Maverick replied to the topic You are not authorised to take this quiz.| RC=1.
May 17 at 10:19 pm
Please allow respond permission to your user groups. You can access permission settings from Options button on toolbar. -
Maverick replied to the topic Poll creation in modal.
May 17 at 10:17 pm
If you are asking for edit poll code, then it should be in components/com_communitypolls/views/form/tmpl/edit.php But again as I said you may endup doing a lot of coding stuff to implement such behavior. This is too tightly integrated into Joomla MVC stuff. -
Maverick replied to the topic finale score in category quiz.
May 17 at 10:15 pm
As discussed over email, I will add wrong answer marks capability and let you know asap. -
Maverick replied to the topic New to Community Polls.
May 17 at 10:14 pm
Can you please send me the details using contact us form so that I can check it myself? -
Bobby Medley created new topic Can't Upload GPX Tracks.
May 17 at 4:07 pm
I can't upload tracks. I keep getting this message - Invalid captcha entered. Please enter correct captcha code. - I have captcha enabled and entered the site key and secret key. I see no place in GPS Tools dashboard to enable of disable Captcha. Please help. Bob -
Sandro Alvarez said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Language Not Work.
May 17 at 3:30 pm
I am not exactly sure why Joomla did not translated only selected few translations. But I believe it may be because of language encoding since you translated in some text editor. I have uploaded your file on transifex and updated the downloadable zip file. It will always uses utf-8 encoding. So can you try downloading it again and install it? -
Birol Kuru replied to the topic name username in activity stream jomsocial.
May 17 at 12:11 pm
sure, i test it i send you now my email -
Nichola Caddy created new topic You are not authorised to take this quiz.| RC=1.
May 17 at 6:45 am
I have set this on a hidden menu but its public, the quiz is public and i can get to the menu item but when i select start quiz i get an error, i have also set permission for public to access the component. this is the link to my quiz You are not authorised to take this quiz.| RC=1 -
Fred The Coder replied to the topic Poll creation in modal.
May 17 at 6:30 am
Hi Maverick, Thank you for your suggestion, but my UI shall be very user friendly, thus I guess creating the poll while editing/creating is easier than creating the poll, then inserting it into an article. But your proposal is valid if I do not reach to code my need. Again, please let me know where is called this code "administrator/components/com_communitypolls/views/poll/tmpl/modal.php" ? It looks to be what I need as it has buttons apply/save/cancel. This code seems to edit poll in a modal... Thank you. -
Guillaume Gaillet replied to the topic New to Community Polls.
May 16 at 10:40 pm
Aaah. Now I understand how grid poll works. Good. Thanks. New problem. I am logged in CJForum. I created a post with a poll inside. When I send my vote, Polls asks me to register/login. (there is also a message on top of the poll telling me that public do not have access to the results) I did rebuilt the users list of Community Polls. I double checked I am indeed logged (I wouldn't be able to access the post otherwise). I made sure that I have the "vote" rights in the permissions. What else? -
Francesco replied to the topic finale score in category quiz.
May 16 at 9:22 pm
Ok no problem. I tested already and still something doesn’t work correctly. I set for the right answer 2 points, for the wrong -1 and i suppose 0 for no any answer. The component calculate the finale score by using the points of the right answer only and don’t detract the negative point for the wrong answers. So for example if i reply to 3 questions correctly and for 2 i give wrong reply and 1 i don’t reply the final score will be 6 (2 points per 3 right answer) instead of 5. -
Maverick replied to the topic finale score in category quiz.
May 16 at 9:01 pm
Sorry about it, I sent correct file now. -
Francesco replied to the topic finale score in category quiz.
May 16 at 8:58 pm
I see in the Extensions - manage of Joomla backend. However it doesn't work -
Maverick replied to the topic New to Community Polls.
May 16 at 8:53 pm
1. Content plugin allows you to insert polls into your Joomla articles. "Community Polls - Polls" is a core plugin which enables points system, emails, activity etc. 2. You must be using old version of plugin. "Search - Polls" should be correct one. 3. Edit your poll and go to Customize tab. -
Maverick replied to the topic Poll creation in modal.
May 16 at 8:48 pm
That file will displat list of polls, not what you are expecting. but anyway see the editor button plugin code (plugins/editor-xtd/polls/polls.php) which contain code to activate the modal. My personal suggestion: since it is too complex unless you know pretty good Joomla coding stuff, use existing button plugin and ask your users to create poll somewhere, may be giving a link to create poll page. -
Maverick replied to the topic finale score in category quiz.
May 16 at 8:46 pm
Where did you see that version number? If you installed the file I sent, you will not see any version number as it do not contain version information and it must be latest. -
Maverick replied to the topic name username in activity stream jomsocial.
May 16 at 8:43 pm
Understood, that seems to be a bug though. I will fix it with next release. In case you want to test it, please send me a mail using contact us form. -
Guillaume Gaillet created new topic New to Community Polls.
May 16 at 8:37 pm
Hi Maverick. Me again but this time for your polls product. So a couple of questions. 1- What is the difference between the plugin "content - polls" and "community polls - polls". Do we need to enable them both? 2- what is the difference between community polls and polls? I see there is a difference with the search plugins. 3- I created a grid poll (7x3) but I am able to select only two radio buttons at a time. Everytime I click on a third choice, one of the previous choice deselects. I can't find where I can specify the max number of answers for the grid poll. Thanks. -
Francesco replied to the topic finale score in category quiz.
May 16 at 7:58 pm
I installled your file and now i see 4.2.1 version. SI i have past version? I don't get. -
Fred The Coder replied to the topic Poll creation in modal.
May 16 at 7:19 pm
OK, and how do we reach it? How do we activate this modal dialog within our Joomla site? Through the admin interface? Thank you