Maverick replied to the topic Avatar error in CjForum.
November 25 at 4:02 pm
Error in editing profile: 1. Make sure you had synched all users after you installed the component 2. Make sure you have CjForum User plugin enabled. If not enable it and sync users again. Formatting: Formatting completely handled by your template css or bootstrap css (if your template is based on bootstrap). So please check with the styling applied to element "blockquote" To increase space between each reply add css something like below in your template css or in media/com_cjforum/css/ .replies .list-group-item {padding-top: 20px;} -
Maverick replied to the topic End Message not showing.
November 25 at 3:50 pm
Can you please update to v4.0.1? -
David Janousek created new topic Avatar error in CjForum.
November 25 at 8:36 am
Hello Maverick,I am trying to add avatar to CjForum and facing the following problem:1) Adding avatar by registered user from the frontend When registered user with configured permissions cliks on "Edit" link (right from his name), there is an following error message: Check-out failed with the following error: (but without error spec.) 2) Adding avatar by administrator from the backend When I click CjForum -> Users, there is an option to edit user profile for each user. When Edit profile screen opens, it again gives me an error message as in previous case: Check-out failed with the following error: (but without error spec.) When I try to add the picture and click "Save" I get the following error: Save failed with the following error: Duplicate entry '0' for key 'PRIMARY' SQL=INSERT INTO `bm2ju_cjforum_users` (`id`,`about`,`handle`,`avatar`,`signature`,`gender`,`location`,`birthday`,`banned`,`twitter`,`facebook`,`gplus`,`linkedin`,`flickr`,`bebo`,`skype`,`metakey`,`metadesc`,`metadata`) VALUES ('0','','myprofile','w62yr5sn70pxgcpkf3qn9yvqy.jpg','','0','','1970-01-01','1970-01-01','','','','','','','','','','{\"robots\":null,\"author\":null,\"rights\":null,\"xreference\":null}')3) Some formatting help When user replies using "Quote" reply button then the following text appears in quotes "User Name wrote" followed by his original post. Could you please give a hint how to change the font and size of this text? Secondly I would like to make a bigger space between each post, i.e. I would like to add a space under Quote, Quick reply and Reply buttons so the next post will shiftlower on the screen. Thank you for your help in advanceDavid -
Frank Uhlig replied to the topic Several problems with Surveys.
November 25 at 7:22 am
Thanks for your answers! 1+3) Email and CSS-OutoutWhat do you think the next release (cause of problems in 1 and 3) will be available? Cause those are really important for me. 2) Please-Wait-FieldSorry, at the moment it´s on local installation. If the problem will still be there, I gonna give login-data then... no matter. 4) Previous button Ok, no problem. 5) extra content with use of question descriptionGood idea. Are there some lines (maybe in helper.php?) that filter html-tags from outputs? I think I cannot do an overwrite and need to do some core-hack? NEW: 6) Layout / overwrite / own layoutI´m not sure, if I understand layouting survey correct: In components/com_communitysurveys/layouts there are layouts default, pdf and bootstrap3. Those are the ones for frontend-output?! How to enable the one or the other? And how/where to do my own overwrite/layout and to activate it? -
Maverick replied to the topic Several problems with Surveys.
November 24 at 5:58 pm
1. This is a known issue. The queue should be triggered on front-end page load. Already fixed and the available in next release. 2. Need to check this. Can you send me your website details using contact us form? 3. Known issue, already fixed and will be available in next release. 4. Previous button is not supposed to be enabled in parallel with conditional rules. Conditional rules cannot calculate the correct previous page. Imagine this scenario: On page 1: A rule which will skip to page 3 On page 3: A rule which will skip to page 5 Now which page it will go from page 3? page 1 or page 5? This is a known behavior. Disable previous button if you are using conditional rules. 5. Probably you can make use of question description. -
Maverick replied to the topic End Message not showing.
November 24 at 5:50 pm
What is your Community Surveys version? -
Frank Uhlig created new topic Several problems with Surveys.
