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  • Christophe Ralle replied to the topic "please wait ..." appears and then nothing..

    August 4 at 10:15 pm

    Update ok but same problem ReferenceError: noty is not defined   var n = noty({text: message, type: 'information', theme: 'relax', timeout: 5000,...               cj.surveys.min.js (ligne 1214, col. 13)

    8 years ago

  • Maverick replied to the topic [403] You are not authorized to view this resource..

    August 4 at 8:53 pm

    Looks like the available resources on your site are too low. Everytime, it try to generate gpx data, it is getting timedout. Please increase your php resource limits like max execution time (60 sec), memory limit (min 64mb) etc.

    8 years ago

  • Horst Baumgartner replied to the topic [403] You are not authorized to view this resource..

    August 4 at 7:42 pm

    Data are now sent. Please check Kindly reply with answer her rather than sending an email. Since the associated email is for my boss and I dont have access to it. Regards

    8 years ago

  • Maverick replied to the topic [403] You are not authorized to view this resource..

    August 4 at 7:28 pm

    Can you send me your website details using contact us form to check it?

    8 years ago

  • yorai ronen added the topic to his favorites: Hide "registered by 1 voter(s)".

    August 4 at 6:57 pm

    Maverick Been a long time but have just upgraded to the new CP version on new Ratings.Com.Au Need to know how 1/. How to hide the information on polls that displays "registered by xx voter(s)" 2/. How to show the "View Results" first when a visitor views the poll instead of the "Vote Now"  3/. How to hide the "created by .. and date"  - Appears to display in cateory view 4/. Hide "Vote Timline" from displaying  Will have more questions later

    8 years ago

  • Horst Baumgartner replied to the topic [403] You are not authorized to view this resource..

    August 4 at 6:54 pm

    I cleared them now .. but still no result. Any other suggestions?

    8 years ago

  • Maverick replied to the topic [403] You are not authorized to view this resource..

    August 4 at 6:46 pm

    I can see it is enabled only today, so please clear your cache and js cache in tracks page of your gps tools component (admin site).

    8 years ago

  • Horst Baumgartner replied to the topic [403] You are not authorized to view this resource..

    August 4 at 6:09 pm

    Dear,    Thank you for your response. I'm not using a GPX file, I'm drowing all the tracks manually. I am sure that the API is enabled and working. Is there any other API to enable rather than Elevation API ??  

    8 years ago

  • yorai ronen added the topic to his favorites: Facebook Share Button.

    August 4 at 5:57 pm

    Hi!How can i add the Facebook Share Button to polls?default_extra.php i found this: <?php if(in_array('fblike', $sharing_services)):?> <a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" fb:like:layout="button_count"></a> <?php endif;?> This only shows the Like Button, is it possible to add the Share Button to?   Thank you

    8 years ago

  • Maverick replied to the topic Questions always on top in their Category.

    August 4 at 5:56 pm

    Added to the to-do list.

    8 years ago

  • Maverick replied to the topic [403] You are not authorized to view this resource..

    August 4 at 5:55 pm

    You can't submit tracks as guest user, this is expected behavior. Elevation chart will be shown only when the provided gpx file has elevation data. If there is no elevation details in the file, it will try to fetch details from Google elevation api, make sure you have enabled the api in your key. Please note that there are per day/hour limits set by google which may effect this.

    8 years ago

  • Maverick replied to the topic How to use custom answer in Polls.

    August 4 at 5:38 pm

    The bugfix was not yet released in any version, I believe I provided the fix to you. If not please send me a mail using contact us form and I can provide you the package.

    8 years ago

  • yorai ronen added the topic to his favorites: Urgent - PHP7 Bug.

    August 4 at 5:30 pm

    Originally, I thought this was an htaccess bug but Community Polls does not seem to be compatible wih PHP7: After installing PHP7, when submitting a vote using the component or when embedding a poll, voting fails. In console when viewing the component and voting, I get this error: jquery.min.js:5 POST 500 (Call to undefined function MaxMind\Db\Reader\bcadd())send @ jquery.min.js:5m.extend.ajax @ jquery.min.js:5(anonymous function) @ cj.polls.min.js:466m.event.dispatch @ jquery.min.js:4r.handle @ jquery.min.js:4 Reverting to PHP 5.6 allows me to vote again. Using: PHP 7.0.5

    8 years ago

  • yorai ronen said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic How to use custom answer in Polls.

    August 4 at 5:23 pm

    You just need to remove the code and clear cache. I can provide you the package but since it will be released this week you may want to wait for it.

    8 years ago

  • Horst Baumgartner replied to the topic [403] You are not authorized to view this resource..

    August 4 at 5:21 pm

    Dear, its working now I can view the track with/without sign in .. the problem was that I had ton install Captua plugin .. I have two things now .. I can't create track without sign-in (the permissions are set allow to all) .. and also the elevation data is not shown.,   Thank you

    8 years ago

  • yorai ronen added the topic to his favorites: How to use custom answer in Polls.

    August 4 at 5:20 pm

    Hello, I would like to test polls where "custom answer" is enabled or "stack answer". On my website, with such settings, when enterring a new answer in the dedicated field with placeholder text "Others, please enter here:, I have the error message "this field is required" when clicking on vote button. Thus I created a poll on your demo site: To check if the issue is related to my environment, but I have the same issue on your demo site. Could you please explain how end users can enter his/her own answer in a poll that allow this? In both cases "enable" and "stack answer". Thank you.

    8 years ago

  • yorai ronen liked the topic How to use custom answer in Polls.

    August 4 at 5:20 pm

    Hello, I would like to test polls where "custom answer" is enabled or "stack answer". On my website, with such settings, when enterring a new answer in the dedicated field with placeholder text "Others, please enter here:, I have the error message "this field is required" when clicking on vote button. Thus I created a poll on your demo site: To check if the issue is related to my environment, but I have the same issue on your demo site. Could you please explain how end users can enter his/her own answer in a poll that allow this? In both cases "enable" and "stack answer". Thank you.

    8 years ago

  • Horst Baumgartner replied to the topic Uploaded track not showing Elevation information.

    August 4 at 5:04 pm

    Dear, its working now I can view the track with/without sign in .. the problem was that I had ton install Captua plugin .. I have two things now .. I can't create track without sign-in (the permissions are set allow to all) .. and also the elevation data is not shown.,   Thank you

    8 years ago

  • Fred The Coder replied to the topic How to use custom answer in Polls.

    August 4 at 1:42 pm

    Hello Maverick, Hope you're doing well... Where do we stand with this issue? Unfortunately, It is still there on my side, even after having removed the both pieces of code yo mentionned: The issue is caused by below code in media/com_communitypolls/js/cj.polls.min.js. I will be removing this in next version. As version, I have: 4.4.4 for CommunityPolls and CjLib Version 2.4.6.. Thank you for your feedback.  

    8 years ago

  • Horst Baumgartner created new topic [403] You are not authorized to view this resource..

    August 4 at 1:10 pm

    Dear, Good day After I created the first track, when I want to open it I get the message: [403] You are not authorized to view this resource. I'm sure that I have made the Track view and Track create (allowed) for all. Please check below:   Best Regards,

    8 years ago

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