Fred The Coder replied to the topic How to use custom answer in Polls.
August 8 at 7:21 pm
I am using FireFox (of course!!)... After a refresh (clear cache) it worked... I will retry on my DEV env and let you know. Thank you for your support... -
Maverick replied to the topic How to use custom answer in Polls.
August 8 at 6:49 pm
Just did that, I can vote with just entering the custom answer. -> Which browser you are using?-> Can you clear your browser cache and try? -
Christophe Ralle replied to the topic "please wait ..." appears and then nothing..
August 8 at 1:27 pm
If I enable authentication, as I identified in front, it's working. I find it a little strange operation. -
Fred The Coder replied to the topic How to use custom answer in Polls.
August 8 at 8:27 am
OK, So just go there: Enter a custom answer, without anything else. Press "Vote Now" button => "this field is required" message does appear, whereas it should not and custom answer recorded...isn't it? Thanks -
Maverick replied to the topic How to use custom answer in Polls.
August 7 at 8:11 pm
Just to clarify how it works: -> Custom answer will be recorded as new option-> User vote is registered on the new option as well as whatever other options he select -
Maverick replied to the topic How to use custom answer in Polls.
August 7 at 8:10 pm
I have installed it on demo site, you can check any active poll which has custom answer enabled. -
Fred The Coder replied to the topic How to use custom answer in Polls.
August 7 at 7:12 pm
My usecase is your second one: -> User can enter only custom answer and vote I still have the message "This field is required"... I guess in both cases, stack answer or not. Can you please provide me a test environment where it works as you describe? I cannot on my side, I am still in DEV env on my local PC... P.S.: In this usecase "-> User can enter custom answer and select existing answer", will the custom answer be considerred as "voted"? Thank you -
Maverick replied to the topic How to use custom answer in Polls.
August 7 at 6:38 pm
I am not sure about the usecase you are referring to. I tried multiple times with different test cases. -> User can select existing answers and vote-> User can enter only custom answer and vote-> User can enter custom answer and select existing answer Can you post sample instructions about the bug? 1. Will add this. 2. Added this: COM_COMMUNITYPOLLS_MESSAGE_ALREADY_VOTED_MODIFY="You have already voted on this poll. Your current selections are: ...." -
Fred The Coder replied to the topic How to use custom answer in Polls.
August 6 at 1:29 pm
Hello Maverick, I installed the package you provided me as a fix. Unfortunately, it does not solve the issue. In a poll of checkbox type, I still need to select a choice whereas I just want to provide my own choice, which is not I guess the expected behaviour. Indeed it will imply the user to vote for a choice to be able to add its own one. On top, the added choice is not selected/voted.. Thus I am afraid you have to set this bug as NOT FIXED.Also, as suggestions, it will be nice to have: 1/ a dedicated button to add a custom answer (and not using the "vote" button) such as "Add my choice" for instance. 2/ for poll with settings "modify answers" (COM_COMMUNITYPOLLS_FIELD_MODIFY_ANSWERS_LABEL) enabled: 2-1/ change the message COM_COMMUNITYPOLLS_MESSAGE_ALREADY_VOTED="You have already voted on this poll." to something like COM_COMMUNITYPOLLS_MESSAGE_ALREADY_VOTED_MODIFY="You have already voted on this poll, but you can modify your vote." 2-2/ display/select the already voted choice(s) of the current user as a reminder for him/her. Thank you for your feedback on each point... -
yorai ronen said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Display Avatar of users who took the quiz.
August 6 at 7:05 am
I will add these features. -
yorai ronen liked the topic Display Avatar of users who took the quiz.
August 6 at 7:04 am
I would like to request an optional function to display a row of small avatar icons for each quiz on the main listing page. This makes it more interesting and social. -
yorai ronen liked a reply to the topic Quiz plugin for AltaUSerPoints not working.
August 6 at 6:39 am
Maverick replied to the topic "please wait ..." appears and then nothing..
August 5 at 6:28 pm
No, with the user details you sent to me, I am able to see the survey without any errors. -
Maverick replied to the topic Invalid extension update?.
August 5 at 5:41 pm
This is caused by Joomla security update 3.6.1. You need to download and update package manually. -
Horst Baumgartner replied to the topic [403] You are not authorized to view this resource..
August 5 at 5:08 pm
Dear, Its working now. I hade to change the API Type from "Browser" to "Server".. Thank you so much :)) -
Horst Baumgartner replied to the topic [403] You are not authorized to view this resource..
August 5 at 1:28 pm
Dear, I contacted the hosting company to modify the following max_execution_time: To be 120 max_input_time: To be 240 memory_limit: To be 256 post_max_size: To be 120M upload_max_filesize: To be 50M default_socket_timeout: To be 240 In the meanwhile, please check this (from my google drive) gpx file I downloaded from one of the tracks I created using the tool. I tested it on a thirdparty tool ( and the elevation data was showen without problems. Regards, -
Fred The Coder replied to the topic How to use custom answer in Polls.
August 5 at 1:21 pm
OK Maverick, I did so... Hope you got it? -
Pierre van Lier created new topic Invalid extension update?.
August 5 at 9:57 am
Joomla reports an update of the CJlib package (version 247). I have entered a valid download id and enabled the plugin. When i hit the button I get an 'invalid extension update' mesagge. Am I overlooking something (joomla 3.6.2) -
Christophe Ralle replied to the topic "please wait ..." appears and then nothing..
August 5 at 7:47 am
Hello,I emptied the Joomla cache purge ficheirs expired. I tested on multiple browsers, multiple machines (PC / Mac) and I still have the same problem ...You do not have the message that is displayed please wait?I sent you a ticket with all access / login so you can test -
Maverick replied to the topic "please wait ..." appears and then nothing..
August 5 at 5:40 am
You browser must be using cache. I took survey on your demo site again and see no such error. Please clear your browser cache and try again. Or try in a different browser.