tonyp replied to the topic Next release?.
July 9 at 11:01 am
Thank you, looking forward to the relese. -
tonyp replied to the topic Can proceed without marking answers complete.
July 9 at 10:47 am
What is your email? I'll send you a custom url which will auto log you in and allow you to take the quiz. Many thanksTony -
tonyp replied to the topic Timed Questions?.
July 9 at 10:46 am
Hello, Yes exactly! My client noticed it is part of vQuiz and tried to make me sway to vQuiz. Fortunately they are staying with CJ so saves me a lot of work. but would... -
replied to the topic Timed Questions?.
July 9 at 10:43 am
What do you mean by timed questions? Specific time for each question? -
replied to the topic Can proceed without marking answers complete.
July 9 at 10:42 am
Quiz url please. -
tonyp created new topic Can proceed without marking answers complete.
July 9 at 9:54 am
Hello, I have all my questions marked as mandatory, I then have them random at a minimum per page set to 4 say. I can continue to the next chained quiz... -
tonyp created new topic Timed Questions?.
July 9 at 8:16 am
Hello, I am wondering if you have thought about having timed questions as well as the timed quiz. Many thanksTony -
tonyp said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Next release?.
July 8 at 7:53 pm
It is under testing, if successful, released tomorrow. -
tonyp liked a reply to the topic Next release?.
July 8 at 7:53 pm
maverick replied to the topic Next release?.
July 7 at 4:12 pm
It is under testing, if successful, released tomorrow. -
replied to the topic ANT+ (.fit) support in GPS Tools.
July 6 at 2:49 pm
No plans. Purpose of ANT format is different and not something we can use with gps tools. -
BERBO created new topic ANT+ (.fit) support in GPS Tools.
July 6 at 2:44 pm
Hi, Do you have any plans for supporting the .fit file format (ANT+) next to the .gpx file format in GPS Tools? Thanks, BERBO -
tonyp created new topic Next release?.
July 5 at 12:21 pm
Just wondering when the next release is due? I've posted quite a few things you have fixed for the next release but we could do with the fixes soon. -
tonyp replied to the topic Questions ID Should be count of the displayed questions.
July 5 at 12:20 pm
I've removed it for now. Given when in ramdon 10 was showing first. And when removing/adding questions it would jump from 9 to 12 all of a sudden as I deleted 10 and 11. -
maverick replied to the topic Questions ID Should be count of the displayed questions.
July 3 at 2:58 am
I am sorry for any confusion but I have to disagree here. I am not showing ID of the question when displaying the question numbering. It is the sequence. can you... -
tonyp replied to the topic Questions ID Should be count of the displayed questions.
July 2 at 6:54 pm
Hello, Ok you're not quite following. In Community Quiz you allow showing the question id in the list of questions i.e. 1-10. But this is wrong to the user when they... -
maverick replied to the topic Questions ID Should be count of the displayed questions.
July 2 at 4:34 pm
ID is the key of the row stored in database. Order is stored in sort_order field. Why do you need to use id and where? -
maverick replied to the topic Bug with opening a quiz and then reopening it.
July 2 at 4:31 pm
I couldn't reproduce the issue on my local site. Please post your site to a live site and send me the link to debug the issue. -
tonyp replied to the topic Questions ID Should be count of the displayed questions.
July 2 at 10:51 am
Yes they are, I'm not saying that. I am talking about the ID of the question. -
tonyp replied to the topic Bug with opening a quiz and then reopening it.
July 2 at 10:50 am
Create a quiz yourself? I'm working offline at the moment.