abdulhalim liked a reply to the topic Integration with cComment.
November 28 at 7:43 am
abdulhalim replied to the topic Integration with cComment.
November 28 at 7:41 am
Do u have any plan to integrate with K2 avatar ? And another thing , could you send me the English.ini (language files) ? i like to review and maybe translate it to Persian . Regards, Abdulhalim -
Maverick replied to the topic EasySocial integration with community poll.
November 28 at 5:35 am
Tested the plugin and seems to be working fine as expected. Not as pretty as of now but display the poll in activity stream and users can vote there. In downloads now. -
Maverick created new article Black Friday & Cyber Monday Offers.
November 28 at 5:21 am
Get amazing discounts this holiday season Get 40% Off... -
Maverick replied to the topic Integration with cComment.
November 27 at 4:22 pm
The following avatars systems are supported by CjForum. CjForum CjBlog Gravatar JomSocial EasySocial Community Builder Kunena AlphaUserPoints -
Maverick replied to the topic CJLib (CoreJoomla API Library) component not found. Please download and install it to continue..
November 27 at 4:16 pm
Did you updated the CjLib component as well? can you send me your website details? -
abdulhalim created new topic Integration with cComment.
November 27 at 3:26 pm
Hello , I am using ccomment as my Joomla! system , i need to a forum to fully integrated with my users avatar . do cjForums proflie is integrated with such extensions ? Regards, Abdulhalim -
Graziano replied to the topic CJLib (CoreJoomla API Library) component not found. Please download and install it to continue..
November 27 at 10:36 am
Hi Maverick, I took the new version of Gps tool and now it works, but I still have the error "CJLib (CoreJoomla API Library) component not found. Please download and install it to continue." while opening normal pages. For example starting from here and try click to info>dove siamo Any advice? Thanks G -
Maverick replied to the topic Several problems with Surveys.
November 26 at 3:56 pm
6A. No. The override will just override something with same name. 6B. As of now there is no such option. but this is good idea. 8. Please let me know the error if it comes next time. It will help me understanding the issue. -
Maverick replied to the topic CJLib (CoreJoomla API Library) component not found. Please download and install it to continue..
November 26 at 3:37 pm
That's the issue. In Joomla there are some bigger changes which are not backward compatible. I suggest you to use latest version. -
Maverick replied to the topic End Message not showing.
November 26 at 3:33 pm
Yes, there are few bugs fixed in this release. -
Maverick replied to the topic Smart Search Not Working?.
November 26 at 3:32 pm
Yes, please send me the site details. I will check it. -
Frank Uhlig replied to the topic Several problems with Surveys.
November 26 at 1:34 pm
Maverick wrote: 1. Available in v4.0.1. Manual cron will be triggered when someone access component pages on front-end. 5. This can't be done as of now. However I will add necessary changes to accept html code in answers. It is some bigger change, so expect some delay in this. 6. You can switch these layouts in Community Surveys shared options (go to components->community surveys->click on options button on toolbar). Docs on overriding layouts: this is for CjForum but process is same for any component. 7. There is no change made in v4.0.1 w.r.t saving question. can you let me know steps to reproduce? 8. Yes, just install it. Never unininstall component unless you plan to never use component. The easier way is to configure your downloadid in CjLib Options and auto update component when available, just like Joomla. 9. @jcnewbie01 can you pls let me know what is the error message that you see? 1./7. Maybe I need to install do a fresh installation and give login-data to you... 5. That would be really cool. What do you think... about when will it be available? 6. Overwrite works. Thanks. It´s stored in /templates/mytemplate/html/layouts/com_communitysurveys/default But ... 6A. Is it possible to rename the layout in "my_layout" instead of "default"? If so, how to and how to (enable it)? 6B. Is it possible to chose different layouts for different surveys? If so, how to? 8. updating via Joomla backend wasn´t possible for me. I got some error... but didn´t do a screenshot of it. -
Graziano replied to the topic CJLib (CoreJoomla API Library) component not found. Please download and install it to continue..
November 26 at 11:07 am
Hi Maverick, it's an old version 3.0.3 If you say that this is the problem I upgrade it G -
John Clarke replied to the topic survey no longer working.
November 26 at 8:42 am
Details sent. Thanks John -
Nijsen replied to the topic End Message not showing.
November 26 at 8:42 am
This solved the problem. Was there bug in the code? -
David Janousek replied to the topic Avatar error in CjForum.
November 26 at 8:32 am
Many thanks, Maverick, it's working now! David -
jcnewbie01 replied to the topic Permission Settings and Archived Surveys.
November 26 at 5:14 am
Hi, Maverick, please see my comments below. Thanks again!1a: Are you referring to an override for all line items at the category level so that it wouldn't be necessary to enter line item overrides? I suppose that isn't what you meant as it would make little sense unless one intends to whitelist or blacklist all line items. If you are referring to override one can make at the category level for each line item, then you may not have understood my question which is focused on the first line of the list that is called "Access Component".1b: My comment was about "Edit", not merely reading or accessing a survey, where the Creator has no permission for "Edit" or "Edit Own".2a: I see. Do you mean that surveys that are past the Finish Date should only be accessible only under "Account/My Surveys" and "Account/My Responses"? What if I want to make these survey reports accessible to other users (within a certain User Group) who did not respond? This may impact the search result being discussed under a different thread as well.(2b: Placeholder for your pending response only) -
jcnewbie01 replied to the topic Smart Search Not Working?.
November 26 at 4:54 am
Hi, Maverick,I understand that and this is what I would expect but is not what is happening. Here is what I have -* All surveys have been indexed and are listed under Indexed Content;* Surveys are public and have names starting with "Test Survey";* 3 separate searches were activiated using "Test", "Survey", and "Test Survey" respectively; and* No item was found from any of these searches.Should there be a box for Surveys under "Search Only"? There is none even though there are boxes for other extensions I have.Would it help if you take a look at my site? Let me know and I will reactivate your login credentials.Thanks again! -
Maverick replied to the topic Permission Settings and Archived Surveys.
November 26 at 4:54 am
1a. For example, you could disallow creation permission to user group A, however want to allow them only for category CatA. So here you can use category permissions. Set inherit on global permissions so that will be disallowed for everyone. Set allowed in category permissions so that it will be allowed only for that category. 1b. What if users want to see surveys they created? 2a. Do you see surveys go away even in My Surveys section? This is the place the users can access repports link. Edit link: I will do some workaround for this.