evgentret created new topic Jomsocial avatars.
August 15 at 2:56 am
Hello! Using latest Jomsocial and Community Polls. In the poll results page in section "voted" all users have default empty avatar instead of jomsocial... -
bilal.abdeen created new topic AJAX Search Considers Answers.
August 15 at 1:25 am
I like the search module, which searches the existing questions for an existing question. I want the search query to include searching the answers, in addition to the... -
bilal.abdeen created new topic User Profile.
August 15 at 1:20 am
I am not sure if my question is related to your extension (Community Answers) or to CB (Community Builder), which I use for managing user profiles. I would appreciate... -
webmaster.cyclo said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic GPS Tools V4.1.2 : Categories order option (no effect).
August 14 at 6:45 pm
This will be fixed in next release. -
maverick replied to the topic GPS Tools V4.1.2 : Categories order option (no effect).
August 14 at 6:10 pm
This will be fixed in next release. -
webmaster.cyclo replied to the topic GPS Tools V4.1.2 : Categories order option (no effect).
August 14 at 12:41 pm
So how do you order Categories? On my site: MENU Type - Single Category : All categories ordered Alphanumeric (perfect!) -
maverick replied to the topic GPS Tools V4.1.2 : Categories order option (no effect).
August 13 at 1:47 pm
This option is no more used in current version. -
webmaster.cyclo replied to the topic I can't see category description.
August 13 at 12:15 pm
I've noticed same issue wih Category description. This issues is fixed in GPS Tools v4.1.2. Thanks, Gil -
webmaster.cyclo created new topic GPS Tools V4.1.2 : Categories order option (no effect).
August 13 at 11:00 am
Hi, Administrator - GPS Tools - OPTIONS / Shared Options / Categories order Change: Alphanumerical or Reverse Alphanumerical will display same... -
webmaster.cyclo replied to the topic GPS Tools V4.1.2 : COM_GPSTOOLS_METRE issue.
August 13 at 10:46 am
great, thanks for the fix! -
webmaster.cyclo replied to the topic GPS Tools V4.1.2 : Search in Menu Category (single) with subcategories.
August 13 at 10:28 am
Do you mean will be in a future version? If so, please add a "WARNING message, for 3 characters mini" to the user, as there is no way... -
maverick replied to the topic GPS Tools V4.1.2 : COM_GPSTOOLS_METRE issue.
August 13 at 10:11 am
Few strings are loaded from admin language file. However, this string is same in both files, it is overridden. Will change the admin string label name. -
webmaster.cyclo created new topic GPS Tools V4.1.2 : COM_GPSTOOLS_METRE issue.
August 13 at 9:37 am
Hi, COM_GPSTOOLS_METRE GPS Tools seem to use ADMIN translation rather than USER translation value in the front end of track detail :... -
maverick replied to the topic GPS Tools V4.1.2 : Search in Menu Category (single) with subcategories.
August 13 at 6:24 am
Any word less than 3 characters will be ignored and shown all tracks.