Anthony replied to the topic need help with i think the installation process or configuration.
August 24 at 6:55 pm
the latest 1.4.2 -
Maverick replied to the topic need help with i think the installation process or configuration.
August 24 at 5:11 pm
What is the version of CjBlog and CjLib components you are using? -
Maverick replied to the topic Assign Poll to an Author from Users-list.
August 24 at 5:10 pm
You can change the poll author name from backend. Edit poll from admin site polls page and select Created By option under publishing tab. -
Maverick replied to the topic can't assing poll category if the languaghe is not ALL.
August 24 at 5:06 pm
Can you please send me your website details using contact us form so that I can check it? -
Maverick replied to the topic poll buttons not working on component's pages.
August 24 at 5:05 pm
There is an error shown on browser console related to tabs. Try this edit components/com_communitypolls/communitypolls.php and remove below line JHtml::_('behavior.tabstate'); -
Anthony created new topic need help with i think the installation process or configuration.
August 24 at 3:40 pm
i installed CJBlog... it shows up in the components menus.... when i click on options such as Dashboard it shows up as a blank screen... it also happens when i tried to add CJBlog to a menu item, even when i try to go to the Badges.... any segestions -
yorai ronen created new topic Assign Poll to an Author from Users-list.
August 24 at 2:15 pm
hi maverick, on my site i have about 20 authors who post articles in the blog, and since a few weeks ago - also polls that are attached to the articles with CP. in the poll options there is an 'author' field in the 'metadata' section - but it seems that no matter what you put there, the poll is assigned to the actual Joomla user who technicely created it. this is a problem for me since all the items & polls are created by the site's manager, who use the same Super-User account to create them all. in the K2 items we can assign the item to a specific user, but in CP i can't find such option. i need to assign the polls to the right users so i can create pages & modules with filtering like "all polls by Yorai Ronen". is there a way to do it in CP, besides creating the polls with the actual users we want the poll assigned to? thanks yorai ronen -
yorai ronen created new topic can't assing poll category if the languaghe is not ALL.
August 24 at 2:04 pm
hi maverick, i have a wierd problem with tha languaghe configurations on CP. my site is in hebrew & english but the polls are used only on the hebrew sections - all the menu items, polls, etc, are defined as HEBREW language. but - when i set a category as Hebrew, it doesn't load in the category-choosing-dropdown, when creating or editing a poll. when i set the category languagh back as ALL, it re-apears in the dropdown. the polls themselves are set as Hebrew. not sure if it's related - but i also have a small language problem in k2 - when i try to choose the Item's author in the back-end (on the item creation page), i can't do a search with Hebrew charachtars - only english. so maybe there is some site-width error that is messing up the Hebrew? not sure but thought it was worth mentioning. can you please assit with this problem? thanks yorai ronen -
yorai ronen created new topic poll buttons not working on component's pages.
August 24 at 1:56 pm
hi maverick, i have a problem with the voting buttons on of CP, only on the component's poll menu item. for example this page (hebrew - buttons below poll in blue and green). the voting IS WORKING when i use the Poll Content Plugin to place a poll inside K2 item - for example here. i also have Community Survesy installed on the site (with 1 survey published) and is working well on the component's page. can you pleas assist in solving this issue? thanks yorai ronen -
Maverick replied to the topic Updated to version 4.2.1 and can't access surveys.
August 22 at 11:40 am
Do you see any error on browser console? Debug the ajax request using below procedure. -
Karen Johnson replied to the topic Updated to version 4.2.1 and can't access surveys.
August 22 at 9:35 am
Hi Maverick I changed it over to the menu type single survey and it now lets me see them. We currently have 3 active surveys and 2 of them are now working. The third, when you get to the end and click finish just then hangs on PLEASE WAIT. A response is submitted at some level as it appears on the responses page. But we don't get an email to say a response has been submitted and it doesn't seem possible to see a PDF of the response. I have looked at the surveys that are working and those that aren't and there doesn't seem to be any difference. I tried rebuilding the survey from scratch and at first that worked, before I added any questions in. When I added the radio grid question back in, then it seemed to stop working. But another survey which IS working also has a radio grid so I can't see that it can be this. -
Karen Johnson said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Updated to version 4.2.1 and can't access surveys.
August 22 at 8:23 am
You need to change your menu items and update them with new menu item types. For example, surveys listing menu item type to list all public surveys. -
Maverick replied to the topic Questions' category access permission problem.
August 22 at 7:17 am
Thanks for the explanation. I found where the issue is and fixed it. I am preparing a new release for this. -
Scott replied to the topic Invalid Controller Error.
August 22 at 7:13 am
That fixed it... Thank you. -
Maverick replied to the topic Invalid Controller Error.
August 22 at 6:51 am
This looks quite strange. JRoute function is returning your homepage url in this case instead of component page and hence the issue. Here is some workaround for solving this issue. Edit components/com_communityanswers/layouts/default/ask_form.php and find <form action="<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php');?>" method="post" class="no-space-bottom margin-top-10"> Change it to <form action="<?php echo JRoute::_(CommunityAnswersHelperRoute::getFormRoute());?>" method="post" class="no-space-bottom margin-top-10"> -
Scott created new topic Invalid Controller Error.
August 22 at 2:51 am
I am using a fresh Joomla 3.6.2 and fresh Community Answers 4.3.3. All plugins are enabled. Heres a link to one of the category pages... I click on any of the 5 categories I have set up and then I attempt to ask a question from the Ask A Question field. I am then taken to an error page with the following message. 0 - Invalid controller: name='question', format='' If you need access to the back end to troubleshoot please let me know. Thank you... -
Maverick replied to the topic Invalid controller.
August 21 at 8:39 pm
I don't see any such error with CA. Please create a separate thread with all relevant information about the error (steps to reproduce) to debug the issue. Please make sure you have latest version of the component installed. -
Scott replied to the topic Invalid controller.
August 21 at 10:44 am
Hi - I also have this same error message when using Community Answers. It only happens while asking a question. 0 - Invalid controller: name='question', format='' Thank you for your help... Joomla 3.6.2 Community Answers 4.3.3 -
Maverick replied to the topic Questions' category access permission problem.
August 21 at 7:04 am
Can you please send me your website and admin user details using contact us form so that I can check and fix if there is any issue? -
Maverick replied to the topic Questions' category access permission problem.
August 20 at 7:37 pm
Can you post screenshots of the permission settings?