Birol Kuru created new topic name username in activity stream jomsocial.
May 15 at 1:51 pm
hi, when I vote. comes in activity stream my real name, but I have chosen in option username. how can I fix this? -
Francesco created new topic finale score in category quiz.
May 15 at 12:10 pm
Hi. On front end I created a category quiz wit random option so to choose 6 questions from other of the same category. I ddin't find the field to set points to assigned if the reply is correct and if the reply is not like the classic quiz. In fact an user took a quiz and he got 0 as finale score but he replied to some question correctly. So how can i do in this case? Please notice that every questions, chosen randomly, has the points assigned for right and wrong reply already. Best regards -
Sandro Alvarez said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Language Not Work.
May 14 at 4:41 pm
Is that translation fully translated? On Transifex I could see only 20% of the language translation is completed, so all other strings are still in English. -
Sandro Alvarez replied to the topic Language Not Work.
May 14 at 4:31 pm
Like I said ... I downloaded the incomplete translation and finished all of it with TextWrangler as I have always done with several other components ... Attached is the file which corresponds to these fields that are still in English ... see that are all translated .... So that's why I do not understand why some were translated and others were not.Attached sexe fully translated file to Portuguese of Brazil .... note that the fields that match the images that were attached are translated but not appear as translated in the frontend of the site ... -
Fred The Coder replied to the topic Poll creation in modal.
May 14 at 4:00 pm
Hi Maverick, thanks for your concern.. I need to provide users with a button that is adding a poll to the artile they are currently creating. Do you copy me? Thus, I guess, opening the edit poll view in a modal window looks user friendly...while creating your article, you can click on a button that allow you to add a poll to this article... Could you tell me more about editor plugin? Are you talking about plugin that enables usage of shortcode "contentpoll"? Also, please let me know how to access the modal view I was refering to earlier. Thank you -
Maverick replied to the topic Many Bugs!!! Nothing Works in this Component!!!.
May 14 at 5:43 am
Please use contact us form to send the email or reply to any of the previous mail. -
Maverick replied to the topic Language Not Work.
May 14 at 5:39 am
Is that translation fully translated? -
Maverick replied to the topic Poll creation in modal.
May 14 at 5:37 am
I am not sure what you are trying to do but there is already an editor plugin to add poll into your article. -
Maverick liked a reply to the topic Cjblog how to auto publish blog post..
May 14 at 5:35 am
Maverick replied to the topic Surveys Mobile Device Camera Picture Capture.
May 14 at 5:35 am
This is out of scope of the component, the app runs on the browser and any such behavior is controlled by your browser on the device. -
Sandro Alvarez replied to the topic Many Bugs!!! Nothing Works in this Component!!!.
May 13 at 3:29 pm
I did not say that the component does not work for everyone, he said he did not work for me so I sent the settings for premeditated that could be related to them. To quel email I send the user information ?Thanks in Advance. -
Sandro Alvarez said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Many Bugs!!! Nothing Works in this Component!!!.
May 13 at 3:27 pm
Hi Sandro, The extension is being used on hundreds of websites and none of them have these problems. So it must be something very specific issue happening on your site. Please send me your website and admin user details using contact us form, and I will fix it for you. -
Robert Gilbey replied to the topic Hide number of votes from results.
May 13 at 12:43 pm
That worked. Thank you. -
Fred The Coder created new topic Poll creation in modal.
May 13 at 9:19 am
Hello, I need to add a button in edit article view, in order to allow user ta add a poll into an article while he/she is creating an article. I try to do so by using a modal window, which will embed the view components/com_communitypolls/views/form/tmpl/edit.php Currently I copied the file edit.php to edit-in-modal.php and I try to play with this.. I discover there is modal view: administrator/components/com_communitypolls/views/poll/tmpl/modal.php What is this view aimed at? From where can we access it (from admin panels?)? Can I use it as an example for my need? Thank you for your reply. -
Ruud van Lent replied to the topic Cjblog how to auto publish blog post..
May 13 at 7:16 am
Hi John, for bloggin CjBlog uses the default Joomla functionality. So the Joomla Article ACL's are implemented. For bloggin you need author ACL (member of that group), with that ACL you can do the following: Author - This group allows a user to post content, usually via a link in the User Menu. They can submit new content, select options to show the item on the front page and select dates for publishing but they cannot directly publish any content. When content is submitted by an Author level user, they receive the message, “Thanks for your submission. Your submission will now be reviewed before being posted to the site.” They can edit only their own articles but only when that article has been published and is visible. If you want your blogger to be able to also publish a blog, then he should have Publisher ACL, but that would also mean he could edit (and change) other people's blogs. What you could do is change the permissions for the author group to also 'edit state' (allowed). That way the author is able to edit the state of the articles he has access to (his own). Back-end -> Content -> Articles -> [Options] -> tab [Permissions] -> --author -> Edit state 'Allowed' (default = inhereted) Should be tested :) -
Ruud van Lent replied to the topic parse user-profile-layout page thru content plugins.
May 13 at 7:05 am
Maverick wrote: That should work. Just would like to let you know that I am already started working on v4 and have already completed most of the coding part. Also there are significant amount of changes (end-to-end) in this version. I will include this particular change in that version. Thanks Maverick for the update, was wondering what the status was and I am very pleased that you are actively working on the new version. Can't wait to test :) -
John tk created new topic Cjblog how to auto publish blog post..
May 13 at 5:53 am
How to auto approve user blog posts in CJBlog? -
Maverick replied to the topic Hide number of votes from results.
May 13 at 5:48 am
Edit modules/mod_randompoll/tmpl/default.php and delete below line <small class="muted">(<?php echo JText::plural('COM_COMMUNITYPOLLS_VOTE_PCT', $answer->votes);?>)</small> -
Marek Oles created new topic Surveys Mobile Device Camera Picture Capture.
May 13 at 1:32 am
Does Community Surveys have or can the freature be added to capture images using a mobile device? Or, can JPhoto Mobile Extention be used together with Community Surveys to capture pictures using a mobile device camera.