Maverick replied to the topic Cannot edit questions.
April 14 at 6:00 pm
Can you please enable error reporting in global configuration and see what error you get? -
Maverick replied to the topic language string not translated.
April 14 at 6:00 pm
Add below strings in administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_communityquiz.sys.ini COM_COMMUNITYQUIZ_SEARCH_VIEW_DEFAULT_TITLE="Search"COM_COMMUNITYQUIZ_SEARCH_VIEW_DEFAULT_DESC="Display advanced search form to search quizzes." -
DMT GmbH created new topic TIPP: How to show edit & delete buttons only for creators of replies.
April 14 at 3:49 pm
I wondered why logged in user can see edit and delete buttons, even if they are not the author of the reply. To allow only the author of a reply and the admin to edit and delete them follow these instructions: 1. Make a copy of "com_communityanswers/layouts/default/question/replies" 2. Change "edit":2.1. Search for line 163 - 69:if($params->get('access-edit')){ ?> | <a href="#" onclick="document.adminForm.cid.value=<?php echo $reply->id;?>;Joomla.submitbutton('reply.edit');return false;" class="muted text-muted"> <?php echo JText::_('JGLOBAL_EDIT');?> </a> <?php } 2.2. Add the green lines, so the code should look like this:if($params->get('access-edit')){?><?php if ((!$user->guest && ($reply->created_by == $user->id)) || ($user->authorise('core.admin', $asset))) { ?>| <a href="#" onclick="document.adminForm.cid.value=<?php echo $reply->id;?>;Joomla.submitbutton('reply.edit');return false;" class="muted text-muted"><?php echo JText::_('JGLOBAL_EDIT');?></a><?php } ?><?php } 3. Do the same with the delet section in line 209 - 215, it should look like this: ?><?php if ((!$user->guest && ($reply->created_by == $user->id)) || ($user->authorise('core.admin', $asset))) { ?>| <a href="#" onclick="document.adminForm.cid.value=<?php echo $reply->id;?>;Joomla.submitbutton('replies.trash'); return false;" class="muted text-muted"> <?php echo JText::_('COM_COMMUNITYANSWERS_LABEL_DELETE');?> </a><?php } ?><?php That's it, not the edit and delete link are only visible for reply creator and admin.Hope this will help somebody.Best regards,Jürgen -
Jordan Weinstein replied to the topic Cannot vote in PHP7.
April 14 at 2:14 pm
Please disregard. It seems a misconfiguraion in my htaccess caused this. -
Gerhard Weninger created new topic Cannot edit questions.
April 14 at 1:45 pm
Hi, when i want to edit questions i get a weird screen in the backend. Please see screen attached What to do? -
Francesco created new topic language string not translated.
April 14 at 1:43 pm
Attached a language string not translated. How fix it? -
Jordan Weinstein created new topic Cannot vote in PHP7.
April 14 at 1:43 pm
When submitting a vote using the component or when embedding a poll, voting fails. In console when viewing the component and voting, I get this error: jquery.min.js:5 POST 500 (Call to undefined function MaxMind\Db\Reader\bcadd())send @ jquery.min.js:5m.extend.ajax @ jquery.min.js:5(anonymous function) @ cj.polls.min.js:466m.event.dispatch @ jquery.min.js:4r.handle @ jquery.min.js:4 Reverting to PHP 5.6 allows me to vote again. Using: -
Maverick replied to the topic standard quiz and category quiz.
April 14 at 10:37 am
Not exactly. You can start with the very same quiz and add more quizzes/questions later. -
Francesco replied to the topic standard quiz and category quiz.
April 14 at 9:36 am
Ok so i need to create several quizzes in the category before of that. -
Maverick replied to the topic standard quiz and category quiz.
April 14 at 8:49 am
Standard quiz - allow you to answer questions defined in the same quiz Category quiz - this is just a placeholder. takes questions from all quizzes defined in the category and allow you to answer them randomly selected questions, upto maximum allowed limit. -
Maverick replied to the topic Allow multiple responses only till when user didn't pass the quiz yet.
April 14 at 8:47 am
That can be done. Will add to my future to-do list. -
Francesco replied to the topic cannot save the modification of difficult level.
April 14 at 8:36 am
Fixed with the installer you sent me. Thanks. -
Francesco created new topic standard quiz and category quiz.
April 14 at 8:23 am
Please could you tell me the difference respect standard and category quiz? I didn't get really. Thanks. Best regards -
Francesco replied to the topic cannot save the modification of difficult level.
April 14 at 8:11 am
4.2.4 -
Francesco created new topic Allow multiple responses only till when user didn't pass the quiz yet.
April 14 at 7:56 am
Hi. I would like you add the option on multi responses field so to allow multiple responses only till when user didn't pass the quiz yet. Once user passed he couldn't take the quiz never more. Thanks. Best regards -
Yuslan Harman replied to the topic Survey Report for Text.
April 14 at 3:40 am
Already Send to contact us Form -
Maverick replied to the topic Attachments: How to enable the delete button?.
April 13 at 9:04 pm
No need to enable any function, you can delete the attachments in your edit question form page. click on edit link on your question page on front-end. -
DMT GmbH created new topic Attachments: How to enable the delete button?.
April 13 at 8:25 pm
I didn't find the setting to enable the delete function for attachments. How can I enable it? And how can users delete old attachments? -
DMT GmbH said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Editing views > question > default_question.php has no effect.
April 13 at 7:26 pm
Joomla always search layouts in following order. from my localhost debugging: Layout: default.toolbar Include Paths: Array ( [0] => /templates/protostar/html/layouts/com_communityanswers [1] => /components/com_communityanswers/layouts [2] => /templates/protostar/html/layouts [3] => /layouts ) So your layout file may go in /templates/protostar/html/layouts/com_communityanswers/default/question/details.php However if you want to rearrange layout of details, replies and so on.. you should override default template file i.e. components/com_communityanswers/views/questions/tmpl/default.php -
DMT GmbH replied to the topic Editing views > question > default_question.php has no effect.
April 13 at 7:25 pm
Crazy. The default structure in our template is: mytemplate/layoutsmytemplate/html and it's working fine in all the changes we did, except com_communityanswers. After we placed our changes in "mytemplate/layouts/html" everything is working fine. Many thanks, Jürgen. BTW: We are using templates and the framework of a well known company. ;o)