maverick replied to the topic Print Button Option for Answer Report.
June 6 at 1:57 pm
components/com_communityquiz/views/report/default.php line 90. Remove this code. <a class="btn btn-default" href="/<?php echo... -
9128742 created new topic Print Button Option for Answer Report.
June 6 at 1:42 pm
hi maverick I have "Hidden" the Show Email Results option because of the tcpdf issue with the report being too large, to avoid any confusion with users only receiving... -
9128742 said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Certificate Scores.
June 6 at 11:18 am
I found where the issue is. components/com_communityquiz/models/response.php line 979 if($result->score >= $certificate['score'] && ($selected_score ==... -
9128742 liked a reply to the topic Certificate Scores.
June 6 at 11:18 am
9128742 replied to the topic Certificate Scores.
June 6 at 10:40 am
thanks maverick, I will change now and advise also, it is possible to change the date format in the certificate to day month, year i.e. Saturday 6th June,... -
maverick replied to the topic Certificate Scores.
June 6 at 10:35 am
I found where the issue is. components/com_communityquiz/models/response.php line 979 if($result->score >= $certificate['score'] && ($selected_score ==... -
9128742 replied to the topic Certificate Scores.
June 6 at 7:55 am
hi maverick Deleted certificates as per your last post, but still only making the lowest mark certificate available for downloading. It is only recognising the... -
maverick replied to the topic Certificate Scores.
June 6 at 4:37 am
Your certificate might have already generated. Delete it from /media/com_communityquiz/attachments/certificates/ folder. Will add support for float numbers in... -
9128742 replied to the topic Certificate Scores.
June 6 at 1:59 am
hi maverick Have created the certificates in score ascending order (1st screenshot), but the lowest certificate (Competency 35 marks) is still only isuued for any mark... -
Melanie replied to the topic Strange object whirring away on surveys pages.
June 5 at 6:53 pm
Maverick thank you! It has fixed the issue :) Have a great weekend -
maverick replied to the topic Strange object whirring away on surveys pages.
June 5 at 6:23 pm
I added a workaround in v5.4.3. Please update it and check if it fix the issue. -
maverick replied to the topic Certificate Scores.
June 5 at 5:43 pm
Please create the certificates in the ascending order of their scores. -
Melanie replied to the topic Strange object whirring away on surveys pages.
June 5 at 5:04 pm
If there is no other option to get these working at the same time then how do we stop our chat loading on surveys page? Although not happy we have to do this -
Melanie replied to the topic Strange object whirring away on surveys pages.
June 5 at 3:59 pm
We need to have both working at the same time. I just noticed when trying to create surveys in the back end it still whirring away but this... -
ad682005 replied to the topic Unable to update User Profile.
June 5 at 11:49 am
Never mind. I found the "View Profile" permission setting and enabled that. It was way below in the screen and I had not scrolled down to see other... -
ad682005 replied to the topic Unable to update User Profile.
June 5 at 11:46 am
Thanks. Allowing Edit Own permission worked and now i am able to edit my own profile. There is still one issue about Viewing of user profiles shown in the user... -
maverick replied to the topic Unable to update User Profile.
June 5 at 11:19 am
Can you please check if the edit own permission is enabled? -
maverick replied to the topic Strange object whirring away on surveys pages.
June 5 at 11:11 am
Survey users the form with the name "adminForm". Your chat application may be submitting this form and hence the issue. -
maverick replied to the topic Tables deletion on uninstall.
June 5 at 11:09 am
For quiz: Delete all tables starts with prefix_quiz_ For CjBlog Delete all tables starts with prefix_cjblog_ For Community Answers, delete all tables starts...