Birol Kuru replied to the topic name username in activity stream jomsocial.
May 16 at 6:29 pm
I have jomsocial also set to Username and corejoomla i set to username the component corejoomla polls also shows username , but when i post a new polls or vote a polls than shows the realname and not the username in jomsocial activity stream, why? -
Maverick replied to the topic finale score in category quiz.
May 16 at 6:14 pm
There is no change done for that page, what was the earlier version you were using? Please note that there was a fix made to that page which used to display other user's responses (with version v4.2.5). So if you are using earlier versions, it should be working correct now. -
Francesco replied to the topic finale score in category quiz.
May 16 at 3:53 pm
Hi, I installed the file you sent me but now if user click on "my stuff" link he receive the message that he didn't take any quiz yet. But he did 2 already. -
tamera replied to the topic ASK A QUESTION inactive ? Can't find the jquery plugin !!.
May 16 at 3:08 pm
HERE IS THE WEBSITE How do I enable Jquery, even if it is a part of Joomla, I can't find it... Thanks -
Maverick replied to the topic ASK A QUESTION inactive ? Can't find the jquery plugin !!.
May 16 at 2:20 pm
jQuery is part of Joomla itself. No other plugins needed. Please post the url of the page where I can see the issue. -
Maverick replied to the topic Poll creation in modal.
May 16 at 2:18 pm
This is the view shown in modal dialog. -
tamera added the topic to his favorites: ASK A QUESTION inactive ? Can't find the jquery plugin !!.
May 16 at 2:06 pm
Good afternoon, My button ASK A QUESTION is not working.According to my searchs on the website, this is due to the fact that the JQUERY PLUGIN is disabled, I have to turn it on to have my ASK A QUESTION button working. The thing that drives me mad is that I can't find anywhere this plugin !!! Can you give me a hand ? Where is this plugin hidden ?? Best regards -
tamera created new topic ASK A QUESTION inactive ? Can't find the jquery plugin !!.
May 16 at 2:05 pm
Good afternoon, My button ASK A QUESTION is not working.According to my searchs on the website, this is due to the fact that the JQUERY PLUGIN is disabled, I have to turn it on to have my ASK A QUESTION button working. The thing that drives me mad is that I can't find anywhere this plugin !!! Can you give me a hand ? Where is this plugin hidden ?? Best regards -
Francesco replied to the topic finale score in category quiz.
May 16 at 9:32 am
I sent you the data to test this by your contact form. Best regards -
Fred The Coder replied to the topic Poll creation in modal.
May 16 at 9:21 am
OK, I will try this way with editor-xtd button... Also, what is this view/file aimed at administrator/components/com_communitypolls/views/poll/tmpl/modal.php ? Thank you -
Francesco replied to the topic finale score in category quiz.
May 16 at 9:08 am
Maybe i don't know how to explain my problem. I know already how to assign the point for every reply and how to mark the correct asnwer. I have another problem. I created a category quiz but i didn't add any new question to it. In this way the category quiz propose the quizzes by choose them randomly from other quizzes already present inside the category. I tried and it works in this way. The problem is that when i finish to reply to the questions of the category quiz i see my results where all is 0. Look the attachment. But this is not correct because user replied to the questions and give also correct answers too. -
Maverick replied to the topic Poll creation in modal.
May 16 at 8:31 am
Yes, I was referring to the modal solution in that link. Within modal you can open any page. -
Maverick replied to the topic finale score in category quiz.
May 16 at 8:27 am
Category quiz is nothing but random selection of questions from all quizzes in that category, it is not a different one. For every answer you enter, you can enter marks as well, see below image. -
Fred The Coder replied to the topic Poll creation in modal.
May 16 at 7:04 am
Yes please guide me a little bit more... Are you talking about that plugin file ? plugins\content\polls\polls.php Or are you talking about a solution like that one? Thank you for your help. -
Francesco replied to the topic finale score in category quiz.
May 16 at 5:35 am
I see about the small text box beside every answer and i did already for every answer of classic quiz. In the category quiz i didn't create any answer so it choose questions and answer among quizzes of the category randomly. In this case how it is calculated the final score? -
Maverick replied to the topic Language Not Work.
May 16 at 4:41 am
I am not exactly sure why Joomla did not translated only selected few translations. But I believe it may be because of language encoding since you translated in some text editor. I have uploaded your file on transifex and updated the downloadable zip file. It will always uses utf-8 encoding. So can you try downloading it again and install it? -
Maverick replied to the topic name username in activity stream jomsocial.
May 16 at 4:20 am
It depends on which activity stream component you are using. JoSocial for example replace user name from its own settings. -
Maverick replied to the topic finale score in category quiz.
May 16 at 4:18 am
You should find small text box beside every answer when you are adding answers in questions. Please note that you can set points for choice type questions only but not free text type questions. -
Maverick replied to the topic Poll creation in modal.
May 16 at 4:15 am
Please see code of the editor plugin bundled. You can add another button and open a modal just like that. Coding modal part need to add another view file in appropriate view. Let me know if you need any other help. -
Birol Kuru replied to the topic name username in activity stream jomsocial.
May 15 at 2:01 pm
and the notification in the activity stream is in English. but I have never in German. and the .ini file, it is also specified COM_COMMUNITYPOLLS_STREAM_NEW_POLL="%1$s eingereichte Abstimmungen <a href='%2$s'>%3$s</a>" COM_COMMUNITYPOLLS_STREAM_NEW_VOTE="%1$s stimmten ab <a href='%2$s'>%3$s</a>"