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  • yorai ronen said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Override the "polls anywhere" output - for polls inside articles.

    February 9 at 4:23 am

    The template is available in media/com_communitypolls/anywhere/templates/default/template.tpl

    9 years ago

  • yorai ronen replied to the topic Override the "polls anywhere" output - for polls inside articles.

    February 9 at 4:22 am

    Hi Maverick, Thank you very much for the reply. i did see this file but i think it's not what i'm looking for. I'm trying to add a CSS class to the 'vote', 'see results', 'back to poll' buttons (i want to add the bootsrap classes: btn-primary, btn-success, etc....). The file you mentioned has this code: <div class="poll-navigation buttons">{actions}<div class="poll-clear"></div></div> It seems like the code '{actions}' is pulling the buttons layout that i want to edit. How can i access the HTML output of '{actions}'? BTW, i did manage to do it in the Random Poll module, where the buttons are writen in the HTML of the template file, and not via the '{actions}' tag. Thanks again, Yorai

    9 years ago

  • Oscar Eduardo Cavallo replied to the topic Consolidated PDF report.

    February 8 at 6:06 pm

    Recieved and installed your latest update on test site... seems to be working OK now!!!! I'll be installing it on production at night... see how it goes... Thanks for the help and support Maverick

    9 years ago

  • Maverick replied to the topic Consolidated PDF report.

    February 8 at 5:11 pm

    No, that's wrong. Somehow tcpdf engine could not render div block width css style. I am fixing this.

    9 years ago

  • Maverick replied to the topic Survey hanging in Iexplore11.

    February 8 at 5:03 pm

    IE11 json parse error could cause such weired issue. Go to Global configuration and set error reporting to none.

    9 years ago

  • Oscar Eduardo Cavallo replied to the topic Consolidated PDF report.

    February 8 at 4:04 pm

    Hello Maverick, I recieved the updated packages and now the button appears at the top of the page and the report is generated, however even though the percentages are shown correctly the colored bars don't reflect the percentage they represent!!!, they go all the way to 100%... all of them... is this the way that is supoused to be???, please check the uploaded file... Please advice. Regards

    9 years ago

  • P. A. created new topic Survey hanging in Iexplore11.

    February 8 at 1:46 pm

    Hello, I made a survey but now on Iexplore 11 it is hanging on Please Wait.  (see picture)The survey link is tried in Firefox and in Chrome, there it is working. Has someone a idea what is going wrong, or what setting to change so the survey also works in IE ?Thanks in advance Pete

    9 years ago

  • Maverick replied to the topic gpstools and djcatalog2?.

    February 8 at 3:01 am

    Did you installed the component and set it up? Follow this: 1. Install component 2. Go to Components->GPS Tools->Click on Options->check and save options and permission settings here 3. Now create menu items for component layouts to access component on front-end 4. Now you can create tracks from front-end if your user group is given create permissions. you are good to go now.

    9 years ago

  • Shawn Norris replied to the topic gpstools and djcatalog2?.

    February 7 at 3:56 pm

    Hi Maverick, I'm very new to all this. I don't understand how to create the GPS tools module--is there some documentation on this? Thanks!

    9 years ago

  • MelanieB replied to the topic Updated to version 4.1.0 and all front end categories dissappeared.

    February 7 at 3:50 pm

    Aha!   Thank you - that sorted it :)   Mel

    9 years ago

  • MelanieB said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Updated to version 4.1.0 and all front end categories dissappeared.

    February 7 at 3:50 pm

    There are few changes in options. Go to component options and save it. No additional changes needed.

    9 years ago

  • Maverick created new article Community Surveys v4.1.0 Released.

    February 7 at 3:02 pm

    We are pleased to announce Community Surveys v4.1.0 release. Few most requested features are added in this release such as advanced filters for responses listing report,...

    9 years ago

  • Maverick replied to the topic Updated to version 4.1.0 and all front end categories dissappeared.

    February 7 at 1:37 pm

    There are few changes in options. Go to component options and save it. No additional changes needed.

    9 years ago

  • MelanieB created new topic Updated to version 4.1.0 and all front end categories dissappeared.

    February 7 at 1:36 pm

    Hi,   I have just installed the latest Community Surveys upgrade 4.1.0 and all my categories on the front end have dissappeared - it just displays the top level folder categories with nothing below it. I have tried recreating the menu link but still same issue. Have cleared cache etc.   In the backend the categories are still there.   Can you help please   Mel  

    9 years ago

  • Maverick replied to the topic Display Issue After Uograde to current version.

    February 7 at 3:36 am

    Edit or override the layout file components/com_communityanswers/layouts/default/toolbar.php You can remove entire html content if you do not want to display menu at all.

    9 years ago

  • Maverick replied to the topic gpstools and djcatalog2?.

    February 7 at 3:33 am

    I don't see any GPS tools module/plugin on that article. Where can I see the GPS tools page?

    9 years ago

  • Maverick replied to the topic Can't Create - code 2.

    February 7 at 3:31 am

    This error will come when you have not enough keywords available in the category. Please add at least 30 keywords per category.

    9 years ago

  • pierre replied to the topic Display Issue After Uograde to current version.

    February 6 at 11:01 pm

    I solved it  (Q2 & Q3). I turn off the loading os ccss bootstraped and put the default layout to default. Now it works!   The is only question1 to resolved.   I put all the links in a menu at the top of my page. So noy i wnat to remove the menu bar. How can i do that?   Thanks    

    9 years ago

  • Shawn Norris created new topic gpstools and djcatalog2?.

    February 6 at 10:14 pm

    Hi, I'm developing a website to describe the stages of walks (in this case, across Italy). I have each stage set up as a product in dj-catalog. I'd like to be able to add a dynamic map showing the tracks to each page. I was hoping that gpstools could do this, but so far, the map is not displaying. Here is a link to what it currently looks like--see under "Castel Gandolfo to Veletri".  Any help you could give me would be great. Thank you! Shawn

    9 years ago

  • jasonbrinn created new topic Can't Create - code 2.

    February 6 at 5:06 pm

    Helo, I am trying to setup my first crossword from the front end and I get the following message: MSG_ERROR_PROCESSING| Code: 2 Please give me a suggestion on how to clear this.  Thank you!   Jason

    9 years ago

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