maverick replied to the topic update problem.
December 28 at 9:23 pm
The package was corrupt and it is still cached in CDN. So I made a new package with new version number. Can you try now? -
trench created new topic update problem.
December 28 at 5:59 pm
Hi support, I have this error and I can no longer update the component in automatic mode. JInstaller:: Install: file does not exist / home / joom / public_html... -
videlio replied to the topic Consolidated report- Removing pie chart.
December 28 at 5:24 pm
Hello Maverick, thanks a lot for your very quick response. It´s working. Best regards Andreas -
maverick replied to the topic Several issues with CJBlog new installation setup.
December 28 at 4:28 pm
I think it is some temporary cache issue. Go to Extensions -> Update and click on Find Updates button. -
ad682005 replied to the topic Several issues with CJBlog new installation setup.
December 28 at 3:58 pm
Joomla 3.8.3 PHP 5.6.22 Joomla auto updater was working till 2-3 days ago. Just in the last 2 days I noticed it is not showing... -
maverick replied to the topic Consolidated report- Removing pie chart.
December 28 at 3:35 pm
You can remove the respective google charts javascript code from the layout file components/com_communitysurveys/layouts/default(or... -
videlio created new topic Consolidated report- Removing pie chart.
December 28 at 3:29 pm
Hello, how can I remove the pie chart from the consolidated report? Thanks Andreas -
replied to the topic Several issues with CJBlog new installation setup.
December 28 at 2:49 pm
What is your PHP and Joomla version? -
ad682005 replied to the topic Several issues with CJBlog new installation setup.
December 28 at 12:44 pm
I know the auto updater is the best way - but my auto updater is not showing any updates. Any reason why? -
maverick replied to the topic Several issues with CJBlog new installation setup.
December 28 at 12:01 pm
The best way to update it is using Auto Updates within your site. Anyway, I checked the download link and it is working fine now. From GitHub, please go to releases... -
ad682005 replied to the topic Several issues with CJBlog new installation setup.
December 28 at 11:51 am
IF I download from github directly - I am unable to install. I get installation error message - refer fromgithub_install_error.jpg IF I try to download... -
maverick replied to the topic CJblog did not create a CJblog Menu.
December 28 at 11:06 am
This was the old process. In new versions, menu item creation is not implemented as it leads to many bugs. -
maverick replied to the topic Several issues with CJBlog new installation setup.
December 28 at 11:05 am
2. Yes, upgrading the component will solve the issue. 5. It is updated. However, please check the releases on GitHub directly as the project is maintained there. -
ad682005 replied to the topic CJblog did not create a CJblog Menu.
December 28 at 10:09 am
Hi, I saw this in the documentation that menus are created by defaulted. The user who started this topic also says that menus were auto created for... -
ad682005 replied to the topic Several issues with CJBlog new installation setup.
December 28 at 3:11 am
For Issue 2 - what is the fix? Do I need to do anything or do Ijust update to v2.0.3 and you have included fix in that? Note that no other menu item type of form is... -
maverick replied to the topic Track Download link not working with Jooma! 3.8.3.
December 28 at 12:42 am
You are right, the package was corrupt. A new package is uploaded now. Please download and try with it. -
cludwig replied to the topic Track Download link not working with Jooma! 3.8.3.
December 27 at 11:34 pm
Hi Maverick, There is something not right abou the new GPS Tools package. It won't install properly. (see...