Maverick replied to the topic Advanced Search not working.
April 20 at 4:46 pm
Yes, looks like I have mixed the code in bootstrap3 layout, sorry. components/com_communitypolls/layouts/bootstrap3/search_form.php <a href="/<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_communityquiz&view=search');?>"> should be <a href="/<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_communitypolls&view=search');?>"> -
Maverick replied to the topic Embedding does not work in chrome/edge.
April 20 at 4:42 pm
Can I see the page where this code published? -
Rob Tiwi replied to the topic error after upgraded to latest version.
April 20 at 3:01 pm
The 403 error is gone and the questions and answers show. 1 There is a conflict between the template and community answers component. The menu is different with the component. See image attached. Is it the jquery plugin or something like that that causes this. 2 Is it pssible to have the 'ask your question here' and 'ask question' button outlined better? It shows here Thanks -
Nektarios Koutouzis created new topic Random Poll instead of Latest Poll.
April 20 at 10:24 am
Although I have selected latest poll in module community polls - random poll I keep getting a random poll each time. -
Nektarios Koutouzis created new topic Advanced Search not working.
April 20 at 9:51 am
Hi. The advanced search link points to communityquiz which is wrong ofcourse and I get a 404 error. This is the non sef url that is behind the button: index.php?option=com_communityquiz&view=search -
Nektarios Koutouzis created new topic Embedding does not work in chrome/edge.
April 20 at 8:31 am
Hi. The embedding code does not work in chrome/edge. It keeps trying to fetch the poll. I don't have the same problem with firefox/safari. -
Maverick replied to the topic Error Code 105106-ADM.
April 19 at 6:19 pm
What is the version of component you are using? Did you upgraded/downgraded the component? -
Maverick replied to the topic Error Code 105106-ADM.
April 19 at 5:56 pm
Duplicate topic: -
Maverick replied to the topic error after upgraded to latest version.
April 19 at 5:55 pm
How you are changing settings of the component? in Options? You need to be super admin. -
Maverick replied to the topic Urgent - PHP7 Bug.
April 19 at 5:54 pm
So that plugin overwrites the geoip functions of CjLib. That should be disabled. -
Katelyn George created new topic Error Code 105106-ADM.
April 19 at 4:55 pm
I keep receiving this error when trying to save and cannot figure out what is wrong. Please help trying to get this published today. An error occurred while processing your request. Error Code: 105106-ADM| Unknown column 'category' in 'field list' SQL=insert into pt6o0_jcp_polls( title, alias, description, end_message, created, created_by, category, published, close_date, results_up, private, secret, answers_order, ip_address, type, featured, anywhere, anonymous, modify_answers, custom_answer, chart_type, pallete, sort_order ) values ('2015-2016 Cyber Safety PSA Scholarship','2015-2016-cyber-safety-psa-scholarship','','','2016-04-19 16:35',44,4,1,'2016-05-15 23:59:11','-0001-11-30 00:00:00',0,'J6Y7Sb42QecwY8ym','order','','radio',1,1,1,0,2,'sbar','default',0) -
Katelyn George created new topic Error Code 105106-ADM.
April 19 at 4:38 pm
I keep receiving this error when trying to save and cannot figure out what is wrong. Please help trying to get this published today. An error occurred while processing your request. Error Code: 105106-ADM| Unknown column 'category' in 'field list' SQL=insert into pt6o0_jcp_polls( title, alias, description, end_message, created, created_by, category, published, close_date, results_up, private, secret, answers_order, ip_address, type, featured, anywhere, anonymous, modify_answers, custom_answer, chart_type, pallete, sort_order ) values ('2015-2016 Cyber Safety PSA Scholarship','2015-2016-cyber-safety-psa-scholarship','','','2016-04-19 16:35',44,4,1,'2016-05-15 23:59:11','-0001-11-30 00:00:00',0,'J6Y7Sb42QecwY8ym','order','','radio',1,1,1,0,2,'sbar','default',0) -
Jordan Weinstein replied to the topic Urgent - PHP7 Bug.
April 19 at 1:12 pm
Well this is odd. The issue is not with PHP 7 per se, but an incompatibility with Community Polls and: System - Akeeba GeoIP provider plugin Plugin found here: But only in PHP7 is this a problem Jordan -
Rob Tiwi replied to the topic error after upgraded to latest version.
April 19 at 10:49 am
In the old version I had question layout, I assigned the menu in the updated 4 version in the menu item manager also to question layout, i tried to change settings in the community answers component but now it only gives 403 errors. -
Jordan Weinstein created new topic Urgent - PHP7 Bug.
April 19 at 10:32 am
Originally, I thought this was an htaccess bug but Community Polls does not seem to be compatible wih PHP7: After installing PHP7, when submitting a vote using the component or when embedding a poll, voting fails. In console when viewing the component and voting, I get this error: jquery.min.js:5 POST 500 (Call to undefined function MaxMind\Db\Reader\bcadd())send @ jquery.min.js:5m.extend.ajax @ jquery.min.js:5(anonymous function) @ cj.polls.min.js:466m.event.dispatch @ jquery.min.js:4r.handle @ jquery.min.js:4 Reverting to PHP 5.6 allows me to vote again. Using: -
Gerhard Weninger replied to the topic Cannot edit questions.
April 19 at 8:05 am
Thanx a lot for your help! Works now. -
Maverick replied to the topic error after upgraded to latest version.
April 19 at 5:56 am
Did you changed the mennu items to new menu item types? e.g. Questions Listing, Category etc. -
Rob Tiwi created new topic error after upgraded to latest version.
April 19 at 5:47 am
I am using the latest joomla version, renewed my membership and upgraded community answers to latest version, there was some migration from 3 to version 4? but now the menu link gives after the upgrade a 404, can also not get it working by editing the menu item in menu manager. What did I do wrong and what to do to get it working? Thanks -
Yuslan Harman replied to the topic Survey Report for Text.
April 19 at 1:27 am
Thank you, the Extension you email to me is working well.... -