Dimitris Galis created new topic Add images in poll header.
February 2 at 12:26 pm
It would be nice to be able to have an intro image for the poll. -
Andrew Ooi created new topic Survey layout.
February 2 at 9:44 am
Hi Maverick, What ever question I created in Community Surveys, it will display all my answer at the same row. How do I make I answer display as 1 answer 1 row. If I have 5 vanswer, I want it to be 5 row. -
Maverick replied to the topic 404 on Survey Pages.
February 2 at 3:34 am
Can you please install the package I sent to you? -
Glenn replied to the topic 404 on Survey Pages.
February 2 at 1:15 am
Hi Maverick, No additional SEF extensions. In the Global settings SEF is turned on but this was also true when the surveys worked. If i create a module and place it in an article the page becomes a 404. If i turn off (disable) the module the page works again. I am in your hands Maverick, Please help. Glenn -
Maverick replied to the topic "Search" doesn't work. Error 404.
February 1 at 4:48 pm
Yes, replied same day. please check mails in your spam folder. Anyway, here is what I see when I try to login. Twój proces rejestracji nie dobiegł jeszcze końca! Sprawdź swoją skrzynkę emailową, której adres podałeś podczas rejestracji. W mailu nadesłanym od nas powinien znajdować się link aktywacyjny do konta. -
Maverick replied to the topic 404 on Survey Pages.
February 1 at 4:47 pm
Are you using any SEF extension? -
SCREEN BY PLAY replied to the topic "Search" doesn't work. Error 404.
February 1 at 7:14 am
Hello, did you get my message? -
Glenn created new topic 404 on Survey Pages.
February 1 at 4:42 am
Hi, When i add a survey as a module or a menu link the page does not work, appears as a 404 - Page not found. Joomla! 3.3.6 Stable PHP version 5.4.45 In fact when i check now all pages displaying any survey, forms or results are all appearing as 404. Example: Please help. glenn -
Oscar Eduardo Cavallo replied to the topic Consolidated PDF report.
January 29 at 4:18 pm
Maverick, I just sent you the required info for you to check our admin interface... Let me know how it goes... -
Oscar Eduardo Cavallo replied to the topic Consolidated PDF report.
January 29 at 3:54 pm
Hello Maverick, I installed the packages you sent: 1- - throws an Error - 500 - function not supported 2- - installed correctly After installing the first package I couldn't enter to the component anymore... I am preparing access for you to go into admin area of development site... as soon as it is ready I'll send you the credentials via contact-us form. -
Maverick replied to the topic How can I remove the button Cancel.
January 29 at 3:01 am
The views are moved to shareable layouts. New location: components/com_communitysurveys/layouts/default(or bootstrap3)/survey/survey_form.php -
Maverick replied to the topic Consolidated PDF report.
January 29 at 2:57 am
I sent you a new package, for now try installing it and check. If it doesn't work, send me your admin user details. -
Maverick replied to the topic Problem with Share poll.
January 29 at 2:54 am
A quick fix: Edit components/com_communitypolls/views/poll/tmpl/default_extra.php find at line 29 <a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#poll-extra-accordion" href="#poll-sharing-body"> change it to <a href="#poll-sharing-body"> -
Miha Gresak replied to the topic How can I remove the button Cancel.
January 28 at 10:41 pm
Maverick wrote:You can remove it by editing the code in components/com_communitysurveys/views/response/tmpl/default_form.php line 111 <a class="btn" href="/<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option='.S_APP_NAME.'&view=survey'.$itemid)?>"><?php echo JText::_('LBL_CANCEL');?></a> Hi, this answer is outdated. What is the correct path now where I can found the php file and disable cancel button? -
Oscar Eduardo Cavallo replied to the topic Consolidated PDF report.
January 28 at 5:42 pm
Let me see if I can give you access to our development site... what access do you need Maverick? -
Alexandru Iulian Vlad replied to the topic Problem with Share poll.
January 28 at 5:02 pm
Oh I understand. Thing is that I need that this sharing option to be available from your Poll component, because that's how it will get noticed, so...could you then tell me how to disable the click on it for closing and leaving it opened all the time? I really need this to work... Thanks in advance! -
Maverick replied to the topic Consolidated PDF report.
January 28 at 3:48 pm
Can you please send me your website details using contact us form? -
Oscar Eduardo Cavallo replied to the topic Consolidated PDF report.
January 28 at 2:48 pm
Hello Maverick... thanks for your response... I have gone to the section indicated by your last post but I only see a "Print" button at the top of the report there that display the page in html... I don't have any option to print the report on PDF... Any suggestions? Regards. -
Maverick replied to the topic Problem with Share poll.
January 28 at 3:39 am
Got it. This happens because of the custom bootstrap css being loaded by your page (/media/modals/css/bootstrap.min.css). It overrides the default behavior and does not allow it to work properly. You can disable that block by disabling sharing options in component options. -
Maverick replied to the topic Consolidated PDF report.
January 28 at 3:33 am
Go to reports section of your surey and click on View consolidated report link. Here you can download pdf. Also I have developed an option to attach user response in pdf and send it to survey author in email when a user respond to survey. This will be available in next version.