maverick replied to the topic Quiz configuration.
January 7 at 3:32 pm
Edit your question and select "Yes" to "Sum-up All Answers" option in customize tab. -
cedricloue replied to the topic Quiz configuration.
January 7 at 2:56 pm
Hello, Yes radio button is correct to provide only 1 answer but not for the calculation of the points... -
maverick replied to the topic Quiz configuration.
January 7 at 1:12 pm
Please use radio button question type. -
maverick replied to the topic css problem simply questions.
January 7 at 1:11 pm
Alias field is shown to only administrator users. Regular users won't see it. The popup issue could be because of css issues on your page. It should open bootstrap... -
cedricloue created new topic Quiz configuration.
January 7 at 12:52 pm
Hello,How to treat this case with the component?All answers to a question are valid... -
ribosio80 replied to the topic css problem simply questions.
January 7 at 2:16 am
hi thanksss!! one more question: can i disable "ALIAS" label in insert a question? because a major client dont know whats an url... -
maverick replied to the topic css problem simply questions.
January 7 at 12:44 am
Please check now. I did following changes. 1. Changed default layout option in CA options to "BS3" 2. Added below css code in your template custom code... -
ribosio80 replied to the topic css problem simply questions.
January 6 at 11:17 pm
hi when i click in bounty in a question the popup is incorrect... and bottom of " -
ribosio80 said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic css problem simply questions.
January 6 at 10:57 pm
Could you please send me your website details using contact us form so that I can check the issue? -
ribosio80 replied to the topic css problem simply questions.
January 6 at 10:53 pm
hi, i just sent one message in Tecnical support... -
maverick replied to the topic css problem simply questions.
January 6 at 10:42 pm
Could you please send me your website details using contact us form so that I can check the issue? -
ribosio80 created new topic css problem simply questions.
January 6 at 10:10 pm
hi guys i have some issues of structure css in community answers -1) i have -
andybon replied to the topic CjFit links reveal email addresses.
January 6 at 7:35 pm
OK thanks - I've sent the modified file and just asked in that same email what site details you'll be needing too. -
maverick replied to the topic Adding a P.O.I. on the map.
January 6 at 7:28 pm
There is no content in that file except a waypoint. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"... -
maverick replied to the topic CjFit links reveal email addresses.
January 6 at 7:26 pm
Can you please send me your website details and also the modified file to support at corejoomla dot com? -
andybon replied to the topic CjFit links reveal email addresses.
January 6 at 7:07 pm
I'm not having any luck with this code change - and one of my users has already asked to be removed due to the email addresses showing publicly. Can I double check... -
Procom created new topic Adding a P.O.I. on the map.
January 6 at 6:25 pm
I use GPS tools to publish some GPX tracks, but I would like also to add some "fix" point as for exemple a restaurant, an hotel or a shop and having it displayed on the same... -
Procom replied to the topic Modify infowindow content in map preview.
January 6 at 6:20 pm
Thank you for your feedback Maverick... ok I get it I will try to apply your tips. -
Procom said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Modify infowindow content in map preview.
January 6 at 6:19 pm
This answer is applicable only if you have good knowledge of PHP. Otherwise, I recommend you to hire a developer. Most of the information about the waypoint is...