maverick replied to the topic Plugin Hooks?!?!.
January 5 at 6:42 am
Please provide me the plugin code/file to debug the issue. -
maverick replied to the topic Quiz fails to proceed on save.
January 5 at 6:41 am
Can you send me the file? -
maverick replied to the topic Trashed responses are still counted .
January 5 at 6:40 am
I will try to release it as soon as possible. -
tonyp created new topic Cannot delete Difficulties.
January 4 at 10:25 pm
You can't seem to delete difficulties :/ -
tonyp replied to the topic Plugin Hooks?!?!.
January 4 at 10:20 pm
Hey Maverick, I've checked your plugin and the link provided. All looks good, but for somereason onQuizAfterPassed doesn't seem to get run at... -
tonyp replied to the topic View Individual Quiz Responses.
January 4 at 9:34 pm
Great thank you very much! -
tonyp replied to the topic Quiz fails to proceed on save.
January 4 at 9:33 pm
The issue is: $response is null, set it's not been set. Change the duration function from: ... -
tonyp replied to the topic Quiz fails to proceed on save.
January 4 at 9:16 pm
Hello, No core files have been modified. I'll debug it and let you know. Many thanksTony -
tonyp replied to the topic Trashed responses are still counted .
January 4 at 9:14 pm
Great thank you, I will have to launch a site this month. Will it be in by then? Or can you let me know the core change to make once you have made it? -
maverick replied to the topic Trashed responses are still counted .
January 4 at 9:04 pm
That is a valid point. Will add a check in next version to ignore the trashed/archived responses. -
maverick replied to the topic Quiz fails to proceed on save.
January 4 at 9:03 pm
There is a PHP notice message in json response. <b>Notice</b>: Trying to get property of non-object in... -
maverick replied to the topic View Individual Quiz Responses.
January 4 at 8:59 pm
Expect this in next release. -
tonyp replied to the topic Trashed responses are still counted .
January 4 at 8:17 pm
Hello, I know that thanks. But what I am saying if the quiz can only be taken once and the user has taken the quiz, but then the admin has trashed their response the... -
tonyp replied to the topic Quiz fails to proceed on save.
January 4 at 8:13 pm
If you access this url: -
tonyp replied to the topic View Individual Quiz Responses.
January 4 at 8:10 pm
Thanks, quite a long winded approach. Can you not make the Responses view in the backending have the ID link to the response as per the... -
maverick replied to the topic Quiz fails to proceed on save.
January 4 at 6:35 pm
Can you please let me know the quiz url? -
maverick replied to the topic View Individual Quiz Responses.
January 4 at 6:35 pm
There is. Go to your quiz reports page, click on View All Responses link. You will be shown all responses list. Now click on the id of the response to view the... -
replied to the topic Trashed responses are still counted .
January 4 at 5:08 pm
Trashing response will not delete it from database. Filter transhed responses and delete them permanently. -
tonyp created new topic Quiz fails to proceed on save.
January 4 at 11:47 am
When I click Proceed on the quiz we get the attached error. And the screen hangs. Standard Joomla! Template, Fresh Joomla! Install. -
tonyp created new topic Trashed responses are still counted .
January 4 at 11:44 am
If I trash a response and then try to take the quiz again it blocks the user saying you have already taken the quiz. Surely trashed items shouldn't be counted?