maverick replied to the topic Looking for the CSS of the DISCOVER menu.
April 10 at 4:35 pm
Please see my updated answer. -
jizkid replied to the topic Looking for the CSS of the DISCOVER menu.
April 10 at 1:56 pm
Hi Maverick, Thanks, but that doesn't seem to be doing anything on the discover menu, so it is still showing a background color white: -
replied to the topic Private Survey No Link.
April 10 at 8:41 am
Hi Jackson,You can see your surveys from My Surveys menu on toolbar. The latest surveys listing shows only public surveys which users can take directly. -
maverick replied to the topic Looking for the CSS of the DISCOVER menu.
April 10 at 1:53 am
Add below in your css override #cj-wrapper .multi-column-dropdown li a:hover {background-color: none !important;} -
lacwebadmin created new topic Private Survey No Link.
April 9 at 9:52 pm
Hello! I don't get it, why if a I set a survey into Private, the link disappears in the survey lists. I can create a survey. I just checked, if I don't log in, I don't... -
lacwebadmin created new topic Show Tags Confusion.
April 9 at 8:54 pm
Hello!, The Show Tags options in the Basic Options Tag is confusing! - In the component options, the Show Tag setting is found under Category, shouldn't... -
jizkid replied to the topic Override menu text color.
April 9 at 7:51 pm
Thanks Maverick, this works perfectly. -
jizkid replied to the topic Remove/disable the social network pane.
April 9 at 7:50 pm
Hi Maverick, I am not sure if we are understanding each other properly ;-) You suggest to remove some code to hide the social network pane, and that works for... -
jizkid replied to the topic Recent Activity showing threads from secured forum categorie.
April 9 at 7:44 pm
Hi Maverick, It took a bit before I was able to revisit this issue. Regarding issue 1: Removing the hyperlink to Recent Activities is not really the... -
jizkid replied to the topic Looking for the CSS of the DISCOVER menu.
April 9 at 7:29 pm
Coming back to this topic to solve the last bit in the Discover menu that is annoying. The hover over in this multi column menu is giving a background in very light... -
maverick replied to the topic Community Survey.
April 9 at 4:16 pm
1. Yes 2. Yes, users can upload files using upload file question type 3. Yes -
maverick replied to the topic show report at end of survey response.
April 9 at 4:13 pm
Go to Components -> Community Surveys -> Options -> Permission Settings. Here you can enable view report permission, -
dikau created new topic Community Survey.
April 9 at 10:07 am
Hi, i am interested for the Community Survey, Are these features can be achieved with Community Survey out of the box: 1.... -
syip131 created new topic show report at end of survey response.
April 9 at 9:24 am
Hi, I would like to show the result of the response at end of response. I have enable the "show report" option at global config and survey level setup. However it... -
johncarter said thank you to Maverick M for his/her reply to the topic The view results doesn't show the latest vote.
April 9 at 7:54 am
What is the version of Community Polls you are using? -
johncarter liked the topic The view results doesn't show the latest vote.
April 9 at 7:54 am
There seems to be a problem with showing the results of the polls. After a user votes, he is redirected to the results view, only his vote is not included. Is there a way to... -
brandnew replied to the topic Error 404 when pre-moderated topic is posted (and few more things).
April 5 at 5:20 pm
Hello mavercik.Thank You for last cjForum update.Almost everything is OK, except of:1. Posts that need to be moderated, still raise 404 error when... -
jaungshop12 created new topic Penjual Obat Aborsi Ngawi Obat Penggugur / Peluntur Janin Telat Bulan Haid Ngawi.
April 5 at 3:43 pm
Obat Aborsi Ngawi, Wa 081225319690, Jual Obat Aborsi Ngawi, Obat Aborsi Di Ngawi, Obat Telat Bulan Ngawi, Obat Penggugur Kandungan Ngawi, Obat Cytotec Ngawi, Jual Obat Aborsi... -
maverick replied to the topic Set Default Access Level for Topics.
April 4 at 6:31 am
Edit administrator/components/com_cjforum/models/topic.php and find $data->set('catid', $app->input->getInt('catid', $filterCatId)); add below... -
penguintrax replied to the topic Set Default Access Level for Topics.
April 3 at 5:18 pm
I don't want the default level to be Public, I'd like to have it as Special for now. Thank you.