yorai ronen created new topic overriding polls_list.php & category_list.php ?.
July 20 at 10:37 pm
Hello Maverick, i could'nt find any related thread in the forum so i'm posting a new one. i'm successfully using CP on one of my sites, and with the growin number of polls we're building a new arew on the site which we be dedicated to CP. i'm using Joomla overrides (the usual method) to override all the layouts in the folder '/httpdocs/components/com_communitypolls/views'. but - some of those files 'pull' from 2 common files - polls_list.php & category_list.php - to create the acutal lists of polls / categories, for example in Category Menu Item. these 2 fiels are in the folder '/httpdocs/components/com_communitypolls/layouts/default' (or /bootsrap), which is not in the normal overrdie method we are familiar with. can you please point me in how to override these fiels, if that is possible? thank you very much Yorai -
Maverick replied to the topic Change question type.
July 20 at 6:36 pm
Update the value manually in the database table. Table: XXX_survey_questionsField: question_type Update the value from 2 to 3. -
Robert R Daddi created new topic Change question type.
July 20 at 2:51 pm
I have a survey with multiple answers to more than 100 questions and I would like to change them from multiple selection (checkbox) to single selection (radio button) what is the easiest way to do that? Thank you. -
Maverick replied to the topic 404 on Survey Pages.
July 20 at 5:35 am
Robert R Daddi wrote: I'm getting this 404 as well. What was the fix for it? Hi Robert, this post has nothing to do with your issue as this is very old thread and no more valid issue. Please do not bump old threads, instead create one with detailed description of the issue which can help me understand it better. -
Midhat said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic The markers are missing on category page.
July 18 at 9:56 pm
I have no idea what you have customized the code. However now I see both pages shows 404 error with below image missing. /modules/mod_gpxtracks/tmpl/images/Markacija.png -
Midhat replied to the topic The markers are missing on category page.
July 18 at 9:56 pm
Solved! Thank you -
Maverick replied to the topic The markers are missing on category page.
July 18 at 9:18 pm
I have no idea what you have customized the code. However now I see both pages shows 404 error with below image missing. /modules/mod_gpxtracks/tmpl/images/Markacija.png -
Maverick replied to the topic Database Field missing: SQL Error.
July 18 at 9:15 pm
It depends on what default value you have set when you are creating state field in your db table. Edit your table and set default value of state field to 1. -
Midhat replied to the topic The markers are missing on category page.
July 18 at 8:55 pm
What is the full path of the image? Is it: /gps-tracks/images/Markacija.png? -
Jan Weigel replied to the topic Database Field missing: SQL Error.
July 18 at 8:12 pm
That didn't really help. I reinstalled the file "" again, but the state field was still missing. I created the state field manually in the database and now I can acces the result pages in the backend. However, the survey responses always have a state of 0 even if they were filled completely and the completed date is set correctly in the survey_responses table. The state field in the survey_responses table still is 0. Shouldn't the state get another value automatically if the survey was filled completely? -
Maverick replied to the topic Database Field missing: SQL Error.
July 18 at 7:10 pm
Looks like the upgrade script was not run. Please install the package and it should recreate the table fields. -
Jan Weigel created new topic Databse Field missing: SQL Error.
July 18 at 8:24 am
Hello, I purchased and installed the community survesy package V. 4.1.9 and I get SQL errors everytime the code tries to access the field "state" of table "survey_responses" because this field does not exists. I checked the install SQL scripts and there is no field "state" in the table "survey_responses". But the code tries to access this field at many different places. Therefore every response related action fails. Could you please provide a fix for this bug as soon as possible. I also have another question: Is it possible to automatically set a response to published if the survey was filled completely or do I always have to set the state to published manually? Thank you -
Maverick replied to the topic The markers are missing on category page.
July 17 at 5:31 am
Looks like you have customized the markers, I see 404 error on some marker image. /gps-tracks/images/Markacija.png Make sure the images are present. -
Midhat created new topic The markers are missing the category page.
July 16 at 7:52 pm
Hi, On the main page all markers displayed on the map: But on teh category page markers missing: How can I solve it? -
Maverick replied to the topic Users can vote multiple times.
July 16 at 9:30 am
Private poll is accessible only through private url. You need not use this flag to restrict multiple voting. Go to Components->Community Polls->Click on Options button on toolbar->Shared Options tab->Enable Username restriction on Vote Restriction Method option. -
Maverick replied to the topic TCPDF ERROR: Could not include font definition file: freesans.
July 16 at 9:27 am
Can you pls send me your website details using contact us form so that I can check and fix it? -
Steve Lewis created new topic Users can vote multiple times.
July 15 at 11:38 pm
I'm trying to create a private, anonymous poll, that is only accessible to logged in users. I'm having trouble with a couple things. 1) When the poll is set to private, I get the error "You are not authorised to view this resource." on the frontend, when I try to vote. 2) If I disbale private poll and cast a vote, I'm able to refresh the page and cast additional votes. How do I prevent the user from doing this? They should only be allowed to vote once. Regards, Steve -
Peter Müller liked a reply to the topic TCPDF ERROR: Could not include font definition file: freesans.
July 15 at 6:30 am
Peter Müller replied to the topic TCPDF ERROR: Could not include font definition file: freesans.
July 15 at 6:29 am
Yes, this file exists.