Francesco replied to the topic reference field about quote.
May 19 at 8:33 pm
Did you release the new version with references feld? -
Francesco replied to the topic finale score in category quiz.
May 19 at 8:32 pm
I tested and it works fine. Thanks. Best regards -
Fred The Coder replied to the topic How to use custom answer in Polls.
May 19 at 8:30 pm
Hello Maverick, If i understood right...I select an existing answer, then I enter a new one in text box, then i click on vote. Am i right? In such a case I have the message: " Please select either existing option or enter your own, however not both." with this poll : -
Maverick replied to the topic How to use custom answer in Polls.
May 19 at 8:21 pm
Unfortunately jQuery validation cannot validate "required" validation with mixed elements (checkbox and textbox). So user has to select at least one option if they want to use stack answers option. You could add a last answer something like "Others, please select this and enter your answer in below textbox" so that users can select it and enter their answers. -
Maverick replied to the topic Display problem.
May 19 at 8:18 pm
Please download and update to latest version of CjLib component. -
Maverick replied to the topic display problem with jfconnecto.
May 19 at 8:16 pm
Go to Components->Community Polls->Click on Options button on toolbar->Integration tab->Select default layout as bootstrap 3. If it don't solve, enable option "Load Bootstrap CSS" -
Maverick replied to the topic finale score in category quiz.
May 19 at 8:13 pm
Code already updated, will send you the package for testing before final release. -
Maverick replied to the topic You are not authorised to take this quiz.| RC=1.
May 19 at 8:06 pm
They are not available in language strings. these codes are important for debugging any issues. they cannot be deleted. -
Maverick replied to the topic Can't Upload GPX Tracks.
May 19 at 8:05 pm
You need to set max allowed size option in your gps tools component options. -
Fred The Coder created new topic How to use custom answer in Polls.
May 19 at 7:29 pm
Hello, I would like to test polls where "custom answer" is enabled or "stack answer". On my website, with such settings, when enterring a new answer in the dedicated field with placeholder text "Others, please enter here:, I have the error message "this field is required" when clicking on vote button. Thus I created a poll on your demo site: To check if the issue is related to my environment, but I have the same issue on your demo site. Could you please explain how end users can enter its own answer in a poll that allow this? In both cases "enable" and "stack answer". Thank you. -
felicianne created new topic Display problem.
May 19 at 5:19 pm
Hello I have a big problem with your component. As you see I all ready buy Community Quizz. But when I creat a new quizz from the front-end I can't open it. Please have a see this link: Also when I click here: I get this: Please I need your help quiclky Kind regards -
herve replied to the topic Direct display of polls.
May 19 at 5:04 pm
Hi, I solved (I think with the links menu) but much bigger problem : -
herve created new topic display problem with jfconnecto.
May 19 at 5:02 pm
HI, The display is correct with protostarThis does not work well with protostar Thank you for helping me restore formatting protostar -
herve created new topic Direct display of polls.
May 19 at 1:25 pm
HelloTo facilitate the user experience, I would like to have the list of all available surveys (image1) rather than the list of categories (image2)How to do ? -
Francesco replied to the topic finale score in category quiz.
May 19 at 10:30 am
Hi. Any news about adding wrong answer marks capability like before? -
Francesco replied to the topic You are not authorised to take this quiz.| RC=1.
May 19 at 10:29 am
Hi. Why the message shows "RC=1" at the end? I don't find it in the language string. No way to delete that? Best regards -
Bobby Medley replied to the topic Can't Upload GPX Tracks.
May 18 at 11:30 pm
That worked, but now I have a new problem. I'm getting the error message when I try to upload a 307kb gpx file. The file exceeds the maximum allowed size. I checked my PHP ini file and the maximum allowed size for uploaded files is: upload_max_filesize 100M This should allow for the uploading of most any gpx file. Bob The gpx file I'm trying to upload is only 307kb -
Nichola Caddy said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic You are not authorised to take this quiz.| RC=1.
May 18 at 2:21 am
Please allow respond permission to your user groups. You can access permission settings from Options button on toolbar. -
Nichola Caddy liked a reply to the topic You are not authorised to take this quiz.| RC=1.
May 18 at 2:21 am
Maverick replied to the topic Can't Upload GPX Tracks.
May 17 at 10:25 pm
If you are using reCaptcha 2 plugin or Joomla 3.5.1, please disable captcha. This needs some update. Or as a temporary fix remove below code from components/com_gpstools/controllers/gpstools.php if($user->guest){ JPluginHelper::importPlugin('captcha'); $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); $result = $dispatcher->trigger('onCheckAnswer',$post->getString('recaptcha_response_field')); if(!$result[0]){ $app->enqueueMessage(JText::_('MSG_INVALID_CAPTCHA')); $view = $this->getView('form', 'html'); $view->assignRef('track', $track); $view->setModel($model, true); $view->display(); return; }}