ad682005 replied to the topic Query on User Listing menu.
April 15 at 4:03 pm
Thanks your reply gave me an idea with which there is no need to change code. What I did was I used the below: -
maverick replied to the topic komento & gps tools.
April 15 at 3:51 pm
This is most likely because your comments plugin is being executed as a content plugin. Please check with your comment developer if there is any option to disable plugin... -
maverick replied to the topic Change Written by in Topic header.
April 15 at 3:49 pm
Go to components -> cjforum -> options -> integration tab change User display name option to "Login Name" -
maverick replied to the topic Query on User Listing menu.
April 15 at 3:48 pm
Since you do not want to display one particular user group and display all other, the best option is to edit components/com_cjforum/models/users.php and... -
tukamuse created new topic h heart dise.
April 15 at 10:36 am
e number of people witase. But in certain parts of the country, there is a rise, and researchers belie -
AlexPS created new topic komento & gps tools.
April 15 at 6:41 am
Comments and the form of their addition are displayed after the title How to fix it? -
ozrebel created new topic Change Written by in Topic header.
April 15 at 5:57 am
Hi there Is there a way to change the Written by link at the top of a topic from Author to username? Thanks in advance. -
ad682005 replied to the topic Query on User Listing menu.
April 15 at 5:48 am
Thanks. One more question.. I have a parent group with 4 to 5 children group. What I want to display is all the users that belong... -
ozrebel replied to the topic Public (or Guest) can't start a Topic.
April 15 at 2:18 am
Great. Thanks for the quick reply. -
ozrebel said thank you to Maverick M for his/her reply to the topic Public (or Guest) can't start a Topic.
April 15 at 2:18 am
There is a workaround. If you are using latest version, you can allow guest users to create topic by allowing create permission. However, there are few caveats. 1. The... -
maverick replied to the topic Public (or Guest) can't start a Topic.
April 14 at 4:34 pm
There is a workaround. If you are using latest version, you can allow guest users to create topic by allowing create permission. However, there are few caveats. 1. The... -
ozrebel replied to the topic Public (or Guest) can't start a Topic.
April 14 at 5:26 am
I just purchased CJForum. Is this still the case that Public or Guest users can't post to a Forum? If so, this is unacceptable. Is there a... -
maverick replied to the topic [Feature Request] Survey Image.
April 13 at 2:38 am
There is no such image field exist as of now. Probably you need to add an additional field in the database table xxx_survey and add the media field (refer the Joomla content... -
maverick replied to the topic Mandatory Grid Fields .
April 13 at 2:30 am
The text is displayed using validation.js library. So the error messages are added dynamically using JavaScript. It could be your template css is hiding such text messages.... -
replied to the topic Surveys not functional.
April 13 at 1:45 am
Hi Could you please let me know the url where I can see the issue? If login details are needed, please send them using contact us form. -
fiatlux created new topic Surveys not functional.
April 12 at 8:10 pm
I'm having a really impossible time using the surveys component I purchased. I'm using RocketTheme's Salient template and your form items are not showing via the front... -
lacwebadmin replied to the topic [Feature Request] Survey Image.
April 12 at 4:33 pm
Hi Maverick, Survey Item is just what I called a survey entry or a survey. If you go the the surveys view where you see the listing of available surveys, the... -
lacwebadmin replied to the topic Mandatory Grid Fields .
April 12 at 4:09 pm
Hi Maverick, I am using the bootstrap3 layout and I don't see that "This field is required" underneath the title. I can't seem to find that, is that the default... -
maverick replied to the topic Query on User Listing menu.
April 12 at 3:54 pm
One easy way is to create a menu item of type "External Url" with your users listing page url by adding "filter_group_id" parameter to it. Example:... -
maverick replied to the topic Social networking tools integration.
April 12 at 3:47 pm
I do not have any demo, but the following features can be integrated. - Activities can be streamed- Points can be awarded- Avatars can be shown in the...