maverick replied to the topic Andriod App Version not responsive.
April 27 at 7:06 pm
There is no relation to the android app and the gpx tracks module. The map is shown using Google Maps which is responsive. I opened the URL in my android phone... -
maverick replied to the topic Unable to trash topics.
April 27 at 7:02 pm
It looks to be some issue with the tagged item publishing method. I am checking if there is any fix for it. As a workaround, to trash an item, follow the below... -
Vin replied to the topic Approval needed before publishing questions.
April 27 at 5:40 pm
Thanks. After a user publishes a question to be approved, the question is saved unpublished, waiting for the approval, but CjLib doesn't know anything about and so... -
vincenzo replied to the topic Publishing a social login module / button.
April 27 at 5:36 pm
Yes, I don't want users to self register.Any way for the (FB) users to ask registration and the administrators to approve? (like you do with native... -
sanax created new topic Andriod App Version not responsive.
April 27 at 5:27 pm
Hi I created an Andriod app version of my website The link to the app is: -
maverick replied to the topic Publishing a social login module / button.
April 27 at 5:23 pm
You have disabled user registration in Joomla! users component options. Without enabling this option, you cannot show facebook login as the new users cannot be registered on... -
vincenzo replied to the topic Unable to trash topics.
April 27 at 5:11 pm
Done . I'll find two topics trashed, prova2 and prova3. If you select the prova2 menu they still show up. -
vincenzo replied to the topic Publishing a social login module / button.
April 27 at 5:00 pm
I don't see it (see screenshot). Remember that list is from a tag menu.Yes, I followed the document. (actually since there's a specific section about FB,... -
maverick replied to the topic Unable to trash topics.
April 27 at 4:59 pm
Can you send me your website and admin user details using contact us form so that I can check the issue? -
vincenzo replied to the topic Unable to trash topics.
April 27 at 4:54 pm
Show Unauthorised Links is set to NO Both Edit and Edit State are not allowed. -
maverick replied to the topic Publishing a social login module / button.
April 27 at 4:49 pm
The button should show on topics listing page, not the topic details page. btw.. did you followed all steps mentioned in the documentation link shared above? -
vincenzo replied to the topic Publishing a social login module / button.
April 27 at 4:45 pm
I only see a Share button, and only inside a topic.Please see attach. -
maverick replied to the topic Approval needed before publishing questions.
April 27 at 4:43 pm
If the moderate permission is enabled, the question status is set to 0 and saved in xxx_answers_questions table. Also a row inserted into xxx_answers_approval table. So the... -
Vin replied to the topic Approval needed before publishing questions.
April 27 at 4:31 pm
thanks for your reply, what do you mean by "question is not published when saved"? -
maverick replied to the topic Publishing a social login module / button.
April 27 at 4:29 pm
No additional extension needed. Follow the below documentation. -
maverick replied to the topic Approval needed before publishing questions.
April 27 at 4:27 pm
I can't think about anything else. The email should send if: - The moderate permission enabled for the user group- The question poster is not an admin user -
maverick replied to the topic "Start a topic" does not display.
April 27 at 4:19 pm
Categories can only be created by administrator from backend. Users are allowed to create only topics. -
maverick replied to the topic Unable to trash topics.
April 27 at 4:18 pm
Can you check if the user group was given either Edit or Edit State permission? Or enabled " -
maverick replied to the topic Remove URL gives error 404.
April 27 at 4:16 pm
Try this. Create a CjForum Category menu item for each top-level category so that the topics will be displayed with these menu items and do not use itemid. -
maverick replied to the topic Forum bar does not display .
April 27 at 4:12 pm
Yes, the topic is CjForum topic, but not the tags menu. Create "Topic Form" CjForum menu item which can be used to create the topic.