Maverick replied to the topic answers remain on 0.
April 26 at 4:18 pm
Resync feature was removed in v4 as the issues related to sync were solved. I am adding it again and will update in next release, probably by today. -
Francesco replied to the topic where is the category?.
April 26 at 3:58 pm
Once you login in my backend please check also the issue i posted here. Thanks -
Francesco created new topic user get 403 error when try to see results.
April 26 at 2:07 pm
Hi, i authorized the user group about "view results" permission on global permission of the component and on category permission too but when user try to see his replies about quizzes already made he get 403 error. How fix it? Best regards -
Francesco created new topic comment quizzes.
April 26 at 11:51 am
Hi. Why you don't add an integration to let users comment quizzes? For example integration to Komento component. Best regards -
Francesco created new topic unlink quiz title.
April 26 at 10:49 am
Hi. I want unlike the quiz title on Community Quiz Module. How can i do? Thanks Best regards -
Frank Uhlig created new topic TimeZone in CSV-Export.
April 26 at 9:36 am
Hi, My Joomla!-time-zone is set to Germany/Berlin and my Server-timezone is set to Germany/Berlin, too. When I see output of CommunitySurvey (eg. E-Mail-Queue timestamp or reports) in JOOMLA!-backend, I see right time-zone again. But when I do the CSV-export I get the data with GMT-timezone. Where is the option to change CSV-Export to the right time-zone (Germany/Berlin)? Do I need to manipulate the reports.php? If so, how to? Thank you Carsten -
Rob Tiwi replied to the topic answers remain on 0.
April 26 at 9:08 am
Thank you. I did the migration. Everything seems fine. The questions show normally and when you click the question the answers are there, only it keeps showing 0 answers (see image). -
Maverick replied to the topic answers remain on 0.
April 25 at 7:10 pm
Did you migrated from v3 to v4? If so did you followed migration steps? You should have shown migrate page when you installed it, if not access it directly using below url yoursitename/administrator/index.php?option=com_communityanswers&view=migrate&layout=v4 -
Maverick replied to the topic where is the category?.
April 25 at 7:06 pm
Can you please send me your website details and admin user details using contact us form so that I can check it? -
Maverick replied to the topic Survey - additionals for csv-export.
April 25 at 6:49 pm
1. All rows of csv file contain status column. So open your csv file in excel and filter the rows which response completed status. 2. The better way is to develop your own plugin to avoid your modification overwritten when you update component. onResponseAfterSave even will be fired after saving the response. You can see the existing plugin plugins/communitysurveys/surveys/surveys.php for reference. Or if you want to modify core files, see finalize method in components/com_communitysurveys/models/response.php -
Rob Tiwi created new topic answers remain on 0.
April 25 at 3:34 pm
I recently upgraded the community answers but all questions remain on 0 answers, even though they are answered. In the previous version there was a refresh button. How to do it currently? Thanks -
Francesco replied to the topic where is the category?.
April 25 at 6:54 am
Still i have this issue and i cannot create quizzes on backend. Best regards -
Frank Uhlig created new topic Survey - additionals for csv-export.
April 25 at 6:43 am
Hi, I´ve got two problems/questions: 1) INVITATIONS INTO CSV-EXPORT (FROM OUR SUPPORT E-MAIL) ME: Hi, in my private survey I send invitations via email to users ... they do the survey and in the end I export the results as CSV-file. So farm so fine! BUT: Is it possible to log the not answered invitations into the CSV-file, too? Means: When I export CSV I can see the not answered invitations and all responses (as usual)? If not out of the box - what are the files to manipulate? Thanks YOU: What is the version of the component you are using? The CSV file should show all responses including unfinished responses. NEW QUESTIONS: I use the newest version (incl. an new patch you send me some days before. CSV includes the unfinished responses, yes. But what I mean is the INVITATION itself, even before the user starts the survey. At that time, when I send the invitattion to a user. 2) WHICH FILE TO MANIPULATE (END OF SURVEY)I need to do some extra code into the file, when the survey comes to an end. Means, when the survey-data are written into database. Can you please tell me, which file it is, that I have to manipulate? Thank you! -
Maverick replied to the topic Can't save new questions.
April 23 at 3:28 pm
As mentioned in my previous post, please use contact us form. -
Lana Madsen replied to the topic Can't save new questions.
April 23 at 2:57 pm
Yes, I installed all the needed elements. Can you please let me know your email address so I can send you login information, in order for you to see on site what can be a problem? I can't copy your email address (right-clicking and copying the address in your signature doen't work somethow, and I don't see the email address explicitly). Many thanks in advance, Lana -
Maverick replied to the topic How to translate module content?.
April 22 at 6:14 pm
Language file of form module is en-GB.mod_caform.ini -
Maverick replied to the topic Can't save new questions.
April 22 at 6:12 pm
Most probably there is some javascript error. Did you installed latest CjLib version? Please send me your website details using contact us form to check the issue. -
Maverick replied to the topic Sending notification email not working.
April 22 at 6:11 pm
Please read this documentation: