Vin replied to the topic Approval needed before publishing questions.
April 28 at 9:57 am
I there anything I can do? I turned the site upside down, now way to get it working. Again, as you said, that seems CA Questions plugin doesn't execute, I get all the other... -
vincenzo replied to the topic Publishing a social login module / button.
April 28 at 9:04 am
I don't see any login button, only the Share one (see abbove), even with user logged in (which would be useless however). How do I display the button? -
maverick replied to the topic Remove URL gives error 404.
April 28 at 8:27 am
Once you create the category menu items, all your topics posted in the categories will use same menu items. The issue will not occur again. There is no workaround for this as... -
maverick replied to the topic Publishing a social login module / button.
April 28 at 8:25 am
You should see the facebook login button on the forum index page and topics listing pages. Presently they are the only way for social logic. You still can use Joomla login... -
Vin replied to the topic Approval needed before publishing questions.
April 28 at 7:42 am
Thanks, yes, categories are all enabled to allow moderation... -
vincenzo replied to the topic Remove URL gives error 404.
April 28 at 7:26 am
Thank you for the workaround. However in a few months I will forget the trick when issue will arise again... I'd rather get by without -
vincenzo replied to the topic Publishing a social login module / button.
April 28 at 7:22 am
Done. Meanwhile, how can I enable social login other than by a login module? -
maverick replied to the topic Andriod App Version not responsive.
April 28 at 3:53 am
Even OSM map should be responsive, as I can see on my phone. Which browser you are using on your phone? -
maverick replied to the topic Publishing a social login module / button.
April 28 at 3:47 am
CjForum do not have any login module on its own. I will develop one, can you help with posting a request at -
maverick replied to the topic Approval needed before publishing questions.
April 28 at 3:33 am
The only other possible thing is the permission setting on the question category. Check if the moderate permission is enabled or not on category. -
rotec said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Unable to trash topics.
April 27 at 8:28 pm
It looks to be some issue with the tagged item publishing method. I am checking if there is any fix for it. As a workaround, to trash an item, follow the below... -
sanax replied to the topic Andriod App Version not responsive.
April 27 at 8:27 pm
Thank you. The map I'm using is Openstreet. I can move my fingers left and right to zoom but if I move my figers down / up, on the map, the page refreshes. It... -
vincenzo replied to the topic "Start a topic" does not display.
April 27 at 7:24 pm
That solves the problem. Thank you! -
vincenzo replied to the topic Unable to trash topics.
April 27 at 7:21 pm
Roger with that. Thank you for diggin in the issue. -
Vin replied to the topic Approval needed before publishing questions.
April 27 at 7:20 pm
Thanks for your reply, I am not sure I can sir...any possible alternative? -
vincenzo replied to the topic Publishing a social login module / button.
April 27 at 7:19 pm
Well maybe :-) But for most users it's only a convenient way to sso without multiple credentials. I guess that means no. -
maverick replied to the topic Approval needed before publishing questions.
April 27 at 7:16 pm
No. that's not normal. That means the "Community Answers - Questions" plugin is not executed. That's strange. Can you send me your website details using contact... -
maverick replied to the topic Publishing a social login module / button.
April 27 at 7:07 pm
If you don't want users to self-register, you should not use social login. Social login is self-service.