maverick replied to the topic Communety Poll.
August 22 at 8:14 pm
As we discussed over email, Community Surveys is the best fit for this scenario. -
zebra2 created new topic Lotus App Issues.
August 22 at 7:01 pm
I successfully created an .apk file using the "Build" I successfully signed and installed it on a Galaxy Smartphone. The following issues exist and there is... -
tappan replied to the topic Notifications not being sent.
August 22 at 1:20 pm
I cannot use a cron to trigger de notifications. I have enabled Manual Cron Configuration, plg_installer_cjupdater plugin is enabled.... -
PRDF created new topic Communety Poll.
August 22 at 9:29 am
We Are looking for a Poll that can ask a user that filled in a Poll like the scheme below.... -
maverick replied to the topic Altuserpoint - rules.
August 21 at 9:17 pm
Community Quiz marks are not same as altauser points. You need to write your own plugin to get such behavior. See the plugin "plugins/communityquiz/quizzes" as an example. -
eudes created new topic Altuserpoint - rules.
August 21 at 9:04 pm
hello, my quiz have 3 questions with single selection 1 right answer = 1 points 1 wrong answer = 0 point 1-if user have 2... -
rfmjoe said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic News for update?.
August 21 at 12:37 pm
The major blocker for release is the personal messaging feature. There are many bugs as of now and can't release it in the current state. So the next version will have... -
rfmjoe liked a reply to the topic News for update?.
August 21 at 12:37 pm
eudes replied to the topic Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on null in .
August 21 at 11:13 am
solved by support thx for reactivity best regards from France -
evgentret replied to the topic Broken JomSocial activity stream layout.
August 21 at 10:34 am
This text was copied from wikipedia :) Well, thank you a lot for help! -
maverick replied to the topic Broken JomSocial activity stream layout.
August 21 at 10:32 am
This is not the issue with the code, rather content. The description of the question is not properly formatted html and hence the issue. See below the description html of the... -
evgentret replied to the topic Broken JomSocial activity stream layout.
August 21 at 9:44 am
Here is: Click on the first tab for effect. After deleting... -
maverick replied to the topic Broken JomSocial activity stream layout.
August 21 at 9:19 am
Where can I see this issue? -
evgentret created new topic Broken JomSocial activity stream layout.
August 21 at 8:26 am
Hello! If Answer in Community Answers has a table before "readme more" block then layout of page brokes. I think, this is because some tags in stream was not... -
maverick replied to the topic AJAX Search Considers Answers.
August 21 at 8:03 am
The search is done by MySQL and results will be displayed as is. There is no priority set for any such keywords. You may need to add some custom coding for it. For example, in... -
eudes replied to the topic Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on null in .
August 21 at 7:32 am
it is done -
bilal.abdeen replied to the topic AJAX Search Considers Answers.
August 21 at 7:01 am
Thank you very much. I have done these changes. However, I had to add "DISTINCT" to avoid displaying the question twice. Another enhancement: I wanted to display... -
maverick replied to the topic Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on null in .
August 21 at 6:06 am
Could you please send me your website and admin user details using contact us form to check the issue? -
eudes created new topic /views/category/tmpl/default.php on line 23.
August 20 at 8:40 pm
1-i create a module "Community Quiz Categories" with subcategories 2-when i...