chrislegallic replied to the topic No tracks foudn.
September 1 at 10:51 pm
Hi Maverick, here is the screenshot -
maverick replied to the topic Internet Explorer 11 .
September 1 at 9:00 pm
The ajax response from your server does not have content-length response header. Can you please check your apache server configuration/.htaccess to see if you are... -
eventfive created new topic Internet Explorer 11 .
September 1 at 1:42 pm
Hi, thank you for the nice component. I put a survey inside the article using {LOADSURVEY ["id": SURVEYID]}. Everything was... -
September 1 at 1:02 pm
Can you please send me the language file so that I can check what is the issue?To avoid such issue, I suggest to directly translate language files on transifex and... -
fastback created new topic COM_GPSTOOLS_SOCIAL_SHARING_DESC.
September 1 at 8:54 am
I start traduce file language in french and its working fine until i change this one : COM_GPSTOOLS_SOCIAL_SHARING_DESC now all the language file is down : -
eudes replied to the topic import quiz.
September 1 at 6:36 am
1- i have make change 2-import is ok, in backend, i can see HTML 3-but when i try to test it in front end, i have -
maverick replied to the topic cjforum error message when plugins enabled.
August 31 at 10:44 pm
Please enable plugins only for the extensions that you have. If you do not have Community Answers, do not enable its plugin. -
knuffiwuffi55 created new topic cjforum error message when plugins enabled.
August 31 at 10:15 pm
Hello, I have purchased CJForum some weeks ago, but cannot remember my login details for support forum. I already have a download key. When I... -
maverick replied to the topic import quiz.
August 31 at 7:29 pm
Can you please do following change? Edit administrator/components/com_communityquiz/models/import.php and find $input =... -
eudes replied to the topic import quiz.
August 31 at 6:51 pm
1- it is a test-site and i have only one user (super user) 2-the export is good because, there is an HTML 3-but when i import, no html 4-i can send you... -
maverick replied to the topic No tracks foudn.
August 31 at 5:48 pm
Can you please post the screenshot of the module settings? -
maverick replied to the topic Community Surveys Helper Query.
August 31 at 5:47 pm
This is a known issue and will be fixed in next release scheduled for this weekend. If you need workaround before that, please send me a query using contact us form. -
maverick replied to the topic import quiz.
August 31 at 5:45 pm
The content will be filtered based on the text filters you setup in global configuration. can you please post screenshot of text filters page of global configuration? -
chrislegallic created new topic No tracks foudn.
August 31 at 3:36 pm
Hi I just install the latest version of GPS-Tools (4.1.2) I have donwload to my website 3 tracks in the category "Rando" But theGPX tracks Module show... -
PelsRijcken created new topic Community Surveys Helper Query.
August 31 at 11:47 am
Hello, I get and erro when i try to load the Community Surveys Module om my home page whit all options on enable Class... -
maverick replied to the topic import quiz.
August 31 at 5:30 am
Are you importing the quiz as super user? -
maverick replied to the topic Notifications not being sent.
August 31 at 5:29 am
Go to Components -> CjLib API -> here you can see the cron url which needs to be triggered. -
eudes created new topic import quiz.
August 30 at 3:22 pm
hello, 1- i create a quiz (single selection) with HTMLin the question description ( i insert picture in my quiz) and HTML in answer explanation. 2-i... -
tappan replied to the topic Notifications not being sent.
August 30 at 7:45 am
That is correct. But the notifications are not being sent when I visit the front-end pages. Which page/menu item in particular should trigger te cron?