christopher gilles replied to the topic Article links in latest articles category listing go to homepage.
April 12 at 1:12 am
That worked, I mistakenly thought that creating a menu item that displays the "cjblog articles layout" would take care of this, but now that I think about it, your answer makes complete sense. thanks for the help. -
Maverick replied to the topic Article links in latest articles category listing go to homepage.
April 12 at 12:19 am
The issue could be: 1. Your article or category has a menu item which is set as default menu item (home page)2. Your article has no associated menu item of type either "Single Article" or "Category" menu item and falls back to home page menu item. How to fix? Create one menu item for each of your top level category. P.S. this is standard Joomla functionality and has nothing to do with CjBlog. -
christopher gilles created new topic Article links in latest articles category listing go to homepage.
April 12 at 12:13 am
I have created a page that lists the latest articles, I created a category "blog1" for testing. and I created a few artcles to test out, the list shows up correctly, but when I click on title or read more, it redirects to homepage? I set this up exactly the same on my dev server without an issue. I'm wondering what I should be looking for to fix this? -
Maverick replied to the topic Editing views > question > default_question.php has no effect.
April 12 at 12:12 am
That's the wrong file you are editing. The question details page layouts are moved to sharable layouts. Available in components/com_communityanswers/layouts/default(or bs3)/question/ -
DMT GmbH created new topic Editing views > question > default_question.php has no effect.
April 11 at 10:42 pm
I edited the default_question.php, but it has no effect. Dropped it tocomponents/com_communityanswers/views/question/mytemplate/layouts/com_communityanswersmytemplate/html/com_communityanswers and at last I removed it completely. It has no effect.I want to create a own layout for the default question view e.g. place author, categories, creation date in the footer panel. Please give me a hint which file I have to edit...By the way, editing views/form/tmpl/edit.php and dropping it to my template overrides worked fine. Best regards, Jürgen -
Maverick replied to the topic parse user-profile-layout page thru content plugins.
April 11 at 6:44 pm
I suggest only option 3 as the content plugins usually mess up entire layout on multiple articles page. A simple code like this in views/blog/view.html.php will do // Compute the survey slugs and prepare description (runs content plugins).foreach ($this->articles as &$item){ $item->event = new stdClass(); $dispatcher = JEventDispatcher::getInstance(); // Old plugins: Ensure that text property is available if (! isset($item->text)) { $item->text = $item->description; } JPluginHelper::importPlugin('content'); $dispatcher->trigger('onContentPrepare', array('', &$item, &$item->params, 0)); // Old plugins: Use processed text as description $item->description = $item->text; $results = $dispatcher->trigger('onContentAfterTitle', array('', &$item, &$item->params, 0)); $item->event->afterDisplayTitle = trim(implode("\n", $results)); $results = $dispatcher->trigger('onContentBeforeDisplay', array('', &$item, &$item->params, 0)); $item->event->beforeDisplayContent = trim(implode("\n", $results)); $results = $dispatcher->trigger('onContentAfterDisplay', array('', &$item, &$item->params, 0)); $item->event->afterDisplayContent = trim(implode("\n", $results)); $item->tags = new JHelperTags; $item->tags->getItemTags('com_content.article' , $item->id);} -
Maverick replied to the topic Mootools-more conflict in Community Answers.
April 11 at 5:57 pm
Can you please explain me know what exactly the problem with a screenshot and also where can I see it? I could tell you if any workaround by looking into your site. -
Ruud van Lent created new topic parse user-profile-layout page thru content plugins.
April 11 at 12:51 pm
Hi, We are currently using a new feature of Easy Profile to display the author's linked social media accounts in his author profile. This is done via the code {user socialconnect xyz} which is then parsed via the Easy Profile content plugin. Works (almost) perfect: the follow me buttons show up nice under the blog, but they do not show up in the authors user-profile-layout page (see attached image) I can adjust the code for this page to also be subject to content plugins, but wanted to check here first. Is this a good idea? should it be always on (easiest) Should it be a configuration option: 'Prepare content': Yes / No? (like the custom html module) -
masoumeh Esfandiari Gharibvand created new topic Mootools-more conflict in Community Answers.
April 11 at 11:43 am
Hi, I just installed licensed Community Answers on Joomla 3, I had some CSS mistakes which made links and <li>s display: none, I disabled mootools-more , The Community Answers problems solved but now The taging and attachment field does not work when adding new question. I would be grateful if you inform me what should I do. Best Wishes -
Gert Taeymans liked a reply to the topic Error Class 'SurveyPagination' not found.
April 9 at 7:26 am
Gert Taeymans said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Error Class 'SurveyPagination' not found.
April 9 at 7:25 am
Please update to latest version. -
Maverick replied to the topic "Matching" Question Type - Broken Layout.
April 8 at 10:07 pm
Please send me all the issues in email to support at corejoomla dot com. Please include your website and admin user details. -
Maverick replied to the topic How do I get rid of the top part?.
April 8 at 10:05 pm
hmm.. then it must be some issue with jquery or bootstrap as the tab should show options. Please send me your website details using contact us form so that I can check it (or can provide you fix for accessing options from backend.) -
Stephan Botha replied to the topic How do I get rid of the top part?.
April 8 at 6:37 pm
The front end options are completely broken. -
Stephan Botha replied to the topic "Matching" Question Type - Broken Layout.
April 8 at 6:34 pm
The survey can be found here: Choose the STARTUP option for question 2. There are lots of issues with this Component. Can I please add you on Skype so we can have some instant messages between us? -
Maverick replied to the topic "Matching" Question Type - Broken Layout.
April 8 at 5:36 pm
Where can I see this? -
Maverick replied to the topic How do I get rid of the top part?.
April 8 at 5:34 pm
All buttons uses Bootstrap css. If your template uses bootstrap, it will follow the same. Cancel button can be disabled from your survey options, edit your survey and disable that option. (Note: the option is presently displayed only if you edit survey from front-end, this will be fixed in next release.) -
Stephan Botha replied to the topic "Matching" Question Type - Broken Layout.
April 8 at 1:48 pm
Hello? -
Stephan Botha replied to the topic How do I get rid of the top part?.
April 8 at 6:55 am
One more question, is there a way to get rid of the "Cancel" button and why aren't the other buttons following the website theme/css? Only the next/continue buttons are