November 24 at 1:55 pm
Hi there. We just purchased Community Surveys, but have some problems/questions. I couldn´t find answers in other forum-topics. 1) Email to Admin only via CronJob?Is it right, that sending email to admin after user has done the survey only works via cronjob/queue?2) Bug: Everlasting Please-Wait-field while savingWhen I edit a survey (question) and wanna save, I got an everlasting "Please wait.." field. Saving works, but "Please wait.."-field does not disapear (screenshot). I need to leave survey and go back there again.How to repair it/what is wrong? 3) Bug? Customize CSS outputWithing questions there´s a tab for "customize" css and possibilities for putting classes "Question CSS Class", "Title CSS Class" and "Description CSS Class".But when I use them (see screenshot)... in frontend they does not appear. Is it a bug? Or is it a setting? How to customize the output? 4) Bug or setting? Back-Button and conditionsMy survey is somethinlg like that: a. chose "male" or "female"b. > if "male" > page chose "male outfit" > if female > page chose "female outfit"c. chose colors>>>> when I use the "go back"-button, survey does not remember, what I have chose before. E.g. when I took female > female-outfit >.... BACK BUTTON ... then "male-outfit" is shown.How to get it right?5) How to put extra content for questions?I like to do multiple (checkbox) and/or single-selection (radio) question. But I´d like to make it look better: not only single-line-text or image, but instead some selfmade html-tags (maybe div-container with styling, image and some written lines).How to do that? It really should look some nice... and e.g. when I want to have multi-select for some colors, I´d love to have some css-styled html-tags with "background-color: #ff00ff" and so on.How to do that?Thanks alotCarsten Husemann -
Nijsen created new topic End Message not showing.
November 24 at 12:19 pm
Hi, I created a survey with an intro en end message. The intro is displaying fine but there is no trace of the end message. Not in the HTML before finishing a survey nor is it in the ajax call. Also there does not seem to be a setting that prevents the message from showing, has anybody else have this problem? Searched the forum but could not find a good answer -
jcnewbie01 replied to the topic Please Help: Critical Errors with V4 CS Update.
November 24 at 4:57 am
Hi, Maverick,I have just responded to your email. Could you please take a second look?Could you also address the Warnings mentioned in my original post?Thanks! -
Maverick replied to the topic Please Help: Critical Errors with V4 CS Update.
November 24 at 3:29 am
Those hacks are not needed. If the user has access, create survey button will be shown on toolbar. Also you can use Survey Form Layout menu item to directly point to the survey form page. Just check the permission settings of your component if the create permission is given to appropriate user group. If might be possible that you might have configured category specific permissions as well. -
jcnewbie01 replied to the topic Please Help: Critical Errors with V4 CS Update.
November 24 at 2:13 am
OK, Maverick, I think I found out why there is a 404 error. Since you have now added new options for the menu, I will have to select from one of the options for correct content to be displayed.I think Survey List View is the one that resembles the old layout the most. The problem, however, is that the button for "Create a Survey" is no longer available. You may recall from our previous correspondence that you have helped modify the back-end and ACL to make this work on my site. Could you please guide me on how the functionality can be restored so that I can make a note of that for future reference?Thanks again! -
jcnewbie01 created new topic Please Help: Critical Errors with V4 CS Update.
November 24 at 1:29 am
Hi, Maverick,I just updated CjLib to 2.3.5 and my site from v3.x to v4. I then activated the Migration tool as instructed and got the message that survey migration was successful. Tag migration, however, shows "Invalid option".All the existing surveys are shown on the back-end but, when I click on Edit, there are multiple lines Warning that say "Can't load editor".On the front-end, I am now getting 404 error.Could you please help resolve this urgently?Thanks! -
Phivos Constantinou replied to the topic Youtube video not appearing after published.
November 23 at 6:42 pm
ok thank you -
Maverick replied to the topic Youtube video not appearing after published.
November 23 at 6:26 pm
That's correct. It does not support the content plugins as the small space on module will mess up with multiple content plugins if not properly organized. However I can provide you the fix for it. please send me an email using contact us form. -
Phivos Constantinou replied to the topic Youtube video not appearing after published.
November 23 at 6:17 pm
ok we are using the OSyoutube pro and it is working normally but this is not working on the module as you can see in the link below on the right column: We contacted the OSyoutube pro support and they let us know that the module does not support the content plugin. Is this valid? or is it something else that is mafunctioning or that we did not do? Regards, Phivos Constantinou -
Maverick replied to the topic Submit a Quote Front End.
November 23 at 3:38 pm
Sorry for any trouble caused. Let me fix all these stuff. Please let me know your admin details by replying to my email. -
Maverick replied to the topic Youtube video not appearing after published.
November 23 at 3:37 pm
Nope, there is no plugin available for Joomla. It needs to be implemented in the code, but since we moved to Joomla editor as default editor later, it did not go through. -
Phivos Constantinou replied to the topic Youtube video not appearing after published.
November 23 at 7:01 am
Yes, sorry for the inconvenience, is it something that we have to install? If yes, what kind of plugin is needed? -
Jack Street replied to the topic Submit a Quote Front End.
November 23 at 5:54 am
Really struggling with this component. I now find that when the community quotes module is published, it reduces the size of images in my articles. I really need some help sorting this out.