- replied to the topic Remove title part for an name field.
March 30 at 12:20 pm
Just for an update : The file is now located in : /components/com_communitysurveys/layouts/bootstrap3/response/question/name.php Like txminc17 told us, just... - replied to the topic Title field a problem in Name questions.
March 30 at 12:20 pm
Just for an update : The file is now located in : /components/com_communitysurveys/layouts/bootstrap3/response/question/name.php Like txminc17 told us, just... - replied to the topic Need Help to remove the field TITLE in the NAME area?.
March 30 at 12:19 pm
Just for an update : The file is now located in : /components/com_communitysurveys/layouts/bootstrap3/response/question/name.php Like txminc17 told us, just... -
jizkid replied to the topic Looking for the CSS of the DISCOVER menu.
March 30 at 5:38 am
Maverick, done ! thanks Very much, I must say great support ! cheers, jim -
maverick replied to the topic Crossword - Comment system.
March 30 at 2:59 am
Looks like new version need couple of other supporting files. I am developing them and let you know. -
borox replied to the topic Crossword - Comment system.
March 29 at 4:28 pm
Hi, Done that, but I have an error when I try to display a crossword: CComment plugin file for com_crosswords doesn't... -
yoorock replied to the topic [BUG] Community Surveys compoennt: you already replied to this survey.
March 29 at 3:50 pm
Hi Maverick, Right. It now works using a menu link. Regards, Sylvain. -
maverick replied to the topic Crossword - Comment system.
March 29 at 3:26 pm
Edit administrator/components/com_crosswords/config.xml and find the element like below <field name="comment_system" add following option to... -
maverick replied to the topic Looking for the CSS of the DISCOVER menu.
March 29 at 3:23 pm
Please enable "CjForum App - CjForum". As their name suggests, you need to enable only if respective component is installed. For example "CjForum App - Community... -
maverick replied to the topic [BUG] Community Surveys compoennt: you already replied to this survey.
March 29 at 3:21 pm
Found what is the issue. You are using one time unique url (which has key=6yTxUq1bTaYtTbAz) instead of global survey url. The one time url is just for one... -
yoorock replied to the topic [BUG] Community Surveys compoennt: you already replied to this survey.
March 29 at 10:40 am
Done! -
borox created new topic Crossword - Comment system.
March 29 at 10:01 am
Hi, On the description of crossword on it's writen that CComment is supported,... -
jizkid replied to the topic Looking for the CSS of the DISCOVER menu.
March 29 at 7:09 am
Maverick M wrote: I believe you have enabled the plugins for which the extensions are not available. Go to Extensions -> Plugins... -
maverick replied to the topic forcing a user to logout.
March 29 at 3:34 am
Go to administrator control panel and you can see the last 5 logged in users in a module. You can force logout them. -
maverick replied to the topic Looking for the CSS of the DISCOVER menu.
March 29 at 3:33 am
I believe you have enabled the plugins for which the extensions are not available. Go to Extensions -> Plugins -> Filter CjForumApps plugins and disable the plugins for... -
jizkid created new topic forcing a user to logout.
March 28 at 8:57 pm
Is there a way for the administrator to force the logout of a user that apparently seems to continuously be online but isn't probably because he did not logoff? -
jizkid replied to the topic Looking for the CSS of the DISCOVER menu.
March 28 at 8:42 pm
Maverick, It works, it now has the colours like below. -
jizkid replied to the topic Looking for the CSS of the DISCOVER menu.
March 28 at 8:13 pm
Hi Maverick, I'm sorry, for you that must be as easy as hell, but I am an average user. I understand what the purpose is of the override.css, and...