lmc replied to the topic Community Quizzes.
December 27 at 8:18 pm
Merry Christmas even if I am late, I just subscribed to 'Community Quiz Pro' and I will test in the next days.. Happy New Year to all! -
maverick replied to the topic Use Track Colors from gpx?.
December 27 at 8:07 pm
This feature is available in v4.2.0. -
maverick replied to the topic EasySocial Stream Entries (and understanding goal vs challenge).
December 27 at 7:48 pm
Yes, personal goals are set in Fitbit directly. You can try it on Fitbit mobile app. -
andybon replied to the topic EasySocial Stream Entries (and understanding goal vs challenge).
December 27 at 7:39 pm
OK thanks Maverick. Really enjoying what you've done with CjFit. Just to be clear then (sorry I'm a novice fitbit user!) the 'personal goals' are things the... -
andybon said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic EasySocial Stream Entries (and understanding goal vs challenge).
December 27 at 7:38 pm
1. Profile URL: Agree with you, will change it back to profile page url 2. Language string: This is a bug 3. Goal: These are personal goals. You can disable... -
maverick replied to the topic EasySocial Stream Entries (and understanding goal vs challenge).
December 27 at 7:31 pm
1. Profile URL: Agree with you, will change it back to profile page url 2. Language string: This is a bug 3. Goal: These are personal goals. You can disable... -
andybon created new topic EasySocial Stream Entries (and understanding goal vs challenge).
December 27 at 7:10 pm
Hello. My EasySocial Stream just got populated with it's first entry from CjFit. Whilst very exciting there are 2 issues with it:... -
maverick replied to the topic Several issues with CJBlog new installation setup.
December 27 at 4:59 pm
2. That is a typo in the language file. Please check there is another menu item type with correct view name "form". 4. Enable "Auto Approve" permission to allow... -
ad682005 replied to the topic Several issues with CJBlog new installation setup.
December 27 at 2:15 pm
Issue 1 I will show the menu item only to logged in users. This takes care of the issue & no further action needed. Thanks. Issue... -
maverick replied to the topic Several issues with CJBlog new installation setup.
December 27 at 12:07 pm
1. This is issue with your template, not the component. When you access unauthorized page, it will show 403 error page, since your template do not have error page, apache... -
maverick replied to the topic HTML code is being displayed on the page which displays quiz.
December 27 at 11:54 am
I added a workaround in v4.6.3. Please update it. -
ad682005 created new topic Several issues with CJBlog new installation setup.
December 27 at 11:35 am
Hi, I installed CJBLog and creted menu for display of blog & menu item for create an article. Issue 1 If I access the create an article menu item... -
ad682005 replied to the topic HTML code is being displayed on the page which displays quiz.
December 27 at 11:22 am
Then can I just do a hide author so that this is not displayed? -
maverick replied to the topic HTML code is being displayed on the page which displays quiz.
December 27 at 11:15 am
This is a known issue with easy profile author plugin. -
ad682005 created new topic HTML code is being displayed on the page which displays quiz.
December 27 at 10:27 am
Refer attached image.... It should not be displaying HTML code. What could be the issue? -
pracharm replied to the topic Grid questions do not work when set as Mandatory.
December 25 at 11:52 am
I see, thank you for responding so fast. So it looks like I am the bug myself! ;-) I have a question in my survey on 8 different translations of a particular book (8 lines in... -
replied to the topic Grid questions do not work when set as Mandatory.
December 25 at 11:24 am
You need to select answers for all rows in the grid. Can I have survey url to check it? -
pracharm created new topic Grid questions do not work when set as Mandatory.
December 24 at 10:44 pm
I have added a Grid question (two columns, several lines) and it seems that if I set this question as mandatory, I am not able to continue and I am not able to go to previous.... -
andybon said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic How CjFit gets and stores data....
December 23 at 7:25 pm
1) When a user first connect via the CjFit component,... -
andybon replied to the topic How CjFit gets and stores data....
December 23 at 7:25 pm
Excellent. Thanks for confirming. That's going to work perfectly then!