jizkid replied to the topic Recent Activity showing threads from secured forum categorie.
April 1 at 1:18 pm
That is quite disappointing as it doesn't even need a logged in user to show recent activities from all categories including the secured ones. That would mean that this... -
jizkid replied to the topic Override menu text color.
April 1 at 1:12 pm
Thanks, the Discovery menu is indeed looking as it should, but the examples I showed were not from the Discover menu, so the specific override doesn't work for the Jump to... -
jizkid replied to the topic Remove/disable the social network pane.
April 1 at 1:10 pm
I have already disabled the social sharing buttons, but am still seeing this pane: -
maverick replied to the topic Unknown column 'title' in 'field list'.
April 1 at 4:28 am
This could be because of some error in installer. Try installing the package again. -
apurvkolte created new topic Unknown column 'title' in 'field list'.
April 1 at 4:00 am
I installed the community survey version 4.6.4 on Jooomla 3.8.6. While adding question, I get bellow error -- Unknown column 'title' in 'field list' -
maverick replied to the topic Remove/disable the social network pane.
April 1 at 2:56 am
Go to component options and disable "Social Sharing Buttons" option. -
maverick replied to the topic Recent Activity showing threads from secured forum categorie.
April 1 at 2:53 am
Unfortunately, the activity does not have any restriction as the permissions are calculated on the fly based on logged in user. Activity description is a plain text and does... -
jizkid created new topic Override menu text color.
March 31 at 4:38 pm
What and where can the text color be changed from the Jump to forum dropdown: -
jizkid created new topic Remove/disable the social network pane.
March 31 at 4:34 pm
Is there a way to not display this: -
jizkid created new topic Recent Activity showing threads from secured forum categorie.
March 31 at 4:31 pm
Hi again, Just noticed something weird which should not be happening. Even when not logged into the forum, when you click the Recent Activity from the... -
maverick replied to the topic security issue with categories.
March 31 at 8:52 am
This will be fixed in next Joomla version. -
maverick replied to the topic Hitting QUESTION_TYPE_GRID_RADIO brings you to top of page .
March 30 at 8:10 pm
This is a known issue and is already fixed. Please wait for a couple of days before the next release. -
maverick said thank you to Vincent Jehl for his/her reply to the topic How do I remove the field TITLE in the NAME area?.
March 30 at 8:09 pm
Just for an update : The file is now located in : /components/com_communitysurveys/layouts/bootstrap3/response/question/name.php Like txminc17 told us, just... -
maverick said thank you to Vincent Jehl for his/her reply to the topic Remove title part for an name field.
March 30 at 8:09 pm
Just for an update : The file is now located in : /components/com_communitysurveys/layouts/bootstrap3/response/question/name.php Like txminc17 told us, just... -
maverick said thank you to Vincent Jehl for his/her reply to the topic Title field a problem in Name questions.
March 30 at 8:09 pm
Just for an update : The file is now located in : /components/com_communitysurveys/layouts/bootstrap3/response/question/name.php Like txminc17 told us, just... -
maverick said thank you to Vincent Jehl for his/her reply to the topic Need Help to remove the field TITLE in the NAME area?.
March 30 at 8:08 pm
Just for an update : The file is now located in : /components/com_communitysurveys/layouts/bootstrap3/response/question/name.php Like txminc17 told us, just... -
maverick said thank you to J van der Zon for his/her reply to the topic Looking for the CSS of the DISCOVER menu.
March 30 at 8:08 pm
Maverick, done ! thanks Very much, I must say great support ! cheers, jim - created new topic Hitting QUESTION_TYPE_GRID_RADIO brings you to top of page .
March 30 at 3:54 pm
Hi, When user click on a QUESTION_TYPE_GRID_RADIO, it goes to top of the page everytime. That's annoying when the survey is quite long. I have noticed that... - replied to the topic How do I remove the field TITLE in the NAME area?.
March 30 at 12:21 pm
Just for an update : The file is now located in : /components/com_communitysurveys/layouts/bootstrap3/response/question/name.php Like txminc17 told us, just...