maverick replied to the topic Skip to page conditional rules not working and scroll to top problem.
May 1 at 4:59 pm
Edit media/com_communitysurveys/js/cj.surveys.min.js and find CjSurveyApi.onAfterSaveResponse = function(action, button, form, data){ Add your code... -
maverick replied to the topic Locking a topic.
May 1 at 4:54 pm
The users with Edit State permissions can see the Lock button on the topic (beside like buttons). You can click on it to lock it. -
maverick replied to the topic Addressing single topics.
May 1 at 4:53 pm
Please do not use single topic menu item. It is left for backward compatibility. Use category or listing menu items to show topics. -
mixit7 replied to the topic Skip to page conditional rules not working and scrool to top problem.
May 1 at 3:18 pm
UPDATE, I fixed the first problem of conditional "skip to page" rules not working by creating a hidden menu item for my article, still including the survey using... -
vincenzo created new topic Locking a topic.
May 1 at 2:24 pm
How can a user (or moderator) lock a topic so that no further posting is allowed? (without requiring the admin to set permissions, that is) -
vincenzo created new topic Addressing single topics.
May 1 at 1:43 pm
I'm trying to create a menu item of type CjForum > Single topic. When I click the Select topic I get an error 404 Component not found. Which component... -
mixit7 created new topic Skip to page conditional rules not working and scrool to top problem.
May 1 at 11:51 am
Hi, me again :( I'm finalising my survey now and I find 2 last problems : 1. The skip to page conditional rules are not working when loading the survey in an... -
maverick replied to the topic FB Valid OAuth redirect URIs for cjforum.
May 1 at 7:57 am
Yes, that's fine. -
maverick replied to the topic Url of a question changes and user hit a 404 page.
May 1 at 7:57 am
Yes, you should be able to check them. -
vincenzo replied to the topic FB Valid OAuth redirect URIs for cjforum.
May 1 at 7:24 am
That way seems to work. Is it OK to leave it? -
Vin replied to the topic Url of a question changes and user hit a 404 page.
May 1 at 7:10 am
Thanks for your answer. I should be able to check it out from the backoffice right? I mean, if there are template overrides. -
maverick replied to the topic Url of a question changes and user hit a 404 page.
May 1 at 5:59 am
The plugin has nothing to do with that page. It only displays user answers in the article. I cannot reproduce this issue in any of my sites/local sites. My only... -
maverick replied to the topic Change address field items.
May 1 at 5:41 am
components/com_communitysurveys/layouts/YOURLAYOUT/response/question/address.php -
maverick replied to the topic FB Valid OAuth redirect URIs for cjforum.
May 1 at 5:40 am
Try to add this: yourwebsite/ -
Vin replied to the topic Url of a question changes and user hit a 404 page.
May 1 at 5:17 am
Should the plugin "Content - My answers" be enabled for this problem to be solved? As I said: when the ID of the question changes... -
mixit7 created new topic Change address field items.
April 30 at 9:17 pm
Hi, I need to change the items in the "Address" field question layout : I have found this answer here : -
mixit7 said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic How to remove time with date?.
April 30 at 8:47 pm
edit media/com_communitysurveys/js/cj.surveys.min.js and find below code... -
mixit7 liked a reply to the topic How to remove time with date?.
April 30 at 8:47 pm
vincenzo replied to the topic FB Valid OAuth redirect URIs for cjforum.
April 30 at 8:02 pm
I don't think so, it's just like that.See attach