Mike replied to the topic Error with Maxmind after asking question.
February 4 at 10:24 am
Thank you. That solved the problem. Mike -
Ruud van Lent replied to the topic Feature discussion: extra's for (paying) bloggers.
February 4 at 8:14 am
Hi, because Iam only using cjblog I do not know if changing the api will also affect other components. The 'pr-blogging' acl will only be avalable in cjblog but should not impact the way the profiles are served from the api to other corejoomla components... correct? or are there no other corejoomla components that utilize these api function(s)? -
yorai ronen created new topic Override the "polls anywhere" output - for polls inside articles.
February 4 at 4:32 am
Hallo Maverick, i'm looking to override the HTML output of the "polls anywhere" plugin, when displaying a poll inside a k2 item. i couldn't find the files - or any documentaion or forum discusssion about this. can you please explain to me where is the file i need to edit, to override the "polls anywhere" output? and how should i build the folder structure in my TMP overrides folder? thank you very much yorai -
Dejan replied to the topic Every survey displayed 7 times.
February 4 at 12:37 am
And I think I know why. 8 is the number of registered users on the site. I just added one more user (you). Everything is the same in those duplicates except [modified_by_name]. That name is different in each duplicate. -
Dejan replied to the topic Every survey displayed 7 times.
February 3 at 7:27 pm
I've sent you the details. -
Maverick replied to the topic Every survey displayed 7 times.
February 3 at 6:50 pm
Can you please send me your website details so that I can check it? -
Maverick replied to the topic Add images in poll header.
February 3 at 6:49 pm
When you edit or create a poll you can see description editor. If you do not see the editor: -> Go to Compponents->Community Polls->Options->Shared Optons->Select Default Editor to Joomla editor -> Go to Global Configuration and select the editor -
Maverick replied to the topic Survey layout.
February 3 at 6:46 pm
I am not sure if I can be available at the sametime you are. But please send me access details. I prefer a site which is online. -
Maverick replied to the topic Error with Maxmind after asking question.
February 3 at 6:45 pm
Can you please update CjLib component v2.4.1 and check if it works? -
Dejan Gagic created new topic Every survey displayed 7 times.
February 3 at 3:55 pm
Hi, I've just installed the latest version of Community Surveys and every survey is displayed 7 times in Survey List View. What could be the issue? The version 3.8.3 was installed previously and everything worked fine. Joomla version is 3.4.5 -
Dimitris Galis replied to the topic Add images in poll header.
February 3 at 11:44 am
Yes this is what i am looking for, how can i do it? -
Andrew Ooi replied to the topic Survey layout.
February 3 at 1:27 am
Hi Maverick, I did select "Display answers inline" option. I can let you access the page by teamviewer. I will email you for the teamviewer access. Thanks. -
Mike created new topic Moderate Questions.
February 2 at 11:47 pm
Could you please tell me the correct permission setting so questions are not published until apporved by admin? I have set up these permissions in several different ways but still the questions are published before being approved. -
Mike replied to the topic Error with Maxmind after asking question.
February 2 at 11:29 pm
No I cannot turn that function off without turning off admin tools which I do not want to do. Is there something else that can be done? -
Mike replied to the topic Error with Maxmind after asking question.
February 2 at 9:36 pm
Yes I am using Admin Tools that has a GEOIP plugin to block certain countries from accessing a site. I am not sure if it is possible to swith it off though. -
Maverick replied to the topic Error with Maxmind after asking question.
February 2 at 6:37 pm
Looks like some other plugin of your's is loading maxmid libraries. Are you using any such plugins which also uses Maxmind APIs? -
Maverick replied to the topic Add images in poll header.
February 2 at 6:31 pm
You can add images in the poll description. Is it what you are looking for? -
Maverick replied to the topic Survey layout.
February 2 at 6:31 pm
Did you selected "Display answers inline" option in your question? If it is not selected and you still get this, that means it is a css conflict. I can only advise css related issue if I can access the page. -
Mike created new topic Error with Maxmind after asking question.
February 2 at 4:44 pm
I revieved the following error when posting a test question to the Community Answers. Any help appreciated Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class GeoIp2\ProviderInterface in /home/XXXXX/public_html/components/com_cjlib/lib/maxmind/ProviderInterface.php on line 5 -
Glenn replied to the topic 404 on Survey Pages.
February 2 at 2:44 pm
Thank you very much for fixing my stupid mistake. Greatly appreciated. Glenn