Maverick replied to the topic Community Quiz to alphauserpoints.
June 21 at 9:10 pm
Gain points -> Already present Loose points -> Will add it, when user fail quiz. This is a new feature. -
Maverick replied to the topic Remove title part for an name field.
June 21 at 9:01 pm
Can you post what you have done? The instructions in the mentioned url are still valid and should work. -
hlv008 replied to the topic Community Quiz to alphauserpoints.
June 21 at 11:38 am
Hi: 1.Please add Category Quiz Earn points ( Points / Response )Category Quiz lost points ( Points / Response ) 2.Please add Exam does not pass lost points 3. CSV to XML I'll try XML. Thank you! -
Olivier Frascone created new topic Remove title part for an name field.
June 21 at 6:52 am
Hi, i find this post relative to my problerm : So like this user, when i add a Name field in the survey i obtain three fields : - Title- First name - Last name I would like to remove the title field : I tried the solution provided in the thread but can't have it working. Any help ? Thanks ! -
Maverick replied to the topic Community survey special field.
June 21 at 5:29 am
Looks to be mixing of multiple questions of different types. I have never see question type like this :-) Anyway, I will check if it is possible to add such question type without doing drastic DB changes as the database was designed for same type questions in the grid. -
Maverick replied to the topic Community Quiz to alphauserpoints.
June 21 at 5:27 am
1. Category Quiz Earn points ( Points / Response ) This is already added. 2. Category Quiz lost points ( Points / Response ) Will add it. 3. Exam does not pass lost points Isn't it same as pt.2? 4. Please add CSV import Quiz It is little difficult and confusing as the questions, answers etc relationships need to be defined properly. Please use xml import feature. -
Maverick replied to the topic Collect Emails & Phone numbers.
June 21 at 5:23 am
Aren't they simply another question of type textbox? Probably I can add validation rules on the textbox which allows you to enforce text input as you like using regex. -
Olivier Frascone replied to the topic Community survey special field.
June 20 at 9:32 am
Like this : -
Olivier Frascone replied to the topic Community survey special field.
June 20 at 9:18 am
A possibility could be to have a predefined line : like 5 line (so we remove the add child button), but need to know to have : 5 lines with two filed by line, one : free text and the second dropdown menu ? -
Olivier Frascone replied to the topic Community survey special field.
June 20 at 8:51 am
I saw the rating possibility but sadly i can't use it cause i need to customize the text :( -
Olivier Frascone created new topic Community survey special field.
June 20 at 8:48 am
Hi, i need to create a question with : - user can add infinite line of answer. - each answer has a second column with a dropdown answer. Example : add infinite line like frame 2 (this to add participants to the past event). line who is added when you click to add a child button. simple text field. dropdown answer with predefinited answer. The idea is to provide the possibility to the participants to an event to provide feedback about the event.So participants 1 : name - your feedback : good, not good, ... If it's not possible, any idea how i can do such thing ? Thanks ! -
Nichola Caddy created new topic Collect Emails & Phone numbers.
June 20 at 5:50 am
A feature I think would be beneficial is to be able to collect user information such as emails or phone numbers either beore starting or when finished the quiz. I would like this inforamation for marketing purposes. -
hlv008 replied to the topic Community Quiz to alphauserpoints.
June 20 at 5:40 am
Hello Maverick:1.Please addCategory Quiz Earn points ( Points / Response )Category Quiz lost points ( Points / Response )2.Exam does not pass lost pointsYes, this feature is already implemented and will be there in next release.Four months ago theFor a long time ...Thank you! -
Maverick replied to the topic 20 invitations are added to queue and will be sent to the invitees shortly..
June 19 at 5:12 pm
So you are not using latest version v4.1.9. Please download it and update it again. -
Ernst Steiger said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic 20 invitations are added to queue and will be sent to the invitees shortly..
June 19 at 2:42 pm
Edit and check if following line present in the file administrator/components/com_communitysurveys/models/invitebase.php public function inviteUserGroups($limitstart = 0, $limit = 5000) -
Ernst Steiger replied to the topic 20 invitations are added to queue and will be sent to the invitees shortly..
June 19 at 2:37 pm
Nope, the limit was set to 20.. -
John O'Dea replied to the topic Permission denied: virtualcron.txt.
June 19 at 12:34 am
Okay, thanks for that. I don't need the cron function, so it's not a big deal, thankfully. -
Maverick replied to the topic Permission denied: virtualcron.txt.
June 18 at 1:46 pm
I am not sure what else can go wrong, the error clearly shows permission is denied to modify the file. It must be some other restriction on your server which is restricting the script to create or modify file. There is nothing I can do from the coding perspective as this is being restricted at your server level itself. -
John O'Dea replied to the topic Permission denied: virtualcron.txt.
June 18 at 10:22 am
The apache user owns the file, with permissions -rwxr-xr-x -
Maverick replied to the topic Permission denied: virtualcron.txt.
June 18 at 8:52 am
Is that file writable by the apache user? what are the file permissions?