Maverick replied to the topic Category Drop Down missing.
April 18 at 1:39 pm
Please make sure you have latest version of CjLib component installed. -
Maverick replied to the topic where is the category?.
April 18 at 1:39 pm
Are you logged in as super admin? -
Nektarios Koutouzis created new topic Category Drop Down missing.
April 18 at 12:49 pm
Hi. Just installed latest version of Community polls. I have created a Poll Category but when I try to create a new poll I cannot see any categories to choose from. -
Francesco created new topic where is the category?.
April 18 at 12:32 pm
Hi. I created several quizzes and i assigned them to a category. Now when i try to edit it on backend i see that the category is not assigned and i cannot select anyone. But the categories exist. Why? -
Gerhard Weninger replied to the topic Cannot edit questions.
April 18 at 11:09 am
details sent. thanx -
Maverick replied to the topic BUG: Wrong breadcrumb on edit question and edit reply.
April 18 at 5:56 am
Can I have your page details to see the issue? (use contact us form to send login details) -
DMT GmbH replied to the topic BUG: Wrong breadcrumb on edit question and edit reply.
April 18 at 5:37 am
The Joomla Standard Module is set to show last item, your breadcrumb is pointing in this case to the homepage and not the menuitem or the item (not edit mode) itself. -
Maverick replied to the topic BUG: Wrong breadcrumb on edit question and edit reply.
April 17 at 8:52 pm
You cannot link to current page as edit page should not be accessed directly. So the last breadcrumb will links to menu item title (or answers listing page) but not homepage. At least this is the case with Joomla standard breadcrumbs module. -
Maverick replied to the topic BUG: Publishing Tab visible on edit reply, even if publishing option disabled.
April 17 at 8:48 pm
Thank you. Just a small correction. $showPublishingOptions = $editoroptions && $params->show_publishing_options; This should be added above the code. -
Maverick liked the topic BUG: Publishing Tab visible on edit reply, even if publishing option disabled.
April 17 at 8:46 pm
com_communityanswers > views > replyform > tmpl > edit.php 1. Tabs replace <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class="active"><a href="#editor" data-toggle="tab"><?php echo JText::_('COM_COMMUNITYANSWERS_POST_REPLY') ?></a></li> <li><a href="#publishing" data-toggle="tab"><?php echo JText::_('COM_COMMUNITYANSWERS_PUBLISHING') ?></a></li> </ul> with <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class="active"><a href="#editor" data-toggle="tab"><?php echo JText::_('COM_COMMUNITYANSWERS_POST_REPLY') ?></a></li> <?php if($showPublishingOptions):?> <li><a href="#publishing" data-toggle="tab"><?php echo JText::_('COM_COMMUNITYANSWERS_PUBLISHING') ?></a></li> <?php endif;?></ul> 2. Content replace <div class="tab-pane" id="publishing"> with <?php if($showPublishingOptions):?> <div class="tab-pane" id="publishing"> 3. Content replace <input type="hidden" name="task" value="" /> with <?php endif;?> <input type="hidden" name="task" value="" /> Green lines are inserted. Best regards, Jürgen -
DMT GmbH created new topic BUG: Wrong breadcrumb on edit question and edit reply.
April 17 at 2:54 pm
The last entry in the breadcrumb links to the homepage and get titled with "Homepage Name" - "CA Menu Title". Maybe it's better it links to the current page and it's called "Edit". -
DMT GmbH liked a reply to the topic Bug: Mixed Usernames and Names.
April 17 at 2:46 pm
DMT GmbH said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Bug: Mixed Usernames and Names.
April 17 at 2:46 pm
Got it. Line 76 of components/com_communityanswers/views/users/tmpl/default.php <a href="/<?php echo $profileUrl;?>"><?php echo $this->escape($item->name);?></a> should be <a href="/<?php echo $profileUrl;?>"><?php echo $author;?></a> -
DMT GmbH created new topic BUG: Publishing Tab visible on replyform, even if publishing option disabled.
April 17 at 2:40 pm
com_communityanswers > views > replyform > tmpl > edit.php 1. Tabs replace <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class="active"><a href="#editor" data-toggle="tab"><?php echo JText::_('COM_COMMUNITYANSWERS_POST_REPLY') ?></a></li> <li><a href="#publishing" data-toggle="tab"><?php echo JText::_('COM_COMMUNITYANSWERS_PUBLISHING') ?></a></li> </ul> with <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class="active"><a href="#editor" data-toggle="tab"><?php echo JText::_('COM_COMMUNITYANSWERS_POST_REPLY') ?></a></li> <?php if($showPublishingOptions):?> <li><a href="#publishing" data-toggle="tab"><?php echo JText::_('COM_COMMUNITYANSWERS_PUBLISHING') ?></a></li> <?php endif;?></ul> 2. Content replace <div class="tab-pane" id="publishing"> with <?php if($showPublishingOptions):?> <div class="tab-pane" id="publishing"> 3. Content replace <input type="hidden" name="task" value="" /> with <?php endif;?> <input type="hidden" name="task" value="" /> Green lines are inserted. Best regards, Jürgen -
Maverick replied to the topic Bug: Mixed Usernames and Names.
April 17 at 2:16 pm
Got it. Line 76 of components/com_communityanswers/views/users/tmpl/default.php <a href="/<?php echo $profileUrl;?>"><?php echo $this->escape($item->name);?></a> should be <a href="/<?php echo $profileUrl;?>"><?php echo $author;?></a> -
DMT GmbH said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic TIPP: How to show edit & delete buttons only for creators of replies and admins.
April 17 at 1:51 pm
The following like does all the work already if($reply->params->get('access-edit')){ If it doesn't, then there is some issue with the permission settings on your site. -
DMT GmbH liked a reply to the topic TIPP: How to show edit & delete buttons only for creators of replies and admins.
April 17 at 1:51 pm
DMT GmbH replied to the topic Bug: Mixed Usernames and Names.
April 17 at 1:50 pm
Sorry it was not the leaderboard, it is on userlist "view all users" -
Maverick replied to the topic Bug: Mixed Usernames and Names.
April 17 at 1:00 pm
It works fine on demo site. Is there any template override for leaderboard?