piranhapete replied to the topic Leaderboard Module - Should it auto-update with cron job?.
December 30 at 3:26 pm
so is the problem resolved or do I need to change something? -
maverick replied to the topic Changerequest for plugins\content\gpstools\gpstools.php.
December 30 at 2:47 pm
The better way to do this is "Do not trigger content plugins for short description". Usually short description is used in showing listing of items etc. So triggering content... -
maverick replied to the topic Change-request for 1. plugins\editor-xtd\gpstools\gpstools.php.
December 30 at 2:41 pm
Done. added. -
wtcdehellen created new topic Changerequest for plugins\content\gpstools\gpstools.php.
December 30 at 12:46 pm
Hi Maverick, In our implementation we integrate the GPSTOOLS-extension in the EVENTSBOOKING-extension. As i mentioned before this is working perfectly. In... -
wtcdehellen created new topic Change-request for 1. plugins\editor-xtd\gpstools\gpstools.php.
December 30 at 12:39 pm
Hi Maverick, For our implementation I have changed the following in -
maverick replied to the topic Leaderboard Module - Should it auto-update with cron job?.
December 30 at 1:16 am
The problem is your cronjob was never executed. I executed your cron url manually in the browser and all your updates are processed. -
maverick replied to the topic Download GPX-track within gpscontent-plugin does not work.
December 30 at 12:29 am
The problem is caused by calendar extension on that page. Both GPS Tools and that extension are using same form name "adminForm". So the javascript to load the form could not... -
piranhapete replied to the topic Leaderboard Module - Should it auto-update with cron job?.
December 29 at 11:49 pm
FYI, this problem still persists -
wtcdehellen replied to the topic Download GPX-track within gpscontent-plugin does not work.
December 29 at 11:17 pm
We are using the following configuration: - Joomla-version: 3.8.1 - GPSTOOLS-version: 4.2.1 - PHP-version:... -
wtcdehellen replied to the topic Download GPX-track within gpscontent-plugin does not work.
December 29 at 11:06 pm
Hi Maverick, This link leads to the place where the donwload-button does not work: -
maverick replied to the topic Download GPX-track within gpscontent-plugin does not work.
December 29 at 9:37 pm
Where can I see the issue? -
wtcdehellen created new topic Download GPX-track within gpscontent-plugin does not work.
December 29 at 3:44 pm
We are using the GPSTOOLS-module in combination with the EVENTBOOKING-module. With the eventbooking-module we present our bike-events with the map and GPX included. To do so... -
andybon replied to the topic Challenge Win: Double Post on EasySocial Stream.
December 29 at 12:13 pm
OK maybe a one-off. I'll do another challenge today and see what happens! I'll report back in 24 hours if it repeats... if not then all is good! -
andybon replied to the topic CjFit links reveal email addresses.
December 29 at 12:12 pm
Thanks very much for the code hack. Many sites (like mine) now use email as the username - so maybe this is worth considering making this a permanent change given it doesn't... -
maverick replied to the topic Challenge Win: Double Post on EasySocial Stream.
December 29 at 9:54 am
Is this happens consistently? The user challenge winning status is stored in the table xxx_cjfit_goals_achieved with goal_type=5. I believe the database insert... -
maverick replied to the topic CjFit links reveal email addresses.
December 29 at 9:45 am
username is the keypart used in many profile systems, otherwise, you cannot build proper SEF url. Anyway, this can be easily changed by modifying... -
trench replied to the topic update problem.
December 29 at 8:20 am
Perfect works properly? Thanks Maverick -
trench said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic update problem.
December 29 at 8:19 am
The package was corrupt and it is still cached in CDN. So I made a new package with new version number. Can you try now? -
andybon created new topic Challenge Win: Double Post on EasySocial Stream.
December 28 at 11:28 pm
Testing out the Challenges, and when someone wins a challenge, I get a duplicated post saying that on the EasySocial activity stream... For example, you can see both... -
andybon created new topic CjFit links reveal email addresses.
December 28 at 11:25 pm
Hello. I just noticed the links that CjFit is generating include the user's email address or username (I think).. For example in the Leaderboard...