Maverick replied to the topic Display Issue After Uograde to current version.
February 6 at 1:45 pm
Looks like your website is offline. please send me your website details using contact us form. -
pierre replied to the topic Display Issue After Uograde to current version.
February 6 at 3:39 am
Oh here is the link -
pierre replied to the topic Display Issue After Uograde to current version.
February 6 at 3:27 am
Hello, Thanks for the quick responce. I have allready set it as BS3 but the problem are still there. Do you have an other solution? -
Ruud van Lent replied to the topic Feature discussion: extra's for (paying) bloggers.
February 5 at 4:41 pm
Okay, thanks. Will come up with some code proposals :) -
Maverick replied to the topic Feature discussion: extra's for (paying) bloggers.
February 5 at 4:09 pm
If the API changes are non-breaking in nature, that can be easily adopted otherwise it will need workarounds. -
Ruud van Lent replied to the topic Feature discussion: extra's for (paying) bloggers.
February 5 at 7:09 am
hi Maverick, thanks for your repy. I am not using thsein other extensions. But I am trying to come up with a solution that is generic: so not only for me. If it is genereic and you ' adopt' it as part of the release then I do not have to redo these changes everytime a new version is released of the api / cjblog component. Also then this willadd value not only for me but for everybody using cjblog and wants to have this feature :) Lookig at it that way: is changing the api still the way to go? When it is only for me then it is the easiest way, but that would ' blobk' other users / extension. -
Maverick replied to the topic Display Issue After Uograde to current version.
February 5 at 3:59 am
Looks like you are using bootstrap 3 based template. Go to Components->Community Answers->Click on Options button on toolbar->Intgration and change default layout to "BS3" -
Maverick replied to the topic Consolidated PDF report.
February 5 at 3:57 am
Yes, I am almost done. Please send me a mail using contact us form. I will send you final package on this sunday. -
Maverick replied to the topic Problem with conditional fields and dropdowns.
February 5 at 3:56 am
Can you please send me a sample survey url using contact us form? -
Maverick replied to the topic XML import format for QUIZ.
February 5 at 3:56 am
Import feature applicable only for v4. -
Maverick replied to the topic Add images in poll header.
February 5 at 3:55 am
Which editor you are enabling? Can you send me your website details using contact us form to check it? -
Maverick replied to the topic View Question Link In Email Broken.
February 5 at 3:55 am
Can you please send me a sample email that you get or the url format. You can send these details using contact us form. -
Maverick replied to the topic Feature discussion: extra's for (paying) bloggers.
February 5 at 3:54 am
If you are not using CjBlog avatars/profile/points/badges in other extensions, it will not effect in others. If you modify API for these they will effect any component which uses these features. -
Maverick replied to the topic Override the "polls anywhere" output - for polls inside articles.
February 5 at 3:52 am
The template is available in media/com_communitypolls/anywhere/templates/default/template.tpl -
pierre created new topic Display Issue After Uograde to current version.
February 4 at 11:28 pm
I have a few Issue Following my Upgrade of community Answers to the Curent version. 1- I like to remove the menu Bar 2- My Category list in a colume. I want it to look like the demo page 3- The word (Question : ) is showed after the name of a category. i want to remove this There are more question but i wait for an other post. Thanks P -
Oscar Eduardo Cavallo replied to the topic Consolidated PDF report.
February 4 at 11:27 pm
Hello Maverick... just wanted to know if you've had any progress on this issue... Best regards. -
Matthias Bartels created new topic Problem with conditional fields and dropdowns.
February 4 at 6:51 pm
Hi there, I got the newest version of your Community Survey extension for Joomla and experienced some problems: 1. The conditional fields are working fine on the first page of my survey, but not on the third one. Seems like the "hideme"-class isn't added to the panel element, so the question is always shown. Is this a known bug and are there any solutions to this? 2. The Dropdowns are kind of behind the next panel-element. So the choices are mostly hidden, what's kind of a big problem. Maybe there is a problem with the z-index? Thanks in advance for looking into this. -
maximus replied to the topic XML import format for QUIZ.
February 4 at 4:07 pm
Hi again. I use old version of CJQuizes = 3.5.2 because of old Joomla. Given format is not usefull for 3.5.2.Can you give old format file? -
Dimitris Galis replied to the topic Add images in poll header.
February 4 at 11:28 am
When i enable another editor, the whole website crushes. -
Mike created new topic View Question Link In Email Broken.
February 4 at 10:46 am
I have just clicked on the VIEW QUESTION link in the admin approval email but it gives me an Error 404 Page Not Found error How to fix?