Peter Müller created new topic TCPDF ERROR: Could not include font definition file: freesans.
July 7 at 3:18 am
Every time I want to to create a pdf-report of a survey I get the following message: TCPDF ERROR: Could not include font definition file: freesans -
Kwasi Duah created new topic Results not working.
July 6 at 11:18 pm
Hi, I just upgraded and my results do not show at all. Also when it was working before the upgrade it showed the surveys and after taking the survey i saw the results but it should show just results not making me take it first. Please help me thanks. -
Maverick replied to the topic detection of fraudulent/unreal submissions.
July 5 at 6:54 pm
No, presently there are no such detection in place. -
kristof replied to the topic detection of fraudulent/unreal submissions.
July 5 at 6:30 am
have you considered more advanced techniques? like people filling in the form too fast -
Maverick replied to the topic detection of fraudulent/unreal submissions.
July 4 at 7:13 pm
In both the components you can restrict users from voting/answering multiple times on same poll/survey (using ip or username or cookies). -
kristof created new topic detection of fraudulent/unreal submissions.
July 4 at 5:54 pm
Is there something implemented in Community surveys or community polls to detect fraudulent andwsers. For example people who are just submitting the form as fast as they can, without really thinking of their answers. other example: elimination of double IP addresses or double sessions -
Maverick replied to the topic Configure to Display Two Columns of Options.
July 3 at 9:45 pm
First of all please do not reopen such an old threads, create your own. You need to override the layout components/com_communitypolls/views/poll/tmpl/default_answers.php -
Matthew Adams replied to the topic Configure to Display Two Columns of Options.
July 3 at 7:17 pm
I found this in the forum. I believe it is a little outdated. I too would like to have my poll optiond displayed in 2 columns to shorten the list. Just a thought, it might be helpful to add the option to select the number of columns on each poll? Thanks, Matt -
Maverick replied to the topic Crosswords No Longer Supported?.
July 3 at 6:59 pm
Unfortunately the cost of supporting it is more so I could not offer support for it. However the component is made available to everyone who want to try and configure it on their own. -
Maverick replied to the topic Can Community Quiz Component Do This?.
July 3 at 6:53 pm
For your first question: It will display the message which is most suitable. i.e. if user score 10 marks and you have two messages - one for score 5 and other for 10. Then the app will show message for 10 only as the user scored 10 marks. it will not display message for 5. For your second question: If you choose to display template, it will show all your template module positions, i.e. left/right sidebar, headers and footers etc. Otherwise it will hide all module positions. In any case the app uses bootstrap library. -
Robert Stones created new topic Crosswords No Longer Supported?.
July 3 at 3:03 pm
Hi Mav, I thought of a cool training method by delivering certain information security buzz words and tech jargon, that could be put into a monthly crossword for e.g. and given to my registered members, kind of an engaging way to make people more cyber aware etc. Then I notice on the main marketing page for Community Crosswords, it says it is no longer supported - or it is but only for members who had it, when you decided to stop new support, is this correct please? I only ask, as I have looked in JED and there is not ONE other Crossword option. :( I look forward to your response. Regards, -
Robert Stones replied to the topic Can Community Quiz Component Do This?.
July 3 at 2:55 pm
Actually, scrub that Mav - I couldn't find it by creating a demo quiz in the frontend version of your demo site but I went to the admin backend of your demo site this time and I now see the Scorewise Message feature, to the right side of when creating a new quiz. So if my scorewise messages are; Question 1 & Answer 1 = 5 pts for a correct answer and message of "Service 1 is advised". When the quiz scores are totalled at the end of it, if a user has scored 5 or more, they see the message Service 1 for e.g.? So if I add another question; Question 2 & Answer 2 = 10 pts for a correct answer and message of "Service 2 is advised" - does this mean that it will only show the message for the 2nd answer at the end of the quiz, as they've reached 10 pts - or will it show the message for answer 1 and 2 as 5pts is surpassed and also 10 pts for the 2nd answer? So in a quiz being setup in extended options, I now note the following too; Points/Response = Points/Failed Response = Is the Scorewise Message feature embedded in to the + positive points reponse feature, the - negative points response feature or neither please? I am just wanting to see further, if I use the Scorewise message feature, how I choose to construct, design and create the points system; so that it all works and makes sense to get what I need from it. Also, I see Category quiz can have more than one page, does this mean to get pagination - category quiz is the only choice, or can pagination be had with the normal quiz? Lastly for now, I notice it says "You can choose whether your quiz should be displayed with or without your template. Great for taking response on full screen." So if I want to display with my template, it's a Rockettheme Gantry5 template, I believe which uses Bootstrap, will your quiz component take on the design elements of my normal template then? I look forward to your thoughts. Regards, -
Robert Stones replied to the topic Can Community Quiz Component Do This?.
July 3 at 2:39 pm
Mav, Thanks for the reply. However, as I can't find documentation for the quiz component, I don't know where to look in the demo for 'Scorewise Messages' feature that you talk about in your original reply above? Can you please point me to this or send me a screenshot, what this feature looks like in the backend please. I need to test it out first hand before committing to any purchase of the component. I look forward to hearing from you. Regards -
Maverick replied to the topic No jomsocial points in Community Surveys.
July 3 at 11:23 am
You are correct. Attached the rules file -
gee replied to the topic No jomsocial points in Community Surveys.
July 3 at 9:38 am
You're missing jomsocial_rule.xml in communitysurveys.xml 's file list: <filename>jomsocial_rule.xml</filename> After adding it the file is copied to site folder. -
gee created new topic No jomsocial points in Community Surveys.
July 3 at 9:33 am
Hello. There is no JomSocial rule in Community Surveys anymore. I can not find out how to reward taking a survey. It looks like its gone. -
Maverick replied to the topic Can Community Quiz Component Do This?.
July 2 at 11:04 pm
I believe you can do this with Community Quiz. Go ahead and create one on demo site to see if it fits your need exactly the way you want. For final messages, you can use the Scorewise messages feature to display custom message. -
Robert Stones created new topic Can Community Quiz Component Do This?.
July 2 at 5:54 pm
Hi Mav, I'd like to see if your Community Quiz can do the following in it's Vanilla flavour please? I need to create let's call it a 'Risk Assessment' which is predominantly question and text based but may need images to explain things but it's essentially a quizz. Question 1 - With Single Answer and max score of 10 Question 2 - With Multiple Answer and max score of 5 End of Quizz with the following output. A numerical total score is fine but I need to attach my site's paid services / products names to the questions if that makes sense, so the final output would be something like; Question 1 scored with 10 total - this means you are advised to choose X service Question 2 scored with 5 total - this means you are advised to choose Y service I hope you can understand my methodology above but if not, as this is an incredibly important item I need to find a component solution for, that's as close to the above - please DO ask me anything additional, for you to understand my needs and fingers crossed the above can be delivered with your quizz component. P.S. I'm wondering if the above requirement, can be served with Conditional states added to each Question, Answer and the overall outcome? I look forward to hearing from you. Regards, -
Maverick replied to the topic How to use custom answer in Polls.
July 1 at 8:54 pm
Matthew Adams wrote: I get the same error. The code referenced above is commented out. Has there been any other update to this? THX. Are you using latest version? -
Matthew Adams replied to the topic How to use custom answer in Polls.
July 1 at 8:42 pm
I get the same error. The code referenced above is commented out. Has there been any other update to this? THX.