tonyp created new topic Prevent Saving new questions if no answered is marked?.
July 16 at 3:40 pm
When we use the radio list we can save without selecting an answer it allows it to save & close, it should prevent. Many thanksTony -
tonyp replied to the topic Questions not selected are not saved.
July 16 at 11:31 am
I have made a core hack to resolve this on; -
tonyp created new topic Questions not selected are not saved.
July 16 at 10:56 am
When saving a response ALL the presents questions should be saved, if they were unanswered then are set with an answer of 0. Otherwise you will never know if they skipped if... -
tonyp created new topic My Topics Pagination is broken.
July 16 at 10:50 am
The pagination doesn't work on my topics, it's goes to the forms recent posts pagination. -
tonyp replied to the topic One question at a time.
July 16 at 10:48 am
@maverick, can you provide me the code change to make the questions ordering per quiz in category mode to be random per quiz then? That would solve 90% of our issues? -
replied to the topic Report.
July 16 at 10:43 am
That would just confuse the users specially not so technical ones. Usually users expect all of their questions on their report. -
tonyp replied to the topic One question at a time.
July 16 at 8:40 am
IDeally we need it to be Random from the Quizzes ordering. -
maverick replied to the topic Support GraphHopper Routing in GPS tools.
July 15 at 5:33 pm
I will add support for one or more directions services. However, MapBox directions is pretty stable and works well and is already integrated. -
replied to the topic Option for users to DM all Administrators or Moderators.
July 15 at 1:35 am
Personal messaging is not meant to be a mass mailing solution. Please use contact us form or something similar to reach out to administrators. -
jizkid created new topic Option for users to DM all Administrators or Moderators.
July 14 at 7:59 pm
Almost like my earlier suggestion (option to report a posting), but it would be nice if a user would be able to send a DM to all Administrators and/or Moderators (which would... -
BERBO created new topic Support GraphHopper Routing in GPS tools.
July 14 at 7:59 am
Hi, Given the poor quality of the OSRM Routing service, could you please consider adding GraphHopper and/or OpenRouteService as routing service for the OSM... -
tonyp replied to the topic One question at a time.
July 13 at 5:18 pm
Because you can’t get the question ordering it’s always random From other quizzes -
maverick replied to the topic Is Community Surveys able to handle more than 500 survey editors?.
July 13 at 4:36 pm
Users can export their survey as xml file from reports section of the survey. They can export responses as a csv file. -
maverick replied to the topic One question at a time.
July 13 at 4:34 pm
Then why don't you use category quiz for which these features are already available? -
ictjobfactory replied to the topic Is Community Surveys able to handle more than 500 survey editors?.
July 13 at 9:08 am
Thanks for the answer. Maybe I explained it wrong. -
tonyp replied to the topic Latest release isn't finding questions without intro.
July 13 at 7:02 am
Hello, Nope the timers were not up. I have ended up re-working the JS to force a redirect and post saving for now. I will try and get a demo site with the new... -
tonyp replied to the topic Only show finish button if end of chain..
July 13 at 7:01 am
I see that now :-)