Peter J Scalici replied to the topic Need Help to remove the field TITLE in the NAME area?.
May 6 at 2:17 am
Hi Maverick, I have tried what you have explained above but it didnt do anything. I ended up finding the file I need to edit and the snippet of code to delete for "title" to go away. Problem is after I delete the snippet and test by adding the first and last name in survey and submit the responses come back in administrator as "no answer given" when I clearly put in a first name and a last name. Can you assist with what has to be done for the responses in admin backend to come up with the proper entry? see attached. Thank you! file path // components/com_communitysurveys/layouts/default/response/question/name.php snippet I deleted: <input type="text" name="user-name-<?php echo $item->id;?>[]" id="user-name-<?php echo $item->id;?>-title" class="form-control input-mini<?php echo $required;?>" value="<?php echo $free_text;?>" placeholder="<?php echo JText::_('COM_COMMUNITYSURVEYS_TITLE');?>"> Result after I submit: -
Mark Reynolds replied to the topic Dropdowns not displaying properly.
May 5 at 2:13 pm
Thanks Maverick, I've deleted that line and it starts to load but hangs with the "Please Wait" overlay? Thanks Mark -
Francesco replied to the topic where is the category?.
May 5 at 2:03 pm
Please let me know if you received the data to access to my backend and if you can check it today. Thanks again. Best regards -
Francesco replied to the topic reference field about quote.
May 5 at 1:38 pm
Good to know that! Thanks! Please add this feature with the features i asked here. Thanks again Best regards -
Maverick replied to the topic Dropdowns not displaying properly.
May 5 at 1:00 pm
Looks like your template causing some css conflict. Remove chosen styling on select boxes to solve this. Edit components/com_communitysurveys/view/survey/tmpl/default.php and remove below line JHtml::_('formbehavior.chosen', 'select:not(.chosen-disabled)'); -
Maverick replied to the topic reference field about quote.
May 5 at 12:57 pm
Adding a new text field to add reference of the quote :-). -
Mark Reynolds created new topic Dropdowns not displaying properly.
May 5 at 9:16 am
Good morning I have started to build my first survey - link here If you select the second radio button for a fee being charged it displays a drop down but the dropdown dowsn't disply properly? Any help appreciated - I am using this template Thanks Mark -
Francesco replied to the topic reference field about quote.
May 5 at 7:59 am
Thinking seriously to pbuy this component. Please think to add this feature. Thanks Best regards -
Francesco replied to the topic where is the category?.
May 5 at 7:57 am
I sent you now by contact form. Please tell me what happened and what's the problem because i didn't do any particular thing. Best regards -
Maverick replied to the topic Need Help to remove the field TITLE in the NAME area?.
May 5 at 7:10 am
components/com_communitysurveys/layouts/default(or bootstrap3)/response/question.php <div class="panel-heading"> <div class="panel-title <?php echo $item->params->get('title_class');?>"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i> <?php echo $item->title;?></div></div> -
Maverick replied to the topic where is the category?.
May 5 at 7:04 am
Alright, please send me your website details once again. I will fix it. Please note that the fix is not with code rather with the settings. -
Peter J Scalici created new topic Need Help to remove the field TITLE in the NAME area?.
May 5 at 2:59 am
How do I remove the "title" in name fields. When I mark it "madatory" it is required to put somthing in title field. I prefer not to have a title. I refered to other threads that explain a fix but it is out dated. In a later thread Maverick wrote:Edit components/com_communitysurveys/helpers/formfields.php But this file is non-existing in the most up to date fixes. Can you please advise me the new correct file to edit and the line I need to delete? Many Thanks! -
Francesco replied to the topic where is the category?.
May 4 at 8:50 pm
I didn't edit the category. Never i did that. After you fixed it i created other quizzes on front end. And as i told you i upgraded to the latest version. -
David Janousek replied to the topic CJForum permissions and redirection problem.
May 4 at 7:53 pm
OK, thanks for your reply. David -
Maverick replied to the topic Do I need Cj framework library .
May 4 at 7:37 pm
There is no video but there is a detailed documentation on wiki site. I can provide you support for issues caused by CjBlog. Of course support for bugs and setup issues but not custom code/feature requests. -
Maverick replied to the topic CJForum permissions and redirection problem.
May 4 at 7:35 pm
Sorry, that new button was there accidentally. Forum topics should be added from front-end as it is forum :-) -
Maverick replied to the topic Remove deleted responses from csv export file.
May 4 at 7:34 pm
Go to Extensions->Plugins->Community Surveys - Surveys plugin->Disable email notifications -
Maverick replied to the topic where is the category?.
May 4 at 7:32 pm
1. As I said, please check language setting in your quiz, not in category. The language shown in your attachment is quiz language. 2. So what change was done after I fixed it? I believe you changed the access or language. -
Maverick replied to the topic where is the category?.
May 4 at 7:32 pm
1. As I said, please check language setting in your quiz, not in category. The language shown in your attachment is quiz language. 2. So what change was done after I fixed it? I believe you changed the access or language. -
David Janousek replied to the topic CJForum permissions and redirection problem.
May 4 at 2:59 pm
Hello Maverick I did a deep check of the functionality. It works well from the frontend, however I cannot create a new topic from the backend. Once you create a new topic from the backend and press SAVE or SAVE AND CLOSE nothing happen at all, unfortunately. Give me advise, please. In a case you need acces to live system again - just let me know. David