maverick replied to the topic Cannot disable rating.
June 26 at 2:00 am
I will add this check also in the code. -
maverick replied to the topic Disable Send of Thank You Email.
June 26 at 1:51 am
Yes, this is a global setting. Per survey setting is already discussed and will be added in future releases. -
replied to the topic Style answers with numbers or alphabetical.
June 26 at 1:19 am
You can just enter answer titles as you would like to. Or am I missing something here? -
tonyp created new topic Style answers with numbers or alphabetical.
June 25 at 11:37 pm
It would be good to have the answers as: a b c or 1 2 3 -
tonyp created new topic Randomise Order .
June 25 at 11:36 pm
What are your thoughts on adding in a 'Randomise Order' Into the question answers? I can do this with an override per question layout, but would be much better to be part of... -
tonyp created new topic code method is incorrect.
June 25 at 11:14 pm
So in; /default/response/pagination.php for the jumpto select you are using: <option value="<?php echo $page->id?>"<?php... -
tonyp created new topic Page title list.
June 25 at 11:05 pm
At present you allow pagination and jumpto function. Why not add a Show page title pagination? I've written it in for myself with an override, but makes sense to... -
tonyp created new topic Page 1 is not 50%.
June 25 at 10:58 pm
So with the pagination and progress bar you are saying page 1 is 50%. Actually page 1 is 0% unless they have reached the end, when they enter page 2 this is technically... -
tonyp created new topic Core Config not respected - show intro.
June 25 at 9:51 pm
This is similar to my last post. I set show intro to no in the global config and the quiz is set to use global. It doesn't work, the intro with the title and edit/trash etc... -
tonyp replied to the topic Cannot disable rating.
June 25 at 9:23 pm
The issue is you have both a disable rating and also permissions, you don't actually check the component disable rating see the code you are using is:... -
lacwebadmin replied to the topic Disable Send of Thank You Email.
June 25 at 5:31 pm
Hi Maverick, Since this is a plugin, so all of the surveys that I would be creating from now on will not send a Thank You email, right? I wish you will... -
maverick replied to the topic Disable Send of Thank You Email.
June 25 at 5:03 pm
Go to Extensions -> Pluigns -> Community Surveys - Surveys plugin and disable email settings. -
lacwebadmin created new topic Disable Send of Thank You Email.
June 25 at 3:49 pm
Hello! Is there a way to disable sending of Thank You email to a user after they participated in the survey? But as an Admin or Survey creator I'd like... -
maverick replied to the topic Cannot disable rating.
June 24 at 3:01 am
The rating permission will disable rating functionality when taking quiz."Enable Ratings" option will be used to control rating shown on listing pages. If these... -
tonyp replied to the topic Cannot disable rating.
June 22 at 5:45 pm
Hello, did You look at my links? The option is disabled bu ratings show. I want to disable it completely. i need to... -
maverick replied to the topic Cannot disable rating.
June 22 at 5:36 pm
I am sorry but I could not understand. If you disallow permissions, it will disable rating. -
tonyp replied to the topic Cannot disable rating.
June 22 at 4:38 pm
It is, but given parameters have disabled rating this should trump permissions. -
maverick replied to the topic Cannot disable rating.
June 22 at 3:35 pm
Go to Components -> Community Quiz -> Click on options button on toolbar -> Permission settings tab -> Disable Rating permission -
maverick replied to the topic An easy to use joomla templates.
June 22 at 8:55 am