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  • jcnewbie01 replied to the topic Permission Settings and Archived Surveys.

    November 26 at 4:16 am

    1a: I understand the distinction between global vs category level override.  It is still not clear to me what the Component Permssion at the category level does.  Could you cite an example?1b: I think you misunderstood my question.  You may like to re-read my explanation.  What I meant was that there shouldn't be an option under "My Surveys" to "Edit" the surveys if Permission for "Edit" and "Edit Own" is not set to "Allowed".  At this time, there is always a link for "Edit" even though CS would show an message that "Editing is not allowed" if the user without rights to "Edit" or "Edit Own" clicks on "Edit".  This is workable but CS should ideally not show the "Edit" link if the user has no editing rights.2a: I think you have also misunderstood my comments about this.  You answered part of my question, which is about making sure surveys are not editable after the Finish Date, but oversaw my comment about ensuring surveys reports will remain accessible to users even after the Finish Date.  As it stands, surveys would drop off the list and not be accessible to regular users after the Finish Date - this is not helpful as surveys reports are generally used for references past the closing date in a real world setting. Could you confirm how this could be accomplished?2b: Will wait to hear from you.  Thanks!

    9 years ago

  • jcnewbie01 replied to the topic Survey Templates?.

    November 26 at 3:57 am

    Thanks for the confirmation, Maverick!

    9 years ago

  • darran wilson said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Tweek for Dark Template.

    November 26 at 3:56 am

    You can build and get your own theme from bootstrap. check the docs here:

    9 years ago

  • darran wilson said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Change Template.

    November 26 at 3:56 am

    You can do for all language strings in languages/en-GB/en-GB.com_communityquiz.ini

    9 years ago

  • jcnewbie01 replied to the topic Several problems with Surveys.

    November 26 at 3:55 am

    Hi, Maverick,Unfortunately, I didn't make a note of the exact message.  It was to the tune of the update not being successful because something was missing.Thanks!

    9 years ago

  • Maverick replied to the topic Smart Search Not Working?.

    November 26 at 3:41 am

    Once idexed they must show as the indexed content is stored in finder component, no more checked with CS. So either your query do not match the results or there are no public surveys matching your search query.

    9 years ago

  • Maverick replied to the topic survey no longer working.

    November 26 at 3:38 am

    Hi John, Please send me your website and admin user details using contact us form. I will fix this for you.

    9 years ago

  • Maverick replied to the topic Survey Templates?.

    November 26 at 3:37 am

    Unfortunately no.

    9 years ago

  • Maverick replied to the topic Permission Settings and Archived Surveys.

    November 26 at 3:37 am

    1a. Category permissions are subset/child level of component permissions. Component permissions applies throughout the component. However you can override them for a specific category using category permissions. 1b. Edit permission allows users to edit all surveys. Edit Own allows only surveys created by them. 1c. There is no such permisson like private. All categories visible to everyone. If you are referring to create survey permission, this is different. Only surveys can be private, not categories. 2a. Survey owners will have full rights irrespective of dates. They can access them from My Surveys link on toolbar. If you want to disallow users to edit survey settings after finish date, you can do it by creating a plugin. See onSurveyBeforeSave event here: 2b. I will check and fix this issue.

    9 years ago

  • Maverick replied to the topic Several problems with Surveys.

    November 26 at 3:27 am

    1. Available in v4.0.1. Manual cron will be triggered when someone access component pages on front-end. 5. This can't be done as of now. However I will add necessary changes to accept html code in answers. It is some bigger change, so expect some delay in this. 6. You can switch these layouts in Community Surveys shared options (go to components->community surveys->click on options button on toolbar). Docs on overriding layouts: this is for CjForum but process is same for any component. 7. There is no change made in v4.0.1 w.r.t saving question. can you let me know steps to reproduce? 8. Yes, just install it. Never unininstall component unless you plan to never use component. The easier way is to configure your downloadid in CjLib Options and auto update component when available, just like Joomla. 9. @jcnewbie01 can you pls let me know what is the error message that you see?

    9 years ago

  • jcnewbie01 created new topic Smart Search Not Working?.

    November 26 at 1:20 am

    Hi, Maverick,It's good to see that v.4 has a Finder plugin for Smart Search now!  It would appear, however, that CS contents are not being included in the search result even though -1) Smart Search - Surveys has already been enabled; and2) Contents from CS are listed under Components/Smart Search/Indexed Content.Could you please take a second look and let me know what the problem may be?Thanks again!

    9 years ago

  • John Clarke created new topic survey no longer working.

    November 25 at 10:36 pm

    I intsalled v 3 and after much pain got my survey showing on the website. Upgraded to v4 and what ever I do I cannt get the survey to display. I get 403 - You are not authorised to view this resource.| RC=1 I have set the permission which what fixed it before and I did the migrate. at a lost here what to do? John

    9 years ago

  • jcnewbie01 replied to the topic Survey Templates?.

    November 25 at 8:10 pm

    Hi, Maverick,Is it possible to mandate the use of such template on the front-end somehow?Thanks!

    9 years ago

  • jcnewbie01 created new topic Permission Settings and Archived Survey.

    November 25 at 7:51 pm

    Hi, Maverick,Thank you in advance for your professional support, as usual!I have a couple observations about the operations within CS and their related impact and hope that you are able to clarify the correct application -1) Category Permissions:(a) "Access Component": This seems to be a new option under Category Permissions.  Could you clarify what the function is and how it works?(b) Account/My Surveys: My understanding is that this lists all the surveys the user has created.  A link for "Edit" seems to be displayed regardless of whether the user is given permission to "Edit" or "Edit Own" even though CS does render a message along the line of "Edit not permitted" if the user does not have the proper level of permission.  Is this an intended behavior?  It may be best if the option for "Edit" is only shown if the user has the proper authorization but understand if there are system limitations at this time.(c) Advanced Search: It appears that all categories are listed for search option regardless of whether the user has been given permission for those categories.  My understanding is that search results would only show the categories users have permission for but this would not be ideal as some of these categories may either be private or confidential.2) Archived Surveys:(a) Accessibility: It appears that surveys past the Finished Dates are no longer accessible to users with the proper access rights.  I would like the reports to be accessible for reference until I decide to retire the sometime in the future.  Could you confirm how this could be accomplished?(b) Survey Counts: As it stands now, surveys that are past the Finish Dates are still being counted as shown below even though they are no longer accessible.  This could potential cause a lot of confusion to end users.  Could you kindly take a second look?Best regards.

    9 years ago

  • jcnewbie01 replied to the topic Several problems with Surveys.

    November 25 at 6:18 pm

    Hi, Maverick,I also have the same question about updating.  It would appear from the prompt in Joomla that we would only need to click the Update button but that only generates an error message.  I eventually updated the extension by uploading the package for 4.0.1 over the previous version.Thanks!

    9 years ago

  • Maverick replied to the topic CJLib (CoreJoomla API Library) component not found. Please download and install it to continue..

    November 25 at 5:59 pm

    Did you upgraded GPSTools as well? or what is the version you are using?

    9 years ago

  • Graziano replied to the topic CJLib (CoreJoomla API Library) component not found. Please download and install it to continue..

    November 25 at 5:18 pm

    Hi Maverick, I've migrate my joomla to 3 in a dev area.I've installed deCjlib as above but I still have an error when I try to open the gps tool track list here cant figure out what to do now can you please put me in the right way thanks in advance Graziano

    9 years ago

  • Maverick replied to the topic Survey Templates?.

    November 25 at 4:56 pm

    You can export any survey as xml file from reports section and import it later. So you can export a base survey and provide it to users as base.

    9 years ago

  • darran wilson created new topic Community Builder integration.

    November 25 at 4:51 pm

    Possible to get Community Builder? Would be nice to be able to have 2 tabs, one with a default admin published survey, another tab with the regular survey interface.

    9 years ago

  • darran wilson created new topic Survey Templates?.

    November 25 at 4:41 pm

    Would be nice to be able to save a survey as templates that users can use as a basis for their own surveys.

    9 years ago

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