowns. #cj-wrapper .dropdown-menu a {color: #fff;} You can add hover color like... -
maverick replied to the topic Remove/disable the social network pane.
April 3 at 3:46 am
Please send me your website details using contact us form. I will debug and let you know which plugin is causing the issue. -
maverick replied to the topic Recent Activity showing threads from secured forum categorie.
April 3 at 3:44 am
1. Activity: What I can do is remove the hyperlink on the topic title. So activities will show the title but users cannot visit the url. Calculating permissions on activities... -
cludwig replied to the topic Additional Mapping Layer Request.
April 2 at 11:39 pm
Any progress Maverick? Chris -
jizkid replied to the topic Override menu text color.
April 2 at 6:42 pm
I know that that Actions button is not accessible to public users, but it is there for registered users, just like it is here: -
jizkid replied to the topic Remove/disable the social network pane.
April 2 at 6:37 pm
The configuration option to show social items IS working. But it left the box with the text Like it on Facebook etcetera without the social buttons when the... -
jizkid replied to the topic Recent Activity showing threads from secured forum categorie.
April 2 at 6:33 pm
Yes, but I don't even want to have the Recent Activity show those activities. Recent Topics does not show the secured topics, which is perfect. Recent activities... -
maverick replied to the topic Override menu text color.
April 2 at 4:57 pm
That menu item cannot be accessible to public users. Please debug using Chrome browser console and find the class name of the element you would like to apply css and add color... -
maverick replied to the topic Recent Activity showing threads from secured forum categorie.
April 2 at 4:51 pm
I am confused. I still see same 4 topics (btw.. I did not logged in). And you are saying recent topics works fine. So what should I check? -
maverick replied to the topic Remove/disable the social network pane.
April 2 at 4:45 pm
It should not. If you remove the code and it works, that means the configuration option is not working. But I am not sure why it is not working only for you. The only... -
jizkid replied to the topic Override menu text color.
April 2 at 3:56 pm
Thanks, that works well for the Jump to Forum drop down, but not for the Action drop down. And what would be the syntax for the hover over a menu, as there is no... -
jizkid replied to the topic Recent Activity showing threads from secured forum categorie.
April 2 at 3:54 pm
Please have a look again. You should now see 2 topics that are in a secure category which shows "Maverick shouldn't be seeing this". The Recent Topics does do the job... -
jizkid replied to the topic Remove/disable the social network pane.
April 2 at 3:51 pm
The only overrides are for the text color in the discover, my Stuff and Jump to Forum. Removing the codeblock from the... -
replied to the topic Database error when copying surveys.
April 2 at 12:29 pm
To copy a survey, edit survey and click on save as copy. -
madjari created new topic Database error when copying surveys.
April 2 at 9:53 am
When I try to copy a survey I get the following database error: Duplicate entry 'HhNReo7jElubjIf6' for key 'idx_survey_surveys_surveykey' Tested version is... -
madjari replied to the topic Updating to 4.6.3 breaks Community Surveys.
April 2 at 9:42 am
Updating to 4.6.6 resolved this issue. -
madjari replied to the topic Cannot start a survey.
April 2 at 9:30 am
4.6.6 fixed the issue. Thank you very much for the quick response. I will now try if the installation of 4.6.6 also fixes my original issues with 4.6.3. -
madjari said thank you to Maverick M for his/her reply to the topic Cannot start a survey.
April 2 at 9:30 am
Found where the issue is and fixed it. Can you please update v4.6.6? -
madjari liked a reply to the topic Cannot start a survey.
April 2 at 9:30 am