Oscar Eduardo Cavallo replied to the topic Locations, devices and operating systems not showing on reports.
January 26 at 9:02 pm
Yeap!.... survey is anonymous... :-(, is there any way to capture this data on anonymous surveys? Regrads. -
Maverick replied to the topic Locations, devices and operating systems not showing on reports.
January 26 at 3:40 pm
Check if your survey is anonymous. Anonymous surveys will not capture these statistics. -
Maverick replied to the topic Vote button not working.
January 26 at 3:40 pm
I can see below error in ajax response. Fatal error: Class 'MaxMind\Db\Reader\InvalidDatabaseException' not found This means your geoip database is corrupt. Please follow the procedure mentioned below. -
Oscar Eduardo Cavallo created new topic Locations, devices and operating systems not showing on reports.
January 26 at 3:29 pm
Hello Maverick, We just published our first survey, however in the reports dashboard, the operating system, devices and locations is not showing anything (shows 0)!!!... is there anything we need to activate or do something for these reports to work? (Total responses and Total completed responses seem to be working OK) We are using latest joomla, and community components Please advice... Regards... -
Oscar Eduardo Cavallo said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Front-end reports to some users.
January 26 at 3:20 pm
Yes, all users with manage access (Access Administration Interface) can view reports, ofcourse admins. Regular users can't have access as the reports will contain some sensitive information like user ip addresses, locations, user ids etc. -
Oscar Eduardo Cavallo said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic How to change content to spanish (or other language).
January 26 at 3:19 pm
You need to translate the language file to your language file language/en-GB/en-GB.com_communitysurveys.ini -
Alex Rees created new topic Vote button not working.
January 26 at 12:12 pm
I am getting an infinitely spinning icon on when I click the vote now button: I've tried using the Beez template but still get the problem. The site has community builder installed as well as several other plugins. -
Maverick replied to the topic Translate in French.
January 26 at 9:51 am
Looks like your language file is outdated. Community Surveys v4 uses different format language files. Please download again from language section. -
Segaert Vincent replied to the topic Translate in French.
January 26 at 8:52 am
Yes it is. For example, the "start button" caption on my website is "Start survey" but in the file fr-FR.com_communitysurveys.ini there is the line LBL_START="Démarrer" -
Maverick replied to the topic Translate in French.
January 26 at 8:26 am
Please check all language strings in your language file are translated. Also all language strings in English are present in your language. -
Maverick replied to the topic Problem with Share poll.
January 26 at 8:24 am
I can see that correctly (see attached). Which browser you are using? -
shabooboo booboo replied to the topic latest articles: blog page, page 2 has no CSS.
January 25 at 10:09 pm
Thanks for the reply. Since posting I ended up fixing all the issues! Cheers -
Segaert Vincent created new topic Translate in French.
January 25 at 8:44 pm
Hello, I've installed the translation for Community Survey but the text is still in english. Why ? Thanks -
Alexandru Iulian Vlad replied to the topic Problem with Share poll.
January 25 at 5:02 pm
Alexandru Iulian Vlad replied to the topic Problem with Share poll.
January 25 at 5:01 pm
Please click on the "Share/embed this poll" title to see the error. Thanks -
Maverick replied to the topic Community Survey.
January 25 at 3:51 pm
Can you send me your website details using contact us form to check the issue? -
Maverick replied to the topic Blog -New Installation Problems.
January 25 at 3:49 pm
1, 2. In current version it is mandatory to create menu items for these features to work. Create all CjBlog menu items (need not show on front-end). 3. Looks like CSS/JS conflict, where can I see this? -
Raymond created new topic Community Survey.
January 25 at 3:03 pm
I get this error message when I go into acymailing and select "Tags" 1146: Table 'ifieldse_logic.gglpo_cjblog_users' doesn't exist SQL=SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `gglpo_cjblog_users` -
Gerhard Krickl created new topic Blog -New Installation Problems.
January 25 at 1:59 pm
Hi, i have installed CJ blog and i am seeing some Problems: 1) Blog1.jpg I see my Blogs there, but when i click on a blog i jump on the start site of my joomla. No Blog visible. Did i do something wrong? 2) blog2.jpg I created a shadow menu for profile. But if i click on account/my profile nothing happens. I see that there is no link in it. What can i do? (opening the shadow menu with the link directly opens the about me page. 3) blog3.jpg when i want to change my avatar the page transfers to somehow black and i cannot change avatar. In cj-blog options/integrations all is set to cjblog (by default) Please assist me :) br Gerhard -
Gerhard Krickl liked the topic Missing further CjBlog documentation....
January 25 at 1:30 pm
Hello, I am trying out CjBlog on a local Joomla! 3.1.5 installation, using standard protostar site template. I am not very happy with the documentation, as it is mostly guesswork to get anything working: 1) First of all, the following is not true: " By default CjBlog installer creates a menu "CjBlog" with all the required menu items " Therefore I created a menu BlogsHiddenMenu, in which I put the items mentioned in this documentation: "Here are the list of menu items and their functions ( Name (alias) - functionality). Categories (categories) - Displays the categories table. Articles (articles) - Displays articles listings including latest, trending and popular articles listings. Bloggers (bloggers) - Displays the list of bloggers - latest and popular Badges (badges) - Displays all available badges by component Points (points) - Displays user points - should be set to registered user access level, not public Blog (blog) - Forms the urls for user blogs Form (form) - Displays front-end article submission form" -- as item types are not defined, I tried the following: Categories item type=CjBlog >CjBlog Categories Layout Articles item type=CjBlog > CjBlog Articles Layout Bloggers item type= CjBlog >CjBlog Users Layout Badges item type=CjBlog >Badges Layout Points item type= CjBlog User Layout -- not sure??? Blog item type=CjBlog > Blog Layout -- not sure??? Form item type=CjBlog > CjBlog Article Form Layout -- to get it going, I added in my Main menu (named Accueil), an item with title Blogs, with item type=CjBlog > CjBlog Users Layout , so it is equivalent to Bloggers above -- as I could not get hold of Profile item otherwise, I added a submenu to Blogs: Blogs>Profile, of item type=CjBlog User Profile Layout (I must be missing something here!). 2) There are a number of problems with this result: 2.1) the CjBlog's implicit horizontal menu (with items Categories, Bloggers, Tags, Discovery>, Account> ) does not mesh correctly with default protostar menus, as can be seen from this captured image (attachment=problem_CjBlog_menu.JPG) 2.2) The Bloggers display lacks links to blogger profiles (same attachment) 2.3) in the Account>My Blog display, there is a Profile link, that does not work: see attachment=problem_userProfileLinks.JPG 2.4) the Account>My profile link does not work, see attachment=problem_Account-menu-item-My Profile.jpg I also compared with the example site (are there by the way any other example sites?), and obviously I got a number of things missing and/or wrong. I wish some standard procedure should be outlined to get everything working correctly. Also, there should be a way to parameterize the CjBlog's implicit horizontal menu, to make it mesh correctly with such standard templates as is protostar